Sony wins
Sony wins
>Sony owns Activision
This was a really sad attempt
>more people watched a 30 second teaser than an entire direct
Nintendo is doomed
I thought IIII was a shitty meme, it's actually real?
this kills the >IIII poster
Uh huh I totally want to buy this same game again for the 15th time. /s
don't forget the people who only wanted to watch the important part of the direct.
I was talking about cod actually.
The live stream video was deleted.
This is the uploaded video.
The live stream had 450,000 viewers more than Sony, Ubisoft, Microsoft entire e3 press conference COMBINED.
i watched it on my switch
I thought you guys said Call of Duty was Xbox
>CoD, Sony Only.
It is, and it is technically correct.
Dunno if youre talking about cod or nintendo games
What else console is there?
there were easily +600k people watching the lifestream on twitch and yt
>it's ok if Final Fantasy and pokemon are literally the same game every time
Let's all laugh at the poor sony boy all buttmad over the new smash
It's not roman numbers, it's prison marks.
Tally marks user. Tally marks
nintendo deleted the direct steam and reuploaded it on their channel 10 mins later. so a lot of views are unaccounted for!
I mean 3 smash games are wildly different. That's the entire reason why meleefags get hate.
More like soy won.
>Every smash bros game has had different characters each release, as well as changing movesets/specifics of returning characters
>New stages
>New modes (Melee had Adventure, Brawl had the Subspace Emissary, 4 had a revamped classic mode as well as Smash Run/Tour, among varying special modes)
>New mechanics (Brawl added online play, 4 added custom movesets)
>Each game has a completely different set of physics
Where COD has
>New guns
>New maps
PlayStation's filled with dude bros, normies and niggers now
>>Every smash bros game has had different characters each release, as well as changing movesets/specifics of returning characters
So does CoD
>>New stages
So does CoD
>>New modes (Melee had Adventure, Brawl had the Subspace Emissary, 4 had a revamped classic mode as well as Smash Run/Tour, among varying special modes)
Infected, One in the Chamber, Zombies, Sharpshooter, Kill Confirmed, Extinction, Face-Off, Campaign, Spec Ops, Chaos Mode, Sticks and Stones Ground War.
>>New mechanics (Brawl added online play, 4 added custom movesets)
Advanced exo movement, BO3's advanced movement
>>Each game has a completely different set of physics
That can be compared to the balancing of weapon stats.
Each CoD is made by a completely different developer, Treyarch having worked on the old Spider-Man games, Raven/Infinity Ward on the Tony Hawk games, Sledgehammer working on Dead Space. They all have clear visions for the series and each game has a completely diferent setting and tone than the others.
Is anyone's looking forward to BLOPS 4 since it's going back to modern era?
>american education
>Changing physics can be compared to the balancing of weapon stats
Do you know what physics are?
Either way, the point was that CoD, while they're not exact clones, are far less distinguishable than each new smash game. Admittedly I'm generalizing on CoD since I haven't played them, but they all look very similar, which is moreso a comment on how bland and samey FPS games tend to be rather than on CoD in particular.
>They all have completely different settings and tones
This is definitely not true, at least from an outsider looking in. They're all the same military-based, sepia-toned schlock.
>Admittedly I'm generalizing on CoD since I haven't played them, but they all look very similar.
So you're admitting you don't know what you're talking about? xd
Gayxplain uploaded it first so it has around 3 million views
>final fantasy
>same every time
sweetie have you ever played one? half of them could be their own new ip.
>I mean 3 smash games are wildly different.
No they aren't.
>That's the entire reason why meleefags get hate.
No, it's because they are extremely autistic and refuse to accept anything that isn't a 1:1 of what they are used to. There is more diversity in Call of Duty games than there is in Smash Bros. games.
Honestly Nintendo fans are some of the most fucking pathetic and inexperienced fanboys out there. Most of them haven't even played anything that shat out by the big N itself.
You are one of these fucking pathetic fanboys. It's painfully obvious that you've never even played a CoD game. That's just how fucking sheltered your gaming experience is. The first Call of Duty game is fucking nothing like the most recent one.
He hasn't, but I have. The changes between Smash games are significantly more than changes between CoDs. Are you seriously telling me that CoD changing its incredibly short ttk to a slightly longer ttk or adding a double jump and a stiff wallrun is equivelant to Smash introducing entirely new playstyles on a per character basis? Bayonetta, Mega Man, and Pac Man alone change Smash 4 more than the past 3 years have changed Call of Duty.
>n-n-no, th-the smash games a-are all the same! I know that even though i've never played them!
>You fucking pathetic loser.... why do you think the call of duty games are all the same even though you've never played them?
Really makes me think...
Sony never lost you fuckboi. They are the best on the market anyone with half a brain knows this.
Jesus Christ, the desperation levels are off the charts. It's getting pretty sad already. Are you ok, user? You need a hug or something?
cod has been on a downward spiral since ghosts at least.
I'll take all of those compared to the grown ass manchildren parading over a toddler's console anyday of the weak.
I do think that actual shilling of Call of Duty to try and score points against Nintendo may be a new low, even for this board.
Pic related.
>I'd rather destroy gaming by selling out to casuals rather than deal with people just like me!!! Reeeeeeeee!!!
>Do you know what physics are?
The physics do change in each year's CoD though, fuck-boy.
>Either way, the point was that CoD, while they're not exact clones, are far less distinguishable than each new smash game. Admittedly I'm generalizing on CoD since I haven't played them, but they all look very similar, which is moreso a comment on how bland and samey FPS games tend to be rather than on CoD in particular.
And have you ever thought every smash game just looks like mario punching pikachu in zelda castle to outsiders? Pure brainlet.
>This is definitely not true, at least from an outsider looking in. They're all the same military-based, sepia-toned schlock.
They all have different settings and the modern ones have been extremely varied in color palette. If you want to be a reductionist faggot like that, you could just say that every smash game looks like Dreamworks™ rainbow barf.
>Crash is coming to switch
>actual, unironic defense of modern CoD on Sup Forums
fuck, really?
>actually getting excited about CoD
These are the same kind of persons who love and would die for Logan Paul
IW was great.
Yeah bro, I can't wait to make Kirby punch Samus in a pokemon stadium again either, bro! It's so totally different from those retards who can't wait to make man shoot man in a warzone, am I right, bro?!
>implying I'm waiting for smash
Yeah buddy...sure
>Takes pride over CoD of all things
Is this the current state of sonybros?
Is the current state of Sup Forums I guess
do they think their audience is that dumb?
>they lost their mascot. Again
>Kratos is now a hipster dad taking care of his wife's son
Multiplat dudebro games is all they have left.
They keep buying their games, of course they do.
Zombies was fun and the campaign was decent for the first game but subsequent titles are the same military dogshit wankfest. Smash at least attempts to look different.
>Brawl and four Wii U looked the same
This is how americans think.
Every Smash sequel has been massively different compared to each sequel of a SF game.
>Blops 1, 2, and 3 were even remotely the same game
Bruh. ask me how I know you a nintendo dick sucker.
mw4 was the GOAT desu!
holy fuck
Romans used IIII.
This is different though. These are mostly youtube thumbnails. Its only for clickbait. Sorry soytendo customer
>comparing Smash Bros to something completely different like Call of Duty
Idiots. All of you. This is some real playground shit.
IDK. The more powerful ones. The PC and X1X maybe?
>The original pattern for Roman numerals used the symbols I, V. and X (1, 5, and 10) as simple tally marks. Each marker for 1 (I) added a unit value up to 5 (V), and was then added to (V) to make the numbers from 6 to 9:
>implying CoD "changes" through its games
Can you try at least?
What's wrong with CoD?
>The is a clear perspective bias in speculating that IV was avoided because it would be confused with Juppiter. If you simply think that IIII was the original form, there was nothing be avoided. They kept writing IIII because that was the original, traditional and common form. In the same way, they kept writing VIIII rather than IX.
>I don't know, though, when the subtractive principle was introduced. To my understanding it was quite gradually implemented: in Roman times it was known but little used. Would be interesting to find some accademic article on the matter.
It "changes" as much as Smash games do
no really, thank you *clap clap*
It's bad because it's not on Nintendo
>wildly different
Nintendo shit is pure casualfest though.
It's a "meh" game to be honest
I've never played smash since the first n64 one but they definitely don't look the same to an "outsider"
wow, we actually agree on something this time
>american education
Why is it IIII but not VIIII?
ran out of space lol
>The one on the N64 looks different from the one on the Wii U
Wow, shocker! Almost like how Call of Duty 1 looks different from the latest entry? Damn!
because subtraction is meant to simplify visually. viiii is a mess, iiii is not.
Three sets of four numbers.
In this the current year, anno domini MMIIXX
Yeah, the first CoD was actually decent unlike any recent CoD games
I'm really impressed as for how this went from "Call of Shit" to the history of roman numbers
I'm a Sonybro extraordinaire but I'd rather play fucking Sushi Striker than another military fps.
What the hell does that have to do with
>siegebaby trying to ridicule anyone else for having bad taste
CoD may be shit, but siege is also shit.
It's not...
Fuck off, Nintendo innovates all the time! 3D Mario Platformer 12 and Zelda 9: Assassins Creed were great games!