You hungry weeb?

You hungry weeb?
How about a knuckle sandwich.


Nice try kid heh....


*gets punched*

....(i just want to go home)

>three pitchers of beer at the bowling alley
>bowl a 222
>come home to an Xbox thread

*teleports behind you*


Don't make me get PS4 to suck you in again!

>Xbox one gamers must Must pay additional money for multiplayer, something what PC gamers have for free since internet has born.

>have to pay $2000 for a decent graphics card and $500 for RAM


you're probably really good at making those, considering your console has no exclusives to keep you playing games

>spending $2000 to play indies and console games in an office chair, at a desk
>no oled monitors on the market yet
Nice try, sweetie.

Cooked my mom some breakfast for her birthday once, and the eggs were undercooked. I guess that kinda sucked.
In class filled with "liberal" equal rights men hating women and one homosexual I grew up with
>"hey user, there's pizza"
>"user, do you want one more slice?"
>Are you going to throw perfectly good food away?
>"well yeah, we don't want any more"
I go into the bathroom and see that my entire face is covered in dry skin from my morning shave. I guess that was pretty embarrassing. I also once split pizza sauce on my high school class shirt in front of one of the hottest twins I've ever seen in my life when we were out bowling on our final days. I did have a friend throw an orange once and knock a couple of squirrels having sex from off a fucking tree, might be one of the funniest moments of my life really. Thought I should add that to the mix. Oh yeah, and fuck eating out with an 18, 19 year old when people around the damn place think they can indirectly speak to you. Drives me up the fucking walls.

Not as hungry as you are for games, my mestizo friend

>have to pay $2000 for a decent graphics card
I mean, graphics cards are absurdly expensive right now and you'd be retarded to try to join the master race at this point in time, but name literally one. Even a 1080ti is only $1500.

stop guessing so much

>to play indies
You say that like Hollow Knight isn't the single best game to ever grace this Earth.



why on earth do they call it the "Xbox One"? why, it's because you take one look at it and walk away

>only 1500


>Yusuf Mehdi

what's the font used in this image

Not so fast