What are some nuclear family vidya?
What are some nuclear family vidya?
Other urls found in this thread:
Fallout 3
Story of Seasons games. Formerly known as Harvest Moon.
Team Fortress 2
as much as SJWs have gone out of their way to try and drag down pictures like this as much as possible and plant negative connotations into our brains, this is still a nice picture to look at
you can pick out the individual hairs, much better than fucking CalArts
The Devil May Cry series.
Elli is best HM girl.
>what are some
I'd like to see a harvest moon like game with a 1950's aesthetic like in OP.
try team fortress 2
does fallout IIII keep using this aesthetic everywhere? it could be enough to make me get it just for that
My nigga
>does fallout IIII keep using this aesthetic everywhere?
I wish I was born in the late 60s or early 70s
I'd learn to be more social and make it happen in the booming 80s.
too much vidya messed with my teen years, grew out of my social autism a lot later than I should have
yes it does
Aren't you grateful for the things you got to see in this time while still young?
I thought that girl had an exposed midriff.
Yeah, so does New Vegas and 4. The wasteland is a largely a degenerate shitshow though.
>and 4
that's what the question was about
whyy did you use 4 lines, thats not even a roman numeral, black ops was a mistake
She doesn't?
If you're doing this faggot's route, it's Dream Daddy. inb4 "game"
I noticed, looked like III at a glance.
>gay nuclear family
what do traps feel like?
>black ops was a mistake
Not going to argue, but what does this have to do with out previous point?
a plank of wood, spring and steel bar
not him
i think the next Body Odor is titled BOIIII