You have 7 minutes, 7 minutes to tell me why you are here and not playing Xenoverse 2 or Monster Hunter World

You have 7 minutes, 7 minutes to tell me why you are here and not playing Xenoverse 2 or Monster Hunter World

Other urls found in this thread:

I am playing XV2 though

Waiting for MHW to come out on pc

Because I am responding to your shitty thread.

I don't like DBZ or MH

Why do you make a fake thread trying to start a Sup Forums or Sup Forums thread on Sup Forums using this sort of image?

psot more cat

I am playing Xenoverse 2 and am very upset you cannot go SSJ4

>7 minutes
>he doesn't know about the most iconic quote in bideo gaimu history

I don't have consoles, and I only have a shitty laptop that's hardly able to handle 4churn.

i only own a switch, 3ds and vita

What is Harvey's favourite video game?

mods nigga

post link

but Xenoverse 2 is on Switch

because ps4 and switch both suck and if you play
consoles you are part of the problem
wireless controllers are terrible
30 fps is terrible and you are gay
because I already hacked my 3ds for an unlimited library (thanks nintendo) and have emulators on my desktop for everything that I don't have on steam
the desktop which is future proofed for life given that I have a 1070 and never intend on going above a 1920x1080 monitor
the only reason you and other console players shill your exclusives is because it's the only thing you guys have going for your 4 year old consoles
get it right


Why would you use some unofficial transformation made with some shit 3D editor?

Because the game doesn't have any of the cool transformations on it's own

Mods deleted the image. It was video game related
Good job Sup Forums
Now back to thread: go play Xenoverse 2 and later on recommend me a good DBZ game that is not Dragon Ball origins on the DS

XV2 is a good DB game but if you want a good DB game that's an actual RPG there's always the other DB game on DS

I'm waiting for that fucking Nvidia control panel to load my program settings so I can limit the FPS in Neverwinter Nights 2.

It's 2018, our current year, and the DS emulation is in 2015. What I mean by this is attack of saiyans has so many audio drops and frame rate slowdowns it kills all the fun. I'm almost an autist I keep paying attention to the sound skips and frame drops. Will I have to buy a fucking DS and mod it to output to my monitor to actually play that game in 1080p?

I don't own either, and have no interest in playing either, especially Monster Hunter.

oh shit

>penis waving with side dish of sour grapes on anonymous image board
You're the man user!
Go user go!