What do you think of ass jiggle in third person games?
Pros and cons?
What do you think of ass jiggle in third person games?
Pros and cons?
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when will you die sybb?
One nice ass
If this is the case, then why is it so rare?
sexy if done right
disgusting if done wrong
Define right and wrong
No jiggle there, mate
Ass only jiggles when your a fatass
lmao that isn't jiggle that's just sway
I wouldn't call OP girl's scrawny ass fat by any stretch of the definition
Nice butt, although the walk animation is pretty bad, the knees don't articulate properly either.
Low quality job.
Jiggle belongs to the tits.
Ass should be shapely but firm
Are you Japanese?
I agree, obese nigger butts jiggle.
That 2-step cycle is so glaringly obvious.
I'm not even an animator and I spotted that immediately, yet people were paid to create that. If your entire job is to animate a walking cycle, wouldn't you try to make it perfect?
Animators today are hired based on their school.
It's no longer based on talent and obsession as far as I know.
"Oh I'm going to become a animator!"
Bulge jiggle when
That's because they let a guy do the mo-caps.
have you guys seen a real ass
well, that partially explains all the shitty games.
I don't remember, but I think onechanbara for 360 had not only butt and boob jiggle, but tummy jiggle as well
what games have ass jiggle?
doesn't matter to me one way or another but people need to stop jerking off to video games, I know at least a few of you do it
PN03 was a fun game to "play".
I see them every day.
Fat jiggles.
Only acceptable with braps and brap physics.
no matter how many times you post this game, there is no jiggle.
you realize... ass is made of fat
>Animation time
Take your pick
>literally posts a video where asses are jiggling
Doesn't really need any, unless the person is fat.
But I'm all for sway.
Tails' ass jiggle. We need to give a good slap for that.
It's 2018, you're lucky if a game has boobs bigger than an A cup or of the females don't look like sylvester stallone, let alone this
sybb you're a dumb nigger and deserve to be raped and killed
I played like 100 hours of this game , it's a miracle that I didn't become a furry
god, that ass need a good slap
damn this is so old
I wonder what her creators are doing now.
Noose, if I remember right.
t. tiny penis fairies who fear a big, bulbous, womanly ass because they know that their embarrassingly small member couldn't do anything meaningful