Why are nugame companies like Blizzard trying to socially engineer their players into meek dependents?
Why are nugame companies like Blizzard trying to socially engineer their players into meek dependents?
Shame that only has 3 replys. The guy put in good effort on it.
sup Sup Forums
welcome to our board
hello newfag. Sup Forums was literally the breeding ground for what Sup Forums has become today
Sup Forums has always been home to both ends of the spectrum
>tfw so insecure about your ideology you feel the need to rewrite history
Nah Sup Forums has always been its own shithole raising it's own shitheads just because those shitheads post here doesn't mean this board incubated them we have our own brand of shithead here.
no, Sup Forums tells modern leftists to fuck off and always has
>and always has
t. 2012-era 'oldfag'
Nah, you retards just confuse your containment board with unrelated shit all the time.
modern leftists, faggot. sjws.
>we could have had Deus Ex augment powered transhumanism
>instead we get transanimalism driven by furries
>Sup Forums never gave a fuck about 'muh SJW's' until the autismal freakout over Antia's Kickstarter turned her into a martyr and there was completely unsurprising pushback in the opposite direction
We could be out conquering the galaxy now too, but we have to spend all our cashing care for 3rd world shitholers and wars in the middle east
I don't know why I implied that, but that's what I'm getting at
The easiest kind to milk for money without ever needing to do anything. Once the base is created, it can be exploited indefinitely and will fervently defend the company's every decision, with a stringent belief in a delusion that it is their friend, because it provided enjoyment of some sort.
more /x/
no, Sup Forums is fully on one side of the spectrum, the autistic one
you can speculate about the origins of our hatred for leftists all you want
the reality is they're destroying western games
butthurt redditor soyboy detected
>giant game conference
>very recently
Were you not here for the Bush administration?
can you not read the thread
Sup Forums was libertarian-right at best. it has never been remotely modern leftist
I, too, take my Sup Forums history lessons from far right forum shills.
>Sup Forums was libertarian-right
based edgenet sjw
wtf ur right Sup Forums pioneered the 385 genders theory and staunchly supported trans rights and organized bigot bashing meetups!
>nugame companies
What the fuck does this even mean? Blizzard has been around for almost 30 years now. They're as old as you can get.
blizzard doesnt make games anymore, they make nugames like overwatch and hearthstone
>actiblizz never happened
What is considered "right" and "left" have been consistently redefined over the last few years. Old Sup Forums weren't anything like modern day SJWs, but they weren't above telling stormfags to fuck off
>Blizzard doesn't make games anymore, the make games
Read this out loud, tell me if you really think you aren't retarded
Sup Forums has realized the stormfags were right
go play diablo 2 and realize just how bad nublizzard games are
Right on cue, the Sup Forums purist with massive amounts of first-hand knowledge of Sup Forums pre-history posts a twitter screencap to prove he's not an offsite shitter.
Can't a guy just come to an image board to browse the mass amounts of images that are being posted without being called weird?
seek help leftoid
you literally had this thread yesterday
No we didnt