Mary Skelter 2 has been announced anons. Get Hype. It also comes with a visual novel dating sim game and a remake of the first game on ps4.
Additionally there's a new Nep game called Yuusha Neptune. A fully 2d game meaning we get Tsunako art AND Tsunako Sprites.
Dengeki Game Festival
Other urls found in this thread:
2d Nep
>Western Nep game
We live in a timeline where a Neptunia game is developed by a Western studio. A WESTERN STUDIO.
Dude I'm just in it for the 2d sprites. Full Tsunako artwork not getting translated to 3d models. We get more info april.
Also 4go ps4 sold 150k.
"Brave Neptune " appears to be a tentative english title
It looks like an odin sphere leifthrasir type of game, allegedly designed to be completely faithful to tsunako's hand drawn artwork
>sidescroller rpg
They're going to fuck it up.
Really looking forward to the side Adv game.
I'm trying to work out what they've made in the past. Anyone know?
From their website it looks like this is their first game.
MS2 opening is about 52-53 minutes back at time of this post(video is still live) Opening should lead to Fatal Bullet or Code Vein stuff now.
it'll be interesting to see this progress then. The little preview guy they have seems to move pretty fluidly so it should be nice visually and in terms of animation. No clue about gameplay which is what I was hoping we could get an idea of. Also looks like Dogoo man and Dogoo Woman will be in the game since the devs seem to be fans of the two.
This'll be the first Neptunia game on switch and xbone
Maybe the next main game will be as well.
If so RIP sonyiggers
The video showed a small segment that looks like sidescrolling or platforming action game.
is Mary skelter worth it or at least fun ?
Fuck off with your console war bullshit
That's pretty good for 4GO
There's something to question that slightly which is the information is coming to Dengeki Playstation when we get more info instead of famitsu(multiplats). All we know is what we've seen on the video.I'm not saying it isn't coming over ever just simply stating the information we know.
The new blue hair girl in MS2 looks cute as fuck
Any news for Code Vein yet? I just want a release date already. It seems like theyre handing an updated demo from the ones from TGS last year today.
Nope and nope, it's at the bottom of the dungeon crawler pile, along with the genkai tokki shovelware.
You what dude? It says it right on the website. The game will be on all platforms, steam, ps4, switch, xbone
Its close to if not that then CH's best dungeon crawler. They have a interesting field exploration system where while you have random encounters there are giant (mostly) invincible creatures that lurk the certain floors. They're basically invincible. The battle system has some simple but enjoyable mechanics and a nice amount of planning. It's also the darkest of CH's works thus far.
OP is up now
Site is also live.
Nobody cares about your kusoge series.
It's pretty decent. In particular the story this time round is quite interesting and the art is amazing. They also implemented quite a number of new mechanics like having boss monsters chasing you in real time.
The balance for the battle system is kinda average for me, though some are fine with it.
Little Mermaid's alive?
It's one of the puzzling things along with Jack turning into a Nightmare, but he specially said that "it's a proper sequel". Can't wait to find out what happened.
He's happy to make that announcement at the very least.
>Neptunia game by Canada
Heard good things about first one so I'm interested, would have to play the first one though, where's the PC port IFI
>Brave Neptune
yeah 2D sidescroller is a field they havent touched yet, and honestly as long as its not made by fucking felistella it cant be bad...right? It all depends how the leafs will treat poor Nepnep, though this does make me concerned about the playable roster
>though this does make me concerned about the playable roster
They could do it like odin sphere and give each character her own story route and then have them all converge
>MS pc port
There's a chance it won't because MS is a collabrative project between CH, Dengeki Bunko and Dengeki Playstation. I'm not saying NEVER EVER, but there's a chance it, MeiQ (same situation) and Tokyo Clanpool won't as they are all collabs with DB and DPS
that would be absolutely amazing but this is small, new studio, don't know how well they could do that. On the other hand if they succeed they could earn a lot of good boy points for taking a japanese IP and making it into unique game in their own style
Same here user, I'm hyped. Loved the first game it'll be interesting to see how far they can go with the Nightmare designs this time.
Wasn't Blue Reflection the same kind of collaboration? I think IF just waited for the PS4 version to hit and they'll port that instead of the Vita version.
>trapped in a giant underground tower that's growing toward the surface
That's a pretty cool setting, maybe it'll-
>idea fucktory and compile shart
BluRef is Gust, IF had no part in that.
Correct, but the collaboration was the same kind, right? That's what I meant.
BluRef wasn't a collab. Most PS Exclusives(not including the west) will be shown in DPS. MS is an actual collab with people involved in DB and DPS working on the game or parts related to it.
Ah, okay. Thanks for making that clearer. I guess we'll see, ports doesn't really matter to me either way since I'm going to buy it on PS4 when it comes to west.
BR had people outside but not quite a collab I think. Monsters is by a freelance and story involves others, I can't remember who.
Don't know about the ports.
I'm considering double dipping for both import then localisation.
Also not mentioned the VN is fully voiced.
>Also not mentioned the VN is fully voiced.
Ooh, that's always nice. I'm going to get it when they do localize it, having a good time with the first one at the moment.
Enjoy it user. Wonder if they'll also do another light novel this time around? Considering DB are there it might get to happen again. The world building was done really well in that thing.
It's a French studio started by ex-Ubi people, they just went to Quebec to get government startup money.
I'm excited for what they can do with MS2, really liked the first one. An improved/rebalanced class system would go a long way.
Always wanted to play MS so I might grab the remake on PS4 if they localize it.
Probably. Seems like the audience liked that aspect as well, so I don't see any reason not to. Honestl MS has been the most enjoyable CH game I've played, though I haven't played the latest Nep games at all. Those have apparently been improved vastly from the ones on PS3.
Well, it'll probably come inside the second game in west as well so it's great place to jump in.
It's fucking CH, what do you think?
My nip isn't perfect but there was something about re-balancing of some sort mentioned potentially for the remake that carries over the 2nd game.
I'm a pretty big CH fan and was pleasantly surprised by the fact the newest Genkai Tokki game was a genuinely fun strategy game. It was weird as hell though. But in terms of the localised ones MS is close to one of their best NepVII is definitely good but both games are completely different. 4GO is fun but I'd still recommend checking out some uninteruppted gameplay to see if its the kind of thing you like.
My most anticipated is Death End Re;Quest. That one looks really fun to me, the battle system is really interesting too. Keep an eye out for that getting local'd
Yeah, I should really check out that death end Re;quest better. I jumped out on Neps after the V on PS3 since I couldn't stand the recycled content. It felt a little bit too cheap. But their other games have been fine, enjoyed those.
>I'm a pretty big CH fan
off yourself
>My most anticipated is Death End Re;Quest. That one looks really fun to me, the battle system is really interesting too.
>"interesting battle system"
>recycled neptunia garbage
off yourself
You know the most retarded person ITT right now is you right. Seriously learn to use google. You'll look less retarded that way.
these anons dont play drpgs from other companies
this one does
Apparently the guys at artisan studios also made a game called zodiac orcanon dynasty
All those changes sound good as I'm playing the original right now. Looking forward to it.
And the brave neptune info
Something to point out is the systems it releases on aren't confirmed (yet) CH's website has no consoles at the bottom of the page like all their others. While Artisan has all 4. We'll know more come April.
Nep video from CH site:
The dev in the video specifically mentions "next gen consoles"
true, so could be the first full multiplat nep. Honestly I just want to know how its gonna play. 2d sidescroller game is way to vague
Now that makes me hype.
I would love a Nep metroidvania, something like RabiRibi.
ACTUALLY this could be the first worldwide release, as in same day release. An English speaking studio in charge of the games development alongside CH means that we could potentially get a worldwide release instead of waiting a few months
That'd be pretty cool.
Pudding enemy confirmed?
>betrayed by pudding
Are they making a horror game or something!?
I wonder if it'll still have standard Neptunia VN-style cutscenes.
For a game like this I'd say 50/50 these kinds of sprites often look nice enough that having a few simple talk motions and a good number of reactions looks really nice
Imo it would be better if it did. Specifically, I'd like the VN cutscenes to appear on top of the level art during dialogue and then have them slide off screen when it's time to do gameplay.
But I've been playing these Japanese drpgs since DS. In particular all the latest ones including Tokyo Clanpool and Lost Child. No Mind Zero though.
>you lived to see the day a western dev make a Nep game
What the fuck
>never played Mind Zero
Good for you, I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. It's terrible.
Just sent Artisan Studios my resume, wish me luck
good luck fag
I started importing a bit after M:Z and it bombed terribly so I avoided it. Kinda lucky there.
Good luck!
Good luck user. Maybe you'll be the next fellistella user
I love Compile Heart
I love Neptune!
Me too.
Don't know what they meant by a "test" based on experience.
inb4 unpaid internship and it's a huge scam
same, despite the fact they arent the best developers, I can't hate the variety of cute girls they produce and the games themselves are just okay
that said fuck anyone who tought V2R and RB1+ are good ideas
V2R and RB1+ are incomparable you retard. One is a straight copy and paste port, the other is a remake with VR
How much money have you spent on Mainichi Compile Heart? I've bought 1 costume and all the voices except the 4 seasons one for Faust. I don't mind, Faust has a 10/10 voice.
It's a fucking preorder bonus.
>western devs will fuck Neptune too
The only one game they shouldn't have touched, fuck
Blame the Japs for not buying CH games.
What's the reason behind CH all of a sudden deciding to go with a western dev with Neptunia?
V2R is copy paste as well, just with worse combat, the VR is lacking because they wont even react to you touching them or wont hang out in your room idle, waiting for you to do something, its all prerecorded cutscenes with freecam
That's fucking insane that Canadians are going to making a Nep game. I wonder what it will be like.
Best case we’ll get Rayman with Neps
I wanna see a cute girl with no arms and legs.
there was some shit like that on pixiv with Blanc, or Rom
The best part is the Japanese will get it first and the west second. This game should really have a worldwide release.
That would be fucking absurd if they can't do an eng and jap release.