
25+ year old club thread.

What video games do you have lined up for this weekend Sup Forums
I'm personally going to play the original Devil May Cry for the first time, I hear it's pretty good.

fuck off coke shill


Letting an idle game run while 90s anime plays in the background while I paint Warhammer shit

If not that, I may play Renowned Explorers: International Society or buy and play Into The Breach

b-but the sad bear is drinking water, not coke

medieval total war with third age mod and mos

im gonna try invade rohan and arnor as gondor, its gonna be a bitch while defending from mordor

how do you do it bros? All these responsibilieties and having barely enough time to play vidya

None, if I play a game that's cool. If not, whatever.

Everything becomes a blur and you have to very consciously try to convince yourself you are not in a Groundhog day.


>Want to sit down and play vidya until six in the morning
>Get called away from my desk every ten fucking minutes
>Have to ring customer support over mindless shit
>Have work at Eight in the morning

Just fucking kill me now.

Drugs, entertainment media, Adrenalin from doing dangerous life threatening things. I'm probably going to die soon. user, meditate, eat right, exercise, etc. Google Maslow's law user. Generally speaking you want a balanced life and you will be happy.

I live a life of hedonism from 6PM on Friday to 12AM Monday.

Some weekend event DFO, D:OS2 if it downloads in time and the new content from MGQ:P

Final fantasy worth downloading or is it shit?

Tempted to play through the RE games but the order and thought of forgetting which items I need where is putting me off.

Want to play more Siege but solo casual feels fucking awful lately when you rarely get a game which isn't a bunch Esport wannabe teens in plat/diamond vs. Solo queue players. 3-0 wins are so fucking boring and predictable.

Sounds like a cool time user.

gonna fire up Dino Crisis 2 on hard mode

playing Dragon Quest XI currently
pes18 and shadowverse once in a while

Just playing Monster Hunter World.

Continuing my playthrough of Etherlords 2

I had a lot of fun in the Chaot campaign by spamming walls and nuke spells, but the Kinet campaign has really mediocre walls and offensive spells and I'm getting my ass handed to me. The creature designs of the Kinets are much cooler at least.

I've been a NEET since I graduated high school back in 09.

I'd ask for help but I did this because of my own self destructive hatred of myself. Atleast it's not suicide, right? That gets rid of all the fun of living life in suffering /pic

Going through Ezio Collection again. Only played it once before and I kinda blew through them towards the end since they kinda drag on with all the dlc in.