Pcfag here

Pcfag here.
How is this game? Also can I change the black outfits they look gay.

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Now go play.

It's good. Yeah you can, Noct can wear a lil white T shirt and a cap.

>changing the clothes so the game is less gayer.

you're asking the impossible

Eh that's a slight improvement
waiting for crack..
Why is this game a sausage fest, is there no cute grills in the party or what?

lol, there might be others too.
There are girls just not in the party, the game has some themes of brotherhood


It's really fucking good, mate. Worst thing about it - story can get addicting so I ended up finishing it quicker than I would of liked. (still took a decent while)

there's a nude mod already. you get to chose between cut or uncut, and bushy or shaven

>story can get addicting
What story?

>That stupid fucking accent
Refunded the game, can't believe consolefags seriously pretended to like this horseshit.

That's the point, it's supposed to look gay to bring in those fujo bucks.

It's good
Yes you can change the outfits

Nerf Arminger unleashed

Main 4 four are good, supporting characters vary from okay to underwritten, story is barebones and nearly everything suffers because of it, last 5 chapters are objectively the worst part of any FF game ever(patches might have made them more bearable but I doubt the story is better), ending suffers because love interest is underwritten. 8/10 at the best of times, 3/10 at the worst of times, overall the game barely makes mediocre.

Are you speaking from playing the console release version or the royal edition?
The difference matters

>an entire portion of the game was withheld from the PC version because of (((licensing issues)))

We got GOOKED again. Why does this always keep happening to us?

The game start shitting itself half way through but it's worth a play tbqh

Would you seriously want to play that section though?

Is this an entire thread of samefagging? I've never seen this many people claim that this is a good game.

The game is OK. There's too much empty filler that doesn't amount to anything. Going back and forth across long stretches of empty land to do simple side missions or bounties is pretty common. Another game poisoned with forced open world that artificially increases game length.

Why nerf it? It's no more broken at that point in the game you get it than the lucian ring. And it does nothing to fix the atrocious final fight.

I presume it'll return, given AssCreed Origins on PC had the FFXV content in it. I just hope the PC release is less buggy than the console version was.

Just a shame they're in charge-for-everything mode with the game. Can't fix any core issues with the game since that costs them money, not fixes. Royal Edition did nothing to the core experience, and only adding late-game shit that does nothing to address the overall problems.

I'd rather a XV-2 with a cohesive story, but they seem content on more disconnected separate DLC chapters.

>ITT: fags who have played neither the Royal or Windows edition still shitting on the game
>makes game better
>"lmao nice try I'm not gonna play it fucking shills xv-kun xdd"

It played really, really badly. Trust me, you're not missing anything. All of the added "stealth" mechanics were horrible.

Also chapter 14 blueballs the fucks out of you because it's barely an hour long and has many implications about many characters you just never get to see. I honestly have extremely mixed feelings for the game as it did a lot really well but so much of it is just unfinished ideas that had to be used because they were pushed by deadlines.

I played it on release, but gameplay issues aside and having played most of the story shit they've released in DLC, the most important shit in the story is just completely fucked from the get-go. Sure maybe chapter 13 is playable now (still haven't fucking played it again), but that doesn't fix the story issues in it, chapter 14, or chapters 8-12, or any of the Episodes.

>final fight
Did we play the same game?

Come now, seeing Noctis' face and mood light up like a Christmas tree was fucking hilarious on the introduction drive-in scene, given he's moody as fuck throughout the main game for justified reasons.

Talkin' about the Super Saiyan fight in space that's impossible to die on and you just hold the attack button?

>but that doesn't fix the story issues in it, chapter 14, or chapters 8-12, or any of the Episodes.
They added shit there too
They added new shit in nearly all the chapters, hence why everyone who has played the new version is saying it's essentially a different game now

I need it for scientific reasons.

Have you played post patches because if you hold the attack button and do nothing to are guaranteed to die quickly.
I tried to listen to the "hold ___ to win" fags and tested it out through the entire story and every single time I died

Ch13 with the 'fixed' ring was still a complete slog, so I'd have hated to play the original version of it. Not sure why their fix was to introduce a shorter side path to play as Ignis/Gladios and then miss out on all the story shit that happens on the Noct side, including the notes scattered about that actually explain wtf's going on in the world.

crack has been out for days it has no drm

I had much less trouble with the last boss than I did the King Behemoth leading up to him, and this was after Comrades came out.

did you really need the notes to explain to you what was happening in the world? it all made sense to me I don't know if you were holding your fingers in your ears or what but it makes sense.

wait are you saying that added shit to the DLC AFTER releasing it? maybe I'll replay when they release the rebalancing the entire game stuff I saw people talk about, but I could probably wait another couple years and people would say the same shit about the current release.

You should maybe at least watch a youtube video of the updated Royal edition fight. I hated the fight on launch but they've fixed it now.

If you'll never be satisfied then don't worry about playing any of the newer versions at all.

>OP here do you honestly expect me to pay for this when I can get if for free?
I know this after some quick googling. I'll know if this is good soon enough.

It's more meh than anything

Did they fix the QTE-fest that was Leviathan if they touched the last boss as well then?

I'm stuck waiting a year on the Royale w/ Cheese edition to check out the new shit because I ain't paying fucking $20 for patch-tier stuff and additional optional fights.

dude how the fuck is this shit not egregious to you, a single player game shouldn't take 2 fucking years after it's released to be finished. I fucking said I liked a lot about the game, but all the shit that was unfinished is just despicable. actually encouraging people to buy into it is just gonna give SE the idea that releasing an unfinished product and then finishing it over the course of YEARS is acceptable, is just fucking stupid

>lucian ring
>spamming every enemy into an oblivion of black holes
if youre easily tempted the ring is an issue but i only use it for fun sometimes and the one time i shot the master tonberry into the black hole

>paying again for a game that was a disappointing, unfinished mess the first time

square enix could rebuild the game from the ground up and I still wouldn't give them any more of my money for it

>it makes sense
>demons being microscopic organisms infecting everything and blocking out the sun makes sense without the notes

I didn't buy the launch version, that's really why it doesn't bother me. I was hyped up, found out it wasn't coming to PC and forgot about it a month after, now I finally played it and since I never touched the launch version besides once on my roommates PS4 it's like it never happened to me.
I'm sure if I bought a 300 dollar console and spent 60 dollars on the game on launch then I would be mad but I didn't so I'm not.

I had no issue with the ring. It's the only thing in the game that actually makes you feel strong given everything else you do is minor upgrades over prior weapons, in addition to your spec tree not making any dramatic changes in output.

One of the few FFs were leveling up feels pointless.

Okay, but knowing that's the history of the game doesn't disgust you? You find nothing wrong with that just because YOU waited?

so you admit youll hate it no matter what they do

neat, at least youre being honest

I'll hate it because they released a fundamentally unfinished game that they then had the audacity to try and milk more money out of, yes. I never claimed I'd like it if they fixed it, it had a bad first impression, and I don't trust them to salvage it based on that.

I think it's wrong but that doesn't mean I'm going to protest it by not playing the game, because I enjoyed the whole game and I'm glad I didn't avoid buying it.

>yes massa square enix, I sure will pay twice for the game you should've finished the first time around, please fuck my wife square enix

Not him but in my opinion I'm glad they made these abilities overpowered. I mean these royal arms and the ring of lucii are hyped beyond belief as beyond stupidly powerful and I feel if they gave us a weaker version it would feel like a kick in the ass.

Very good, yes you can change outfits.

so the game runs good but not great while I'm maxing it out, also getting some random stuttering on the characters. Any advice for playing with the settings?

Just wish the royal arms weren't a detriment to actually use given the game's shitty decaying-HP system. You'd only equip your primary weapon, and then three royal arms for the stats and then never use them unless your armiger bar was full.

decided to go look at the negative reviews and they all basically either consist of "my pc with a shit ass CPU can't run this game well" or "I had this small issue once and it never happened again but heres a negative review"


Anyone here playing the chink cracked version? I think the copy is bugged, I can't get past this specific part of chapter 10. I try to activate the generator but nothing happens.

Yeah I've had virtually no problems with it so far, besides minor stuttering when I first start up, and even that is probably just my rig's fault, not the port

Combat was flashy looking but made no sense and had no flow. Characters and their designs were god awful annoying and had no development. World felt barren and constricted but had some pretty views. Quests were worse than mmo crap. Story was.. lol

The one positive was riding around on a chocobo was kinda fun especially compared to the weird on rails car.

I played it over a year ago and I've heard people say they improved some stuff but what it needed was to throw the whole thing away and never speak of it again.

I found that if you give gladio three megaphones and just refrain from warping with the weapons and keeping them reserved for a single enemy works pretty well with keeping your health in check.

Have to explore more or some shit to trigger a character response. I had the same problem on the PS4 version.

It runs pretty well though. I get around 100 fps maxed out at 1440p

What exactly does steam consider "overwhelmingly positive"?
Cause as of now there are nearly 3,000 positive reviews and only 400 negative reviews

Characters respond fine up to this point, after I activate the generator the game locks out all controls other than pause and doesn't do anything else.

it is fun

>25 hours
You take your time?

I picked the regalia pic you take in the beginning of the game.
Felt right

why wouldn't I?

Took me around that long too, there is a lot more content now

>25 hours
And I thought I rushed the game given I barely did any Ch3 sidequests BECAUSE THEY ALL SUCKED ASS, despite all those armiger weapon caves I had to come back to later post-game that I missed the first time around.
It's almost like they could have been used as plot devices to drive and flesh out a story, but nope.

OP here. getting the chink version atm.

Heres my time and level
>not taking a pic with your bros to the throne

Bought it in release and played through the whole thing. It was definitely an unfinished game with things happening off screen and just things happening in general that you are expected to know.

Alot of mmo style filler stuff. 2nd half of the game is was a big let down.

After beating it i just kinda felt like meh it was ok. Now im playing through the PC version and have to admit it feels alot better. Square added more cut scenes and dialog to explain the story better. Overall feels alot better.

Its just sad we had to get 2 years worth of updates and DLC to have a complete experience/game.

well then why did you ask?

I'll let you know how I go. I just bought the Steam version 10 minutes ago and downloading that too, should be done in about an hour, if I don't figure out how to get past here first.

You'll run into a lot of bugs currently, either wait for better cracks or just get the crack now and hope there are hotfixes.

>>not taking a pic with your bros to the throne
I wanted Noctis to remember that he got fucked out of his life and to use the postcard as a reminder that he's in a better place now

>tfw with each update the bros get gayer and gayer
>tfw SE has fully embraced the fujos and there's nothing you can do to stop it

Aight that's a good reason

>pcfag here

fuck off reddit.

>Also can I change the black outfits they look gay.
The optional outfits are ironically more gay. I wish I was kidding.

Also the game is fucking shit.

>walking through galdin quay
>Prompto: Man what a romantic place
>Ignis: and you get to spend it here with us
>Nocits: lucky guy

Because I googled at the same time or slightly after making the thread to see what people had to say about the game?
Chink version should be done in about 90 mins.

Hush KH-kun

Anyone have the webm of the new armiger?

Yup, actually just finished this
Sorry I didn't include the finishing move when the bar is full

So it's all Dynasty Warrior combos. Great job SE.

I managed to get ultima weapon before even getting titan. Is the rate of getting sturdy helixhorns improved or am I just incredibly lucky I managed to get 6


Fucking hell that "combo" list is laughable.

Press X for Awesome is more fun than memorizing a bunch of nonsensical button combinations then applying them in battle while also dodging enemy attacks

Lmao fuck off

There are more, that was just the basic trading list I was using

I got the ultima weapon before Titan also. It’s not hard you do just have to be really lucky. I was unlucky though and it took me a fuckton if kills to get the sturdy helixcorn

More like the only final fantasy that gets that progressing doesn't have to all be about combat. Even fuckin' D&D got this decades ago.

Unleashed arminger is so much better, not only more powerful but it also last longer and requires some practice to use properly as opposed to the basic arminger which hits fast but very weak and is boring.

Yall niggas need to use your ap to control the other characters first thing and to boost tech bar gain. The whole thing with this game is the party ACTUALLY works together instead of 5 people standing in line doing their own thing.

Well then I am lucky I got those six only doing the hunt once since I remembered that wait mode and axe of the conqueror is an easy way to break off their horns.

Who else is abusing golden quay 2.0 exp
Went from 100,000exp x 2.0 to get to level 50 really fast in the 3rd chapter.


I need definite answers.
Does the cracked version work properly or with bugs and no DLCs?
Does the steam version work properly or with bugs and piss poor performance like the steam demo did? Demo ran with subpar performance on high settings on a 1070/8GB RAM/i5 6500.

At least post specs if you're gonna answer with "works on my machine". Graphic settings would also be appreciated but I know how lazy you fags are.

This is the training room user. You’re alone in it.