>The first measure was taken against Dallas Fuel player Timo “Taimou” Kettunen who used a homophobic slur during his personal stream back in January. According to Blizzard, Kettunen, who has since apologized for his actions, will be fined $1,000.

>The second disciplinary action relates to Korean coach Kim “TaiRong” Tae-yeong of the Houston Outlaws, who was issued a formal warning for posting an offensive meme on social media. Kim apologized shortly after and made a charitable donation as part of his apology. According to Blizzard, these actions were taken into account when determining Kim’s punishment.

>Los Angeles Valiant player Ted “Silkthread” Wang was also issued a fine of $1,000, according to Blizzard’s statement, due to account sharing, an action expressly forbidden in the game’s End User License Agreement.

>The final disciplinary measure outlined in Blizzard’s post was for Felix “xQc” Lengyel, a player who has had disciplinary issues in the past. Lengyel’s most recent actions include the repeated use of an emote in a “racially disparaging manner” the Overwatch League’s stream chat, as well as using disparaging language against OWL’s casters and players on social media, as well as on his personal stream. For these infractions, Lengyel will be fined $4,000 and serve a suspension of four games starting on March 12. This will be Lengyel’s second suspension and fine for his behavior, though there was no word in this post if further infractions would result in more serious punishment.

>using an emote in a 'racially disparaging manner'
the fuck is that?

Why the fuck does anyone still play this shitty game?
the ridiculous examples in OP aside, it's just fucking awful
>bad map design
>no mods or custom maps
>horribly imbalanced
>the game is specifically designed so a single player can't hard carry due to counters, yet groups you with randoms

There is already a thread about this you fucking shill faggot nigger

>calling op a nigger when in fact you are the nigger
Shaking My Head To Be Honest Family

fucking jews

>competitive overwatch


>sign contract not to do a thing or face fines
>do thing
>pay fines

I don't see what's so ridiculous about that.

What if they don't pay?

Then they don't play? Are you retarded

Because Blizzard made it. Simple as that.

A company punishes it's employees for acting like spergs, sounds normal to me.


they probably take it out of their salary

Someone post the "offensive meme"


Who... fined them?

Blizzard? Like.. is Blizzard actually taking money from players to let them play their game?

It gets deducted from future pay, if they aren't just banned.

I mean a lot of major leagues fine players ridiculous amounts of money if they say the fuck word on the field, this isn't really that different.
Both are incredibly fucking retarded though.

Blizzard is for fags and women at this point

>Felix Lengyel

The most redpilled bad boy is hungarian

yeah, they are running it like other sports leagues do by issuing fines. It's fucking jewy as shit but like everything else it wasn't blizzards original idea.

It always has been.

meanwhile dota 2 streamers regularly make raunchy jokes and be generally rude

>playing videogames is now "signing a contract"

Jesus christ fucking kill yourself

Let's get this started.
Post yfw
>competitive overwatch

>posting an offensive meme on social media

that and the waifu bait characters

All the homosexual men and women I have encountered in random Discord channels echo your statement. Why is this the case?

Represent a soulless kiddie-angled company in contract, play by their kiddie-angled rules.

>Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


>competitive Overwatch

I'm genuinely curious, does anyone know what emotes he was using that were considered to be used in a racist manner?

i wonder...

Its a fucking professional sporting event.

These aren't rando players, they legit signed that shit.

Wow, I'm sure glad I got tired of that game a year ago.

>competitive Overwatch

If only Tracer actually had an ass

Trihard i think?

It wouldnt be an issue if xqc didnt admit to doing it on twitter like a fucking idiot.

holy shit sharing accounts aren't allowed?
jesus talk about draconian

Do they actually pay these fines? I wouldnt even consider paying them its a video game for fuck sake and not even a good one at that.


No idea, I think art style and casual friendliness help.

>Cuckpetitive Soywatch

>Lengyel’s most recent actions include the repeated use of an emote in a “racially disparaging manner” the Overwatch League’s stream chat

How? In what way?
What kind of fucking emote?

Who honestly gives a shit? Competitive gaming is cancer anyways, let them all burn

How is that even legal?


Ah. The beauty of unchecked economic centralization. When will you nigger faggots ever learn that capitalism is a meme?

2/10. The only embarassing thing here is that insult.

yeah, blizzard is reaching stasi levels of bullshit. if they are going to ruin videogame fun so that they can sell advertising for their faggot e sports, then fuck them.

>1000 dollar fine for calling someone a fag
I'd call blizzard a nigger and tell them to fuck off. It can't be that hard to live off of youtube and twitch.

I'd just quit. Not worth all the bullshit to have everything I do for the rest of my life lorded over and scrutinized by Overwatch Jews of all things. Fuck offff

I don't understand why Blizzard is being so fucking prudy with this shit.

LoL is several times bigger and their competitive teams will outright shit talk eachother on stage and they won't issue fines or punishment so long as they show orderly conduct and sportsmanship.

Its legal because they signed contracts like every other fuckinf professional athlete does. Its been said multiple times in this thread. Yall are acting like blizzard is just demanding money frim their playerbase. These guys signed a contract. They are now entertainers working for blizzard, and if they dont follow the rules they get punished.

They signed the contract

These aren't regular players you fucking retard, these are "pros" that have literally signed contracts and they get money from sponsors and all that shit which is how they can be fined in the first place. I'd tell you to fucking off yourself too, but your pathetically small understanding of the world will do a better job of it.


so the moral of the story is that as long as you throw money around you can get away with things that normal players would be immediately nuked for.

Twitch actually takes a deep cut of your revenue, theres also some crazy taxes involved as well. Its actually a lot harder to live off that than youd expect.

If you're asian you can get away will insulting others with the word "chink", I got banned for toxic behavior but I explained to them I was asian and I had the freedom to call people chink because of my ethnicity and I know it's a good insult cause it triggers me.

I use a DAUM email with my blizzard account and had to provide an ID proving my ethnicity and they unbanned me.

>video game player
>professional athlete

>competitive overwatch

A contract is still a contract. They're making money off this shit and have agreed to certain rules with their sponsors.
Wether you think that is ridiculous or not is irrelevant, it's still a contract.

>competitive Overwatch

See? There is a solution to everything, you edgy teens just need to call people mutts instead of niggers or faggots.

>offensive meme

>retarded frogposter

That brief period where images weren't loading was probably the most shit free this place has ever been.

A reminder that a year plus into Overwatch's already tired cycle, Blizzard and Twitch put 90 million USD into forcing this mess of a game as an esport after failing to make Hearthstone a serious tournament esport or SC2 an esport and seriously Blizzard can't fucking do anything right these days re: esports

where are the prooves=?

That's ridiculous. Even if you are a gook you were still culturally appropriating white racism and should have been punished for the toxicity of cultural appropriation.

>issued a formal warning for posting an offensive meme on social media

Keep licking blizzards boots you faggot

>invite streamerfags
>scrutinize their past actions and fine them
nice way to get funding for you poofta "competitive" game

I do love that term. You can not claim you are afraid of gays.
Are you terrified of some trannies? Well keep it to yourself or get a fine.

How DARE Blizzard ban people for being publically racist while representing them and sponsors.

Overwatch would sure be a lot more fun if they didn't constantly and arbitrarily fuck with their heroes over and over, I don't think they still have any idea what Mercy is supposed to do or if Symmetra is for anything but a pug stomp.

He was probably posting TriHard 7, which is apparently enough to signal racism to blizzard


I thought they all speedrun games now when not killing themselves or quietly going back to being a guy

>competitive overwatch

it's not racist

Mad af

Enough time for progressive bullshit but not enough time to fix comp. Progressives should really stick to DnD and leave vidya to people who have a basic level of logic.

Did anyone in this thread see the response twitch chat had tonight for these stupid fines? 100k TriHard spam from beginning of OWL to the end. Either way they fucked up, now i guess they can just ban their audience as well

Finally now, wh*tes will stop appropriating and misusing our strong nubian emotes.


>you can get away with abuse if you are non-white
wow fuck this company.

What if I'm a nigger and faggot myself?

Sexist, homophobic, transphobic , doesn't matter
goes against the contracts they signed and TOS they accepted
When they're in the public eye, representing the game and the company for money they should be happy a slap on the wrist is all they got.

ayo wypipo stop making esports complicated for kangs

then you can use both nigger and faggot

Transnigger faggot is the trifecta.

>who was issued a formal warning for posting an offensive meme on social media
Was it pepe?
>use of an emote in a “racially disparaging manner”

Isn't saying the TriHard or cmonBruh emotes are racist by default actually showing a racist attitude themselves? The guy himself said that it's not the emotes, it's the dumb shit twitch kids write like Sup Forumstards about le epic KFC and you know.

Also, Twitch Chat is 30 year olds being stupid 13 year olds spamming racist shit even without emotes, anyone who leaves it on deserves to suffer.

they'll just force sub mode like gdq
sjws never admit wrong. they just censor all criticism.

Let's pretend there are a set of smiley faces. One is white, one is yellow, one is black. Nothing wrong so far: it's diversity.
Now someone just substitute a word "nigger" for a black smiley face.
Like "What are you? A *black smiley face?" or something.
That accusation would make perfect sense then. Though I am sure that is not the case and that guy was just spamming sometgjng like ggez.

Ay hol up when they going to add the kang of Numbani?
inb4 its a Kween sheeet

Overwatch is just casualized, simplyfied and neutered TF2. Sterilized for your protection youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DyK9ya1vZZcU&ved=0ahUKEwjw_MqsuuHZAhWPKewKHc4JAVAQo7QBCB4wAQ&usg=AOvVaw2tds4zyClUc2KXcVw2S0Zm