what the FUCK happened?
What the FUCK happened?
Other urls found in this thread:
literally success got to their heads and they went full fucking retard
the level design is fucking garbage, the game literally forces you to use guns so often it's not even funny
The ending sucks
It's great!
It sucks because the scoring system in 2 actually makes sense unlike the one in the first game. If 1 had 2's scoring system it would be the perfect game.
It has the better soundtrack.
The best game of 2015 was released?
I only played it until recently and it might actually be one of my favourite games, superior to the first one.
Haha, get nuked, comrade.
It's a flawed masterpiece.
Also everyone dies lol
sequel took itself too seriously, probably because of how well the first one did.
Did they ever release the level editor?
I remember that being delayed a whole bunch of times.
They did, but it was too late.
>playing level
>final enemy is nowhere to be seen
>look up forums, apparently enemies just get stuck in shit off screen
Happens a lot, though I did pirate the game.
Lmao, no. I don't remember a single track from 2, hell, I even barely remember the menu one, while I had numerous tracks from 1 stuck in my head for a long time
i full combo'd dead ahead on hard mode and i am telling you to never touch hard mode.
Absolutely, it also has the best track from the whole series.
He was the only hero on this fucking mess
Wow. So you stated your garbage opinion as fact. Everyone over double digit iq comprehends that hm2 had the objectively better soundtrack.
So who was the Miami Mutilator? It was the reporter guy right?
>So who was the Miami Mutilator?
We may never know
But we do know for sure that he is one of the most brilliant and cunning killers to ever walk the earth
We don't know who he is, but I'm sure that Super Detective Manny Pardo will get him for sure.
He's a slippery, ingenious criminal. He's always one step ahead. Is he the greatest villain America has ever seen? Very likely.
Thank god Manny Pardo is on the case. If anyone is capable of matching wits with this mastermind, it's him.
Objective list of best tracks in hotline miami
>hotline miami
miami disco
electric dreams
>hotline miami 2
escape from midwitch valley
decade dance
in the face of evil
roller mobster
the way home
le perv
she swallowed burning coals
acid spit
future club
You almost have to full combo everything on hard mode and memorize every route, possible spawn, and spray and pray. It's such a buzzkill compared to Normal and the first game that I honestly feel like Dead Ahead and Richard's last level were complete slogs to get through.
I didn't think they would be able to top the first one, but they did, and by a LOT.
>Did they ever release the level editor?
Yeah there are a lot of cool custom maps.
You forgot:
>Paris 2
I agree that HM2's OST is punchier overall, though.
HM2 has the better soundtrack due to the sheer volume of tracks in it, but HM1 is more memorable because the tracks play more than once. You hear Hydrogen at least 3 times in HM1 but Roller Mobster only one time in HM2.
They didnt want to make a second game but the fanbase wanted more HM, I'm sure we would have been fine with a map maker but they just took it 1 step further to ensure the death of the series
You both forgot the best track: Deep Cover
Honestly I think a lot of the stuff from MOON and others in HM1 is pretty poor overall because they are simple beats that don't really go anywhere, compared to the stuff Carpenter Brut makes in HM2 which is much more intense. I guess it works in the game but I wouldn't listen to those tracks on their own. I agree with you on Daisuke though.
Yeah, true, actually, I'd agree that's overall best track on HM1.
They made a good game with a good story
I've got the HM2 OST, but yeah, the HM1 OST isn't anything I'd sit down and listen to.
I think Hydrogen works amazingly as BGM, though. It's simple enough that you tune it out but it sets the tone perfectly.
It was an amazing sequel for me
but I liked going thru the maps and learning the layouts so it was my style
I can understand why people don't like it because of all of the glass but the game has a better soundtrack, a pretty interesting story and has a lot more content than the original.
I love them both, best indie shit I ever tried
Best mask in 1?
Gotta be Tony
Ω0ГГ@ Ω3Г @ Ω¬1p¡
What did they mean by this
I really enjoy the combat knife, and it's nice starting with a deadly throwable.
>get killed by an enemy off screen
>have to play levels while holding down the shift button
>still can't see them
>have to mindlessly shoot at the edges of the screen and hope for the best
thanks doc
ya blew it
the only real pure kino in video game
>no Hotline Theme
>no Dust
>no Horse Steppin’
>no Miami
Though the fact that none of the tracks you listed are any less incredible really drives home how great the games’ soundtracks really are.
much appreciated doktor
>not including Around
>not including Run
>not including Hotline Theme
>not including The Rumble
>not including the entire soundtrack
HM2 OST was WAY too good, after hearing how some people compared the OST from Furi and Hyperlight Drifter to HM I was just let down because of how everything was just sort of bland, honestly HM2 hit home run after home run with the OST, every piece was memorable and fitting for each level, even an ambience piece like Around manages to catch you so easily by itself.
>People discussing the Hotline Miami soundtracks and not mentioning the actual best song from HM1
Knock Knock is king.
Am I insane for liking Silver Lights a ton
Even these kind of tracks are great
You suck at the game, just this. The game is better than the first in every way.
Dennis..maybe Richter
This guy right here is my nugga! :)
This and Decade Dance are the best songs in their respective games.
>yfw playing as Richter
Bingo. Part of the appeal of the first one is the simplicity of the story. They over-complicated it in the second one, wedged too many character in there.
Damn shame too, I bought the special edition on release, because I wanted to support them.
I prefer this Magic Sword one DESU: youtube.com
>The fact that the characters have their own abilities not allowing you to choose masks like in the first game limits your approach
>More focus on guns
>Levels too big for ther own good
Fuck, after 2 Richter became my favorite character.
>the corpses correspond with how they die
I had the high score on hard mode abyss for a while. fuuuuuuuck hard mode, it's the fucking worst shit imaginable
>levels are so different & worse in HM2
>get to Richter levels
>suddenly amazing level design with best character & music
Regardless of which one of the two is better, both games are top tier.
also post hotline memes
They made a largely better game
>the game literally forces you to use guns
Git gud faggot, i can go through levels with melee weapons no problem.
Dude got ambitious and it backfired a bit. Not a bad game but just a rather a bit disappointing sequel.
>creating a shit game franchise with horrible luck-based gameplay and shit controls
Kino level
the bestest
Because I doubt you even got that hard on HARD mode
i hate the vietnam levels
It was crap to begin with.
Who was this guy?
It's Brandon.
They said in an interview they basically poured in all their leftover ideas. So basically its all of HLM's ideas that they found too bad to put in the original.
Tony on Assault
so whatever happened to him?
Really hate fans, bunch of faggots. Tommy Wiseau Jr. Richter and Pardo were only enjoyable levels
Compared to the first game there are objectively a significantly larger amount of instances where you are actually forced to use guns. For example the fatties that can't be killed without guns, the guys hiding behind tables. They were used VERY sparingly in the first game, but they're everywhere in 2.
me 2
dennis or carl
Honestly, the game would be much better without them.
>Git gud faggot, i can go through levels with melee weapons no problem.
This. Playing Tony is the only way to go.
Alive. He wasnt at the death table.
>hotline miami 2 having more better songs than hotline miami
Those levels were rad.
t. shill
All these posts and not one mention of the actual best