>final boss can level up
Final boss can level up
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon has a mechanic like this
What other games do this?
>final boss can level you down multiple times if you let him
ffxi had some content later in its life that did this, making the mob stupidly hard to beat if you let it happen too many times. was fucking hilarious to see the level up animation happen on an enemy
One of the best ways to level in Disgaea is to throw enemies into enemies and level them up
>boss can take away commands and skills
>the only enemy that drops a certain item skin drops it with non-max stats
>the only way to get that skin is by repeatedly letting the enemy kill you, thus giving him exp and leveling him up to a level that would allow him to drop the item with max stats
>the chance that the enemy has the item is super low + even if he has the item there is still a huge chance that he won't drop it
>Final boss is a nobody who is really strong for no real reason
>level up resets health
>final boss levels up mid-fight
>the series dies with the final boss
>final/strongest boss fights on the same level as you and it isn't some kind of huge monster
>final boss has a attack that decreases your level
>enemy can unequip your armor and weapons
Demon's Souls was a fucking nightmare for this
>boss instakills you if you're immune to all its other attacks
>>final boss can level you down multiple times if you let him
King Allant
t. WC3 babby
>final boss has an instakill attack
>it can keep using it
>game has multiple bosses with instakill attack
>it can keep using it
>mfw game also has permadeath for all other party members except MC
What kind of game has level ups in battle?
Even without this regular enemies and bosses can level up at the same rate as the party if they get kills. They even get +exp panel bonuses.
Nier Automata
>final boss is an even finaler boss' bitch
>finaler boss is weak as shit
>It heals him
>Literally every enemy can level up and equip gear like the player
>final boss is Yu Yevon
>Enemy flanks and slaughters one of your best units
>Takes their amazing gear and prepares to tear your shit apart
>final boss level is scaled to yours
moon presence was such a wasted design
it looks fucking amazing but all it did was throw some gay melee attacks and lame spells
It was probably exactly the right difficulty for fighting only once after Gherman being balanced around you having barely any bullets or vials left. It's like they forgot you can go get more.
That actually happens in the game i was referencing
>Emperor Moloch kills some mook and levels up
>RNG has it drop what is basically Gods' Dick of armour piercing anal rape
>He steps on the tile and equips it
>Shrugs off stuns and paralysis because of resistances and armour he picked up earlier
>One shots me through my armour
>final boss is _shit_
Final boss is already dead
>The Last Remnant
>Final boss has 15+ different forms that have different HP, Skills and damage
>takes one to fight you based on the amount of quests you've finished.
>Finishing them all leads to an almost unwinnable fight because his skills outmatch anything you try and do
>Grinding is actively discouraged by the game, so you're stuck
>Game has 10 other fucking mechanics for combat that it barely tells you about
>Final boss can heal himself
>Not even a little bit but enough to undo all the damage you did to him on your last turn
Why do these fucking dumbass game developers do this?
>final boss requires you to use items that level you up during the fight
>Bos dies by throwing it fat wads of cash
I'm actually out of gil
>Final boss isn't much of a threat to your party anymore, gameplay or story wise
>By the time you fight him, he's essentially realized that everything he did was for nothing and is just putting up a fight because he's gone too far to turn back
Name ONE game
>boss kills themselves
>final boss charms a party member with a full heal spell
Go away, DSP
>action game
>final boss is an 8 minute long rhythm game you have to perfect with no checkpoints and that fucks with the visual cues and also purposefully makes the last note have almost no visual or audio cue
>final boss asks you out on a date
what the fuck is buckley doing in the background?
>boss has a special attack that can kill you instantly
>you can deflect it resulting into the boss getting one-shot by his own attack
>boss dies in the most anticlimactic way
why did all the gods stand up when goku achieved blanco mastery? even belmod
>Final boss also castrates player
>Boss can charm your healer and regain all health
You bet, the enemy name gives it away
>final boss steals all your xp
Boss is a joke
Because while jiren may be more powerful than them he at least didn't achieve anything close to the angels' powers, goku did.
>boss is a joke but then just as the credits start rolling the boss' true form tears a hole in the screen and the real fight begins
It was their literal previous game, how did they fuck this up so badly
>final boss
>you have to use magic to enchant your sword but your party members have no MP and you didn't bring enough MP healing items
Forgot to add:
>game autosaves so you can't go back and buy MP healing itmes without redoing the whole dungeon over again
>final boss isn't immune to status effects
>mimic drains your levels
>Boss transfroms midfight
what game
>enemy spits acid at you that destroys all armor and weapons
>Final boss is defeated with the power of love
>Game actually took the time to give the undead a multitude of status effects, level drain, and potential vectored diseases to a host to make them that much more dangerous to fight in groups
>Final boss is not really the final boss
>Play Diablo 3 as monk
>Learn how broken they are with constant stun locks
>Diablo is not immune to this
>final boss is also the first boss
>Boss takes you 18 hours to beat
>Can heal himself as much as he wants
>you can cheat it with a youtube video
Jokes on you Taro