>no d-pad
>bulky as fuck
>3h battery time
Is this the worst handheld ever made?
No d-pad
Other urls found in this thread:
>no d-pad
yes, the neo geo pocket, ngage, and virtual boy were all much better
Do you know what a d-pad is? Because it sure as fuck is not those retarded face buttons. Switch doesn't have a d-pad.
It's a hybrid, dummy.
Do you know what a d-pad is?
Do you?
DO YOU? A d-pad is a singular unit.
I'd argue the non-XL 3DS is worse.
The D-pad are buttons because of the gimmick where you can have two player with just the two joycon
Its a shit "d pad"
720 screen is nice and its processing power is impressive for its size, though. Also
Detach the joycons from the tablet and put them in separate pockets brainlet
yeah with 4 inputs
it's practically the same thing
It's "practically" not the same thing at all when it's functionally and technically not the same thing.
>3h battery time
If you're playing a game like Breath of the Wild, yeah I can see that.
But it can stretch the playtime of games like Mario Kart (or games that don't try and render a whole world) by an hour or two more.
Grow the fuck up.
It’s not very bulky
The problem is if a launch title that's a WiiU port brings out the worst in the Switch's battery life, mid-gen games will be just as bad or worse once developers start milking the hardware to try and not release games that look early PS3/360 quality.
>Hating on the NGPC
You're a fuckhead and completely wrong. It has the best library for a portable pound for pound and probably has the best portable fighting game made.
Also, shit had a 20 hour battery life and fucking horoscopes.
Helpful battery chart
- it’s not bulky
- bigger battery than both the 3ds and Vita. If you were playing games with graphics like those two it last much longer
- it has the best most controller for a handheld. Not only you have all buttons but two sticks. And it comes with two controllers out of the box which no other handheld can do.
You’re a fucking retard. Quality d-pads are important for good movement and inputs in fighting games as well as 2d platformers.
P.s. if you use an analog stick you’re underage for sure
Toddler, please.
>Monkey is a human, because it's practically the same thing
It has some faults but the Switch has been the first Nintendo console I've really enjoyed in a long time. I hated the 3DS. It had a great library but the actual hardware was miserable. Uncomfortable to grip, horrible weight balance, absolute shittastic TN screen with an awful resolution, that pathtetic excuse for a second analog stick. Just awful. The Switch is fantastic in comparison
But yes, I'd love if they'd release a joycon with a proper dpad. I've seen third party ones that have one, but I'm weary of third party controllers
Here you go user
The Atari Lynx
Are you a fucking retard? 2D games, fighting games and even racing games are improved immensely with a d-pad. All genres that have been rendered useless on Switch.
>third-party mods
no thanks
If you're not using a wheel for racing games you're doing it wrong. Also the Switch has decent arcade sticks for fightans
There's also the pro controller and dpad mods for joycons for anything that needs a dpad
Nice but I want one that’s made officially by Nintendo. The problem with that d-pad is that you can still push down on all 4 buttons instead of a maximum of 2.
you're loss my friend
The only reason analog sticks don't work well for those genres is because devs don't (or couldn't if it's an old game) adjust how their games read the inputs from an analog stick.
All of those games have nothing on VOEZ. You can play all day with VOEZ even with wifi on, and they have added a controller patch
>using a wheel for handheld
Try 2 hours for Xenoblade Chronicles 2, clocked it several times to be sure.
Now wonder it's also missing on this helpful battery chart.
>only a handheld
It's a handheld. But its handheld form is really stupid and an after-thought. It's not suitable at all for emulation either.
>Quality D-Pads
Xenoblade came out after that chart was made.
>decent battery
>built-in mic
All Nintendo needed to do was straight rip off the Vita design and it would've been better than Switch.
not at all, with the joycons detached (and put in a separate pocket) it's the same size as a 3DS XL or Vita.
>no dpad
see and , other controllers also exist that you can use. If you need something as small as the joycons that has a good dpad but don't want to mod anything, the 8bitdo works.
>3h battery
depends on your usage and what games you're playing, though it is worth noting that most portable systems have around this battery length: including the earlier DSLite, 3DS, and PSP models. Since it's USB C standard, though, it's easy to just charge it in most public places.
>3 hours battery life
Cargo pants detected
If you can hit up and down at the same time, thats a superiour pad
Welp fuck, I guess it's impossible to add that later.
Thanks god I can see that Just Dance 2018 (demo) is playable for 4 hour instead.
Who cares about flagship exclusives anyway.
nope, I wear jeans and have had no problem pocketing the system after taking off the joycons, it's almost the exact same size as a 3DSXL or Vita. It's a tight fit, sure, but it does fit fine.
Add it yourself or go ask the guy that made it then, user.
The proper way to use a dpad is by placing the joint (or I guess most people use the tip, but I find the joint works better) of your thumb on the center pivot, and lightly rocking your thumb in whichever direction you want. Sans keyboard, it's about the fastest method for digital movement input
If you're moving the tip of your thumb to each individual direction then you're doing it incredibly wrong and inefficiently. And that's why the buttons are vastly inferior
Underage pls leave, the +shaped dpad wasnt a thing til Nintendo, arcades that didnt use sticks used four buttons and it was still called a dpad, now fuck off.
people actually pocket the switch lol
Is there a set of two cases being sold with one case for the Switch and the other for the two joycon? Preferably thin.
>putting handhelds in your pockets
>putting anything but your wallet and keys in there
The joy cons have fucked the Switch up royally. All that space wasted that could've gone into putting in larger components and better cooling. But since the Switch is about as big as its screen, you have a ton of wasted space where the joy cons should've been. I'm not sure what would be a better solution but it does feel like the TV feature has meant a huge cost for its handheld mode. And many of us already have a current-gen console sitting under the TV with superior specs.
I wish the controllers were detachable but they weren't doing that TWO PLAYERS CAN SHARE ONE SCREEN shit that I'm sure nobody has ever or will ever use. I would've preferred a d-pad over that. And I'm sure it's going to happen when Nintendo inevitably releases a revision of Switch that is pure handheld.
there are 4 pockets in a pair of jeans, 2 in the front 2 in the back.
Even the Wiki states the + shaped form as the default form of d-pad. And I don't see how a mere technicality makes the absense of a d-pad better.
And TVs used to be tube, whats your point other than being a dumb retarded faggot.
how are the joycons "wasted space" when you can literally take them off? It would be a waste of space if they weren't detachable, as then if they're bad you don't have any options and modding them would basically go out the window completely.
> they weren't doing that TWO PLAYERS CAN SHARE ONE SCREEN shit that I'm sure nobody has ever or will ever use.
I've used it, it's not particularly comfortable but works well for less demanding games like MK8 or kingdom battle, mostly works for ARMS as well.
> And I'm sure it's going to happen when Nintendo inevitably releases a revision of Switch that is pure handheld.
I doubt this, as it would go against the switch branding (reminder the logo is literally of 2 detached joycons), it also wouldn't fit with the name of the system either. I mean, how would they brand that? A deswitch? A noswitch? I don't think it'd make sense both from a business and branding perspective, as there isn't really a high demand for it (those that prefer playing handheld can do so already with the existing system), and it could risk confusing consumers as they wonder why their older dock doesn't work and why they can't charge their joycons the same way.
How the fuck would you have used the sides of the device you hold onto for cooling?
I can't believe how defensive you are over this. Why you're defending the absense of crucial handheld features is beyond me. But oh well.
More space is always better. Always. This is why 13' laptops are a fraction of what 15' laptops are in terms of performance for the same price. The more space you have, the better cooling you can achieve.
Well if you take 3DS and Vita apart you'll see even the area under the controls have been utilized for components. Not a single millimeter is wasted on handhelds.
>No directional interface
>Uh there is
>Its not the same, its not a singular button!
>Its still a directional interface
>Why you being so defensive
Im not the one the declaring something doesnt exist when it clearly does
if you take a switch apart you'll see that the parts are just as compact, to the point where it'd be impossible to fit the parts for controls within it - if anything, it would make the system bulkier to do so, thus your "wasted space" argument makes no sense.
You're deluded if you believe that face buttons serve the same function as a d-pad. Get real.
Toddlers will refuse to admit just how lacking their handheld is. For them Switch is a matter of pride. Not even a fucking d-pad.
there are lots of ways to get a dpad working with the system
Third-party mods? No thanks.
not even talking about mods
What is the Sega Saturn?
Doubly confirmed underage because you’ve never experienced a good d-pad
but the vita sold like shit, the switch has done the right thing by focusing on the games and having a more useful/appealing gimmick.
What does that have to do with the design of the handheld? Vita objectively had superior handheld design than Switch. Switch feel barely handheld.
This nigga gets it
Are you retarded? Get a Pro controller and dock it. Only poorfag manchildren play handhelds.
First of all, the Switch doesn't need more cooling as it doesn't come close to overheating in handheld or docked. Second, increasing performance would drain the battery faster. Third, no, you cannot use the joycon space to enlarge the battery simply because the the triggers and rumble unit would fuck with the shape of the battery. Even if you could use that exact space to increase the battery, at best you'd just get a 1/8 increase to battery life and that's without any performance improvement.
How much did they get paid to pose like that?
They do it for free my dude. The Switch is just that popular
>picture taken from instagram of teammate of highest paid man in the NBA
nah, switch sacrificed having a "complete" system in handheld form factor in favor of pushing the size to its limits with better hardware and having the controls detachable
pretty sure the battery would be far worse if the controllers were built into the system due to the HD rumble and motion controls, along with reduced room internally for a large battery to fit (especially considering where the battery is currently located in the system). Basically, that user is a fucking idiot.
Professional athletes fucking love the thing. Probably specifically because of the portability because they are on the go so much and they can’t lug an Xbox or PS4 with them through every airport.
The Joy-Cons actually have quite a bit of space dedicated to batteries themselves. If they didn't, they would be draining more from the main unit's battery when connected. So you could say that they're already providing extra battery.
Ah yes, motion controls. Because who didn't love the Wii waggle?
>ten years ago
D-pads are archaic, no game uses them. In fact, those mushy face buttons are totally a d-pad because they have arrows on them, but even if they weren't, d-pads don't matter. Based Nintendo, not including a d-pad and putting the savings on us.
funniest thing yet tbhqwyf
>NBA players of all people playing with no fucking problem
Splatoon 2 must have gotten a tune up
It exceeds 3 hours now.
It's an nvidia shield
If tomorrow Nintendo decided to sell DLC as Happy Meals toys these guys would find a way to defe- oh wait
motion controls for metroid prime trilogy, pikmin, and splatoon are unironically good.
but where dem games bro
There's a catalogue
Go use Google.
I'm not really sure if the HD rumble and motion controls actually takes that much power. I mean the joycons have a 525 mAh and can last about 20 hours on one charge.
It's 2h on botw
See, I can not only play Mario Kart 8 on the go but I can use the joycons to play 2 player Mario Kart 8 on the fly with one unit. No, this is not the worst handheld ever made.
There is no handheld currently on the market that does not include motion controls. It is a standardized feature at this point.
the HD rumble takes up most of that, and keep in mind there needs to be 2 on them (1 each side of the system) for the full effect.
>expecting a truthful and honest report on the tardo shit from tardiecentral
they're probably used to shit being too small for them
>the entire gimmick of the thing is an afterthought
There is one handheld on the market.