Old Games That Need to be Redone

There is this Game i loved so much and i really want to see it be redone in the HL2 Source because it was made in HL1 Source, ive actually been teaching myself basic modeling and coding so i could try and make a small little demo of it to see if i could. but im not the best coder or modeler. Im only good with graphic design. What do you think Anons? should i do it? and what are some games you think should be redone?

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Cry of Fear basically IS a remake.
That said, I don't think a real effort to redo it would be worth it. A lot of the appeal comes from the jank. From the crazy committal jumps, and the guns that feel awkward until you're just blazing through mags, to the BSP-lookin' levels.
Also good luck trying to remake a game without the rights to the original.

well someone did the same with SCP: Containment Breach and they didnt have much problem with, so why would Psykskallar?

No one has the rights to anything SCP related, it's all public domain.

>cry of fear is considered old
holy fuck

oh shit is it really?

Yeah, you know it didn't start as a game, right?

Regalis, or whoever it is that makes Containment Breach doesn't own the rights to SCP. No one does, it's all Creative Commons BY SA. No one can claim to be a legal license holder under anything that uses the SCP "IP"; that's why you'll never see an official SCP film or AAA game.
Cry of Fear is pretty explicitly owned by Andreas Ronnberg and James Marchant, they own the rights and license.

They did the multiplayer game on Steam that is F2P because they cant sell it.
Then there is someone remaking the game in Unity I think.
Be nice to play a better looking version of Containment Breach.

do you think it could be gone around if used as a mod for HL2? kinda like how theres COF models for Garrys mod

I mean you can literally do whatever you want as long as you don't sell it or put your name on it, there's nothing stopping you.

Not really, it'd still need to be a new IP. "Shriek of Terror", even then you risk problems.
See: "The Island" vs "The Clonus Horror".


Is this a joke


cry of fear/afraid of monsters is largely a silent hill knockoff, there's nothing stopping you from making a similar game of your own.

>HL2 Source because it was made in HL1 Source,
it's GoldSrc, you fucking dickweed.
And what good would a change of engine do? Especially when the OG product already almost looks like a Source game?
And what's with the people's fascinations with remkaes nowadays?

two words

visual aesthetics

>visual aesthetics
Mind opening up on that?
Because I'm getting worrisome vibes from your implications.

well lets get something straight
COF graphics are beautiful as is,such as the gun models. but i some environmental things such as trees and landscape are a bit dull and some textures are too blurry.a simple textural remake would be nice.

Interesting notion.
Personally I think it's outstanding how much the modders got out of this 20yo engine and its hard-coded limitations (AFAIK, 256x256 is the largest texture size), with the normalmaps and dynamic flashlight being the most impressive feats.

The woods and environments look fine to me. Perfect replications of Scandinavian towns and woods.
I'm also oldschooler enough to not only look past a few "blurry pixels", but also consider them to add to the game's uncanny feel and the low-poly visual style.

Thanks for reminding me this game exists OP, time to replay it.

The only redoing older games need is compatibility with modern systems, otherwise leave it be and play as is. Make something new.

cheers lad, imma play it again myself

i do certainly love the graphics as is, i would just like to see it in a new engine and see what it would look like. of course nothing beats the original. but the only thing that does need change is those bus signs for sure

I would love Deus Ex on newer engine but same gameplay. But knowing Square Enix, they'll fuck it up.

>but the only thing that does need change is those bus signs for sure
...bus signs?

hhhhuh....i guess its been a while. i remember some textures being shit.. it certainly has been a while

Jade Cocoon could benefit from some quality of life improvements to make things less tedious, especially battles since they are absurdly slow. The game could also looks beautiful if Square Enix was to put the Ni no Kuni team to work on the graffix department but knowing SE they'd just shit out another Secret of Mana tier remake or some lazy phone/pc port instead.