If you could wipe one gamefranchise from the face of the earth, what one would you choose and why?

If you could wipe one game\franchise from the face of the earth, what one would you choose and why?

Call of Duty would be an obvious answer

Overwatch in a heartbeat because I can't fucking stand it's fanbase

Without it, the Xbox would have never gotten off the ground and Microsoft would have never gotten a chance to push all of their bullshit.

Dota 2

Pokemon. Quantity over quality.

anything from EA

Warhammer, autistic setting for autistic people. Only man children even begin to think it's a good franchise.


Yep, no halo means no Xbox live, means we might have been spared the horrors of DLC and console online multiplayer, hell maybe the Xbox would never have caught on at all and Sega may have decided to reenter the market. I would absolutely agree that Halo is the best choice of franchise to get rid of. Even at it's best it wasn't anything remarkable so we wouldn't be losing much anyway.

Depends. Would it just have never existed, or would I be able to enjoy the salt of its fanbase?

I loved classic and bc but it has to be WoW. Not only opened it the floodgates for all the normalfag cancer it also cost me way too much time and money.


>Worst fanbase.
>Endlessly recycled content.
>Obnoxious gameplay.
>Hitboxes are entirely random.
>No dub.
I'd get rid of Sup Forums in a heartbeat.

Why bother? There are so many absolute bottom of the barrel franchises, erase one and 5 more would probably spring up in its place.

I wouldn't do that.

Yep, I agree. I was gonna agree with Halo but fuck that. Sup Forums can go die in a fire. There are no games here, just more social media garbage and more console warring wankfests

mad cuz you got ganked by a tri lane, pussy?

Overwatch. Overcucks are the most whiny, insufferable faggots on the face of the earth, and their faggotry is seeping into actually decent games like Siege because the whole fucking playerbase is a bunch of limpwristed diaperfurs.

minecraft so i can make it and become a rich fat faggot


Doom. No wait, whatever Sup Forumss favorite game as a collective is. But only if subsequent reproductions of said game would disappear as well. And if everyone remembers it existed.
I just want to see Sup Forums suffer. Fuck you all in general actually.

FIFA. Keep normalfags away from my video games.

Haha wee

Super Smash Bros.

Doesn't even have anything to do with this week's drama. I hate Smash because it killed casual fighting games.

Warcraft. No mobas and wow killers mmos.

Spacewar! video games were a mistake.

Couldn't care less because I'm not autistic and can choose to just not play things I don't like.

Like what? Name one game from which smash stole it's playerbase?

your favorite game

Final fantasy.

Absolutely god awful taste. Literally the most Reddit of tastes.

There are so many games I want wiped off the face of the earth, the ones basically responsible for the shit condition of modern "gaming".

Basically a ton of style over substance shitgames released in the mid-90s. One of the first was DKC (WOW LOOK AT GRAFIX just ignore the shit gameplay pls), then Mario 64 (shit controls, shit camera), MGS (moviegame garbage), Half-Life (shit linear fps), Goldeneye (console FPS cancer), etc.

Street Fighter. Before Smash came out people would play Street Fighter at casual gatherings.
