How long do I have to play before it gets fun?

How long do I have to play before it gets fun?

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ARR? Only the last bit of the game is good. HW is where the real fun begins.

so it's trash without the expansions?

Naw it's trash even with the expansions


If you want to play a good MMORPG play something else like WoW, ESO or D&D Online.

If you are a manlet who need to do faggy ERP or want to escape realitiy, than play FFXIV.

Come on now user, at least you were right about DDO being good

> WoW
Not like XIV is either, but for fucks sake, user.

Honestly, never. I slogged through this garbage up until the end of Heavensward where people assured me it would get fun and the storyline would pick up and so much would happen.
It didn't. Nothing changed. Everything remained exactly the same except in some maps mounts could sometimes fly. Everything was still running the same dungeons, the same raids, with the same retarded writting flipping cliches at me with 20 walk-to-this-place-then-back storyline quests per second, none of which could at the very least be done with friends. None.
Literally infuriatingly boring.

People will tell you a lot about how it gets better after 30, or at end game or whatever, but as someone who's actively subbed, I think that if you don't like the game right off the bat you're better off quitting than taking your bets.
I mean it's a fact that the gameplay gets more depth as you go along but the core of what it is really never changes from when you start out. It isn't like WoW where a class at max level with gear is different from the same class at max level without gear, none the less 110 compared to 1. You're still dealing with little glowy AoE circles and the same general pace of play late as you are early, there's just a lot more thought to how you handle it and which buttons you press.

I like it but I really don't blame anyone else for not liking it.

>How long do I have to play before it gets fun?
If you're not having fun now, you probably never will.

It's one of those games that improves as it goes along, but it doesn't improve anywhere near as fucking much as some fanboys insist. And even then, it mostly improves in spectacle. If you don't at least enjoy the core of the game, it's not going to change.

>it mostly improves in spectacle
The spectacle most times being 'watching 7-23 people completely fuck up every single mechanic in a duty'.

Enough for you to realize the game is utter trash, making you quit.

Who knew a shapeshifting silver sphere could give godslayers so much trouble

Even people who've played the game for years can see the sign on the wall OP. This game isn't going to last much past this expansion so don't bother right now. Just keep waiting until the game is finished and then play.

>Even people who've played the game for years can see the sign on the wall OP
In fairness, that same shit has been said every single patch, for as long as XIV's been around.

Hell, I remember people on forums for FFXI calling that patches in Rise of the Zilart were the definitive marks that FFXI was a failure and coming to and end shortly after it was released in NA. Then they did the same with CoP, and ToAU, and WoTG, and then Abyssea (which they were finally right with). But even then, SoA came out after and XIfags insist that's still great. So the answer is nobody knows what the fuck the future brings.

>I'm kinda bored, wish there was more interesting content
If that were the case, WoW would have ended approximately 327 times already.

>DPS still not using fucking Diversion

I thought Guardian was supposed to be a filter

I enjoyed it for the well designed world and plethora of things to do outside of battle. Heck even crafting is pretty fun once you get into it. Skipped the story cutscenes until lvl ~40-ish where it was kinda alright. End of the base game was alright, then a bit of a slog again, then heavensward came along and since then it's been pretty great throughout.

I also took my time to do some of the older raids like coils of bahamut which were nothing short of being amazing and added to my enjoyment. Now with 70 as level cap it's too much of a breeze though.

Doomsday shitposting aside, I really hope that eureka's good. not really sure what to expect coming from the failures of diadem 1 and diadem 2: fate boogaloo, but fuck man.

>well designed world
so well designed that every zone except for hub areas is fucking dead unless you just happen to pass by a timed gathering node at the right moment.

Do you expect everyone to stand around and gawk at the environmental structures forever? Them idling around in the most recent hub or in their fc houses doesn't take away from the world itself. People are busy with stuff user.

And then there's also the final expansion, RoV, which is pretty cool. It was added for free, but progress in it is gated by progress in the main game + each expansion(and you have to finish everything else to finish RoV). As far as I know FFXI is the only MMO ever that can be beaten.

So what you mean is that the world is aesthetically pleasing, not that the overworld is actually well designed from a gameplay perspective because if it was, there'd actually be a reason to revisit areas after doing the main story.

Nigger there's plenty of optional content to do to get you out in the field, are you going to bitch moan and pretend it doesn't exist just because it's optional and if it was somehow mandatory I bet you would complain about that you had to do it

You mean visiting them without any reason or payoff to do so? MMO players are obsessed with efficiency so unless they get something out of it they just wont do it.

There is some stuff to do there though. Beast tribes, vistas, levelling second classes, hunts, gathering etc.

If a game is not fun within a couple of hours, preferably immediately but let's not be closed minded, then it is simply not a fun game. FF14 is not a fun game. Not right away and certainly not at 'endgame', which is the exact same thing as the early multiplayer dungeons but with bigger numbers and more evil circles to dodge.

>ah yes, "FATE"s

Plenty of optional content with no reason to do it. Which is why nearly every zone is always bar maybe a few sprouts running around and gatherers waiting for spawns.

>it doesn't count because I say there's no reason to do it
>next I'll dismiss any rewards and just say it's all shit
All you're missing is the "meaningful" buzzword

this shit, my fucking raid lead is a NIN and does really well DPS wise but is an absolute fucktard when it comes to threat.
He'll use shadewalker once, MAYBE twice if we're lucky and 'lucky' means one of us tanks shit the bed and now he's got threat so he uses shadewalker
I've no clue what his 5th CC is but it sure as fuck isn't diversion, have literally 0 logs of him using it. Arm's Length, Invigorate, True North, even fucking bloodbath, but 0 diversion.
the best part is he gets upset at us for provoke/shirking when there's no swap coming because he's afraid we'll die and get him killed.

Good goy, do your shitty daily quests for a month so you can claim those amazing moogle slippers. Truly makes you feel accomplished!

it never gets good

Alright, I'm MAD. Let's go through this line by line, because holy shit this argument makes me unreasonably mad.
>Do you have all Jobs, Crafters, and Gatherers at level 70?
Why the FUCK is "grind every job to 70" considered content? You can probably consider the differences in jobs "content", but come the fuck on, you're stretching. Shit, you can't even consider all of the crafting and gathering classes different, because they play the EXACT same (barring fishing).
>Are those jobs all relatively well-geared?
How is this actually considered "content"? You DO content to GEAR. It's a REWARD.
>Have you cleared the current EX Primals?
Anyone who isn't a retard has done this. Go fuck yourself. Also nice on finally getting to content.
>Have you cleared O8S?
This is one of the legitimate arguments this fucko has.
>Have you cleared UCoB?
It's a difficulty designed for autismos with too much time, that only a small percentage of the population can even do.
>Have you cleared all forms of older PvE content?
Older forms of PvE content is OLD and BUSTED, and doing it unsynced feels like doing chores. So good luck getting faggots to play their classes at level 60 (or god forbid, 50!)
>Have you solo'd PotD 200?
Nobody has except one RDM, you piece of shit.
>Do you compete in Ranked Feast Seasons?
Maybe if I wanted to fucking buy some matches.
>Do you play Frontlines & Rival Wings?
If I wanted to waste my time waiting, I'd queue for dungeons as a DPS.
>Do you compete in Triple Triad & LoV tournaments at the Gold Saucer?
You actually can't do LoV because nobody plays it. There's one half of your argument gone.
>Have you collected every mount, minion, and relic weapon achievable through in-game means?
If I wanted to fuck myself with a rusty pipe, I wouldn't fucking pay to do it.
>Have you earned every achievement?
Ah yes, mine 20,000 HQ items. Fucking. RIVETING.

Next you'll tell me that unless you do EVERY FATE there is, you can't complain. Fuck you.

The only correct response to a post like that is "Have you?"

I know but it tilts me so fucking much. It's such a shit argument. It doesn't look at what they're saying at all - it's the equivalent of defending someone shitting on a plate and serving it as food. Or telling somebody that they're not entitled to a refund because they "didn't give the game a chance to get good" or some shit. I'm fine with XIV as it is - although I would like them to take more risks that are less high budget (they should have had multiple little things like Diadem, LoV, etc. spread out and expand on what worked after getting player feedback), but holy fuck.

These are the kinds of people who will defend open world games and tell you that Skyrim is the best game because it "never ends". No, it technically doesn't, but nobody wants to hit a bear for the nth time and explore the same dungeon over and over. FUCK this person. If people haven't given it a chance, maybe fucking recommend it to them, but don't go:
>haha you shouldn't complain about content when the developer YOU'RE PAYING MONEY TO MONTHLY isn't pandering to you and ignoring you, haven't you waited an hour to get into a single pvp match with bots?

>Nigger there's plenty of optional content to do to get you out in the field
I like XIV, but no there fucking isn't.
The only things out in the field to do are
>Treasure Maps
FATEs are pointless once you hit level cap (and they're not even great prior to that).
Treasure Maps are fun, but it's the same handful of preset mob spawns, and the point of doing a map is to spawn an instanced dungeon, so yay?
Hunts are just FATE bosses without the flair. Anything that set certain ones apart from the others is now horribly moot when you just show up, spam for 30 seconds, then move onto the next one.

If you REALLY want to stretch shit, you might be able to include
>Sightseeing log
>Generic quests
>... gathering?
But that's so fucking boring I don't think anyone should include them.

>Why the FUCK is "grind every job to 70" considered content?
>How is this [gearing all jobs] actually considered "content"?
Because fanboys are desperate to try and come up with relevant content. There isn't much, beyond the usual, so they have to make shit up.
>Older forms of PvE content is OLD and BUSTED, and doing it unsynced feels like doing chores
>Next you'll tell me that unless you do EVERY FATE there is, you can't complain.
But user, you have to 'make your own fun!! :)'
ie: 'please don't say this game has barely any relevant content, it hurts our previous fanboy feelings! :( we don't want the game to fucking improve, so no criticism!!!'
>You actually can't do LoV because nobody plays it.
And even if there was, you'd have to play LoV.
And nobody, clearly, wants to do that.

b-but just look at all the people out in the field, clearly this content is tons of fun and very rewarding! You can't say it's not worth doing because it exists!

Game is trash. Kill yourselves, do the gene pool a favor.


It's shit. Only gets worse as you go.

He is full of shit. You shouldn't need Invigorate for anything other than dungeon AoE spam, TP management is a joke now even if you die.

Why is it so hard to use Shadewalker on CD or when adds spawns like in O3S and O7S?

ITT: people complaining there's no content while refusing to play existing content.

You guys hould consider drinking bleach.

50 levels