Why are fighting game players so rude and why are Japanese the biggest bullies of the bunch? Why hasn't Namco and Capcom stopped them from teabagging and shit talking that happens internationally?
Why are fighting game players so rude and why are Japanese the biggest bullies of the bunch...
you missed the disrespect
What happened
Daigo shittalking
Holy shit I missed it. How bad did Tokido get spanked in the FT10?
Tokido challenged Daigo to a match and Daigo was talking mad shit before and after the match. It broke Tokido because Daigo was in control nearly the entire game and was playing super disrespectful like it was MKX.
when did this happen?
>Highly competitive scene makes people rude
Who would have fucking guessed?
Just now, Daigo was laughing after the match too
It's just bantz
What a toxic community. They should learn a thing or two from Overwatch.
Yeah they should ban Nemo and Daigo from playing. Also Punk for handing out usable teabags with his face on them
TriHard 7
Daigo had a rare night where he was completely on-game. At you get older these nights come farther apart from each other. And he wasn't tired from the grind of an actual tournament.
Tokido is an amazing, world-class player and legend in his own right. But Daigo ability to play fighting games goes far beyond Tokido's to deep, instinctive pattern recognition greater than any other person in the history of fighting games. There's just about no stopping that once Daigo gets the other hurdles out of the way of playing a game.
The Nemo thing was actually pretty funny and Itazan didn’t take it too hard, the Tokido-Daigo thing is just sad
Teabagging and general disrespectful play are a valid strategy to inflict mental damage on your opponent.
If you're getting sunk due to getting stunted on, you need to build up your mental fortitude.
Fighting games are the last bastion of arcade culture, but e-sports is slowly soyifying them. In 5 years the FGC will be just as expressionless and clean as the rest of e-sports.
Because tournaments would be as boring as other esports shit. It would be painful to watch. Stay mad soy boy.
what's your battle.net so I can report you
I don't play shitty watered down FPS games. Go back to your safe space soy boy.
Shit like this gives me life, thank you based FGC.
I'll find your reddit account and report you
Fighting game players the very bottom of the barrel of the gaming world, and so delusional that they think they are legit real life badasses because the play fighting games and act like niggers.
Damn. I actually feel really bad for Tokido. He's always been really invested in fighting games and to know that nothing has changed when it comes to him playing against Daigo even after winning EVO must be soul-shattering. Even worse than his loss to MenaRD at CapCup.
Because fighting games are 1 VS 1 meaning that all of the player's frustrations are reserved for one opposing player instead of whole team and a lot of Japs just tend to be cruel. I don't know why. Maybe it's little man syndrome on a national scale, maybe they're still grumpy about those nukes or maybe they just don't like people.
Side note: E-sports should not be called E-sports. I hate it when anybody refers to playing vidya as a "sport"
You sound like a casual.
E-sports is just easy to say, I doubt anyone in them believes they’re an athlete, but people call chess and poker sports as well so there’s that.
You sound like an Overwatch soy boy. Get help.
Yes, I only play fighting games casually. And so what? Fighting games are just one genre among many others. They have no particular importance. Only FGC niggers think otherwise.
I've never played Overwatch, and even if I had it would make no difference. Try again.
>Crying over vidya
Why? What would drive somebody to do this?
I mean, in fucking public, Jesus...
There are stories of random Japs throwing shit at foreigners who beat them at arcades. Really funny shit since the top players are generally really nice and humble
Imagine getting beat by the same guy for 20 years
>and people still thinks gief doesn't suck ass
We only main him because we're sados
>The soyboy sip vs the Chad chug
Maybe it's just a cultural thing.
Hey, he was pretty decent for a bit in season 2. Shame how garbage he is in 1 and 3 though.
>OP is a burger boy that needs his safe space
fat acceptance, anyone?
>oh it's probably some drama they do to get people talking
>wait, those are real crocodile tears
shit I feel really bad for the murderface now
theyre japs mate
Stick to Overwatch.
It's his career. He's put his heart and soul into fighting games his whole life. Imagine yourself is the same type of situation where you put in all that effort and you're told nonchalantly by a man you can never beat that you still can't beat him and then get bodied like you're only half as good as him.
i feel really bad for tokido but god damn its hard to not have huge respect for daigo, it's fucking insane how he managed to stay on top of his game for this fucking long
That's some anime shit right there.
Will he defeat the master in the end?
Punk is smiling somewhere
Karma's a bitch i guess
Got to love this guy, specially during this oversensitive times. Based Daigo.
It's basically fucking El Hermano and Jiren
Daigo pretty much laid out "You're challenging me my dimwit rival?"
Considering Tokido > Punk and Daigo > Tokido, I'm led to believe Punk would eat shit.
Even his own countrymen have no faith.
I'd love to see him get bodied by daigo so he cries on camera like a bitch again.
There's always that player who's playstyle gets under your skin and tilts you. I do well against very good players that play patiently enough to not disrespect my approach on a whim, but there's always that stray low tier shitter that will dp me for no apparent reason that ends up keeping me on my toes and tilting me.
I don't think Daigo is necessarily a better player than Tokido, he just knows how to tilt him hard.
most of the countrymen replying to him are backstabbing weebs who would pay $1000 dollars to fly a Jap to fuck their mother.
Except Tokido doesn't have Goku Time to dues ex his way out of a loss like El Blanco does.
>Daigo had a rare night where he was completely on-game
daigo IS A BEAST IN FT10
he has never lost in SF4 FT10 either
He beat xian 10-0 and Infiltration 10-3 during their prime in SF4
I'm not happy that I understood that reference.
you're retarded, daigo is not a tournament player, ft3 has too much randomness going into it, and the longer a set goes, the better player will always wins, and daigo ALWAYS wins those, the term "downloaded" is pretty much coined by daigo, because thats what happens to literally everyone who plays him in a long set
daigo a cunt
tokido a ourguy
Starcraft and fighting games are the only esports games that matter.
the others are all teambased garbage with 0 personality and no hype.
Based Daigo putting inferior player into their place
lol you still sound gay tho
How chad can a guy be?
Virgin Tokido vs Chad Daigo memepic when?!?!?!?
>Starcraft and fighting games are the only esports games that matter
quake3arena duels would like a friendly word with you
>the others are all teambased garbage with 0 personality and no hype
team fortress was a teambased non-garbage with personality and hype, but it's been on a steady decline and i don't really into it lately so i don't know about it's current state; there's also tribes that i heard god things about, but i didn't have the chance to experience it in it's prime. other than that, yeah, all other "e-sports" don't matter.
fighting game players are vulgar
TF2 became unhype when shit started getting banned. Either play default or play everything.
Tokido deserves to get laughed at if he loses to this washed up trashcan
Like poetry.
Now Tokido knows how it felt.
How incredible players does Daigo have to destroy before people realize he's still number one? If you want to talk about actual washed-up top players, look at Justin Wong.
He wasn't talking shit after the match he was saying how Tokido had won Evo and came second in Capcom Cup so he shouldn't feel bad about this because he's still one of the best.
I have no idea why Justin is wasting time with phone games and anime when it's making him fatter and shittier at fighting games. He's throwing everything away because he works at Nvidia
>he doesnt collect waifus on mobile games and fap to loli animes
lmao @ your pathetic life tbqhwyfam
Well lets see if it can help him in Final Round. He entered a bunch of games so hopefully he can convert his anime autism into skill like how SonicFox harnesses his furry autism
Lol you retard, that webm is from 2015, and the image you posted was from last year.
Pretty sure Tokido was in EG in 2015 you streamboar.
Poor Tokido. He's such a kind man.
Are you fucking retarded? The webm of Tokido crying is from 2015 and the image you posted was from 2017. If you don't understand what I'm trying to say, based on the post that I replied to here (), then you might actually be a fucking retard.
Can anyone beat Daigo in a first to 10? The 5 wins Tokido had was the closest anyone had come.
Not him but the webm is from today, retard.
>September 2015
That's an old sign you retard.
Tokido wasn't on EchoFox in 2015
and EchoFox didn't sign any FGC players yet
It's an old sign retard
>a lot of japs tend to be cruel
Stunning evidence you’ve brought to the table.
>Guy calling people retarded was the actual retard all along
Hahahhahahaha now shut the fuck up and go back to being quiet bitch
nanking 1938
lol are you that stupid?
the actual holocaust
If atrocities are your evidence, you’re barking up the wrong tree
lol the webm was literally from a ft10 set that happened hours ago you raging faggot
Where can I watch the full match?
imagine if they had a sign in the background saying "Nanking 1938". This fucking idiot would think this was the actual Nanking Massacre.
Thank you my friend. I'm looking forward to this
only manchildren pussies cry when they lost after playing fucking video game
give me one reason why i should feel anything for this guy (or another)
Kuroda's the only one who could single-handedly kill the FGC but he suppresses his powerlevel by being a NEET instead
No one gives a fuck what you feel bitch. Go back to your useless life.