Which team do you join?
gregor is spectating and will join the opposite team once you've picked a side
Which team do you join?
It's honestly no contest.
BLU, since their medic will probally heal the team rather than just his lover.
That billy lad will go fucking hard, I'm on red
>no Mr Lister
I play a different game instead
I don't even look at the playerlist, red or dead faggot
>Russian on BLU
Red it is
for talking on VC, red
for winning, blu
BLU easily.
ERPfags aren't good so no healer
Friendly players are spectators
1 soldier vs 2
BLU, I will use the friendly as a meat shield.
Pekan joukkue = paras joukkue
>gregor joins the opposite team
It doesn’t matter which team you join. You’ve already lost.
>Potentially good demoman
>Generic terrible Spy
>Pocketed Heavy
>The above heavy's pocket Medic. Heals exclusively his pocket
>May not have the best reaction times nor the most knowledge but knows what he has to do to be credit to team
>Potentially good if weeb scout
>Always fear the one word players. Potentially good sniper
>Might be good
>W+M1, and nothing else. If not, attempts combos all the time, failing
>Potentially better than the other scout
>Waste of a slot
>Potentially good soldier
>Definitely W+M1
>Heavy that needs no pocket to kill a team
>Makes no attempts to communicate, nor can. Will get dominated by the RED Sniper
>Medic that takes his role very seriously, will keep BLU alive
>Crapshoot demoman
>Pulls combos effectively
>Maybe decent engi
>Competitive level scout, or trying really hard to get into competitive
>Another turd spy
>Failure of a feet shooter
Hard to say which team, but Gregor with heals would be a real problem. Maybe RED, then
>bunch of severe faggots
>international congress of third world children-gamers
Thanks, I'll take BLU any day of the week.
I always try to pick blu whenever I can, on 2fort the blu side is in the shade and seems so much cooler temperature wise
He's no gregor but I guess red will have to do
We can't lose!
It's a hard call. Red has a few players who are probably decent and fun to play with and most of the rest seem middling rather than terrible. But then you have Vixen and Vixen cock lover who together will be the worst possible teammates, by far. No contest, they would be the absolute most awful fucking people to play with. But, on BLU, pretty much everyone seems to be in the low average-bad range. There's foreigners, meme spouters, and bronies, with maybe one person who's okay. So, would you rather be on a team filled with bad people or a team filled with good and okay people but with 2 specific players who are the absolute fucking worst people you have ever encountered? Honestly, I might go BLU.
Vixen and Cock Lover could either be massive faggots with medium skill, or massive faggots with fairly high skill. These type of people usually do nothing but play the same game, over and over, being faggots in chat. Eventually, through sheer amount of hours put into the game, they get good.
The problem for Team Red is the Pyro and the friendly heavy. The others are either average or decent, but those two will definitely be detrimental to the team.
>Plays sniper
Even in team-based vidya they're anti-social autists. God bless the finns.
No no, you see, this is the issue with Vixen and Vixen Cock Lover: they are going to be unbearably awful to play with. Their skill is basically irrelevant because this is a pub and they're playing pocket heavy: they're going to be reasonably effective even though the medic will never ever heal anyone else and the heavy is probably a bad shot. The issue is that they will be insufferable the entire game. They will constantly do furry ERP over the mic, unless their team is losing in which case they will instead begin bitching and complaining at everyone in louder and more obnoxious voices. If you criticize either one of them the other will jump in and screech at you for an extended period of time. Their characters will be dressed like furries and in the most eye-searing and unpleasant way. And even if you mute them you will never be able to get the knowledge that playing well is helping those people out of your head. It will affect not only your performance, but the rest of the team's. You will all know that your reward for victory will be a 400 pound furry telling you "yay user you did it *glomps u*". You will pray to lose.
Pfff... both seem shit.
I'd go Random, choose Demoman and obliterate the other team with ease. Maybe even Spy, if they're that bad.
RED has: medic buttbuddy combo that is guaranteed to be at least decent, Yusuke a potential tryhard autist, Pekka as a wildcard, potentially gregor-tier and both Billy Mays and Johnny that are 75% guaranteed to know how the game works
On the other hand in BLU its up to Boogerpenis or Big Penis to live up to Aegis pocketing, rando is 50/50 either a kid that pretends to be cool or actually a tryhard
RED is the safer bet
Dead meat. I am going BLU
blu, the russian and the pole are probably semi-decent and I can deal with stale memes easier than weebs and "traps".
This is why Blu is the only answer. This is why if you get stuck on Red, you sabotage. Never fucking support Vixen and Vixen Cock Lover. Ever.
blu, and george castanza better be a fucking battle engie
i like playing with the weaker team
its much more of a challenge
RED sonce the heavy and med seem to know eachother.
It doesn't matter which team I join because I'm hacking either way 8^)
gamingdad1964 seems like he might be a cool guy.
Red team is better overall but has a shit medic and vice versa. Probably blue then.
Always bet on Rip Roarin' Boogerpenis
im joining rip roarin boogerpenis.
red's got a dumbass friendly heavy. not even gregor's savin that shit.
I'd befriend Pekka.
>implying le meme man won't join the friendly and do nothing but spam taunts all game
Friendly heavy is a guaranteed wasted slot so BLU
Pekka seems like a okay guy
Literally nothing wrong with Red. If anything Yusuke Urameshi is a plus. Who made this really should have used Kirito
Any team without "friendly" bullshit is an autopick.
>Waste of a slot
Who are we kidding?? POOTIS POW (friendly :D) is gonna get sick of being killed by Blu and mow them all down when they least expect it.
>not teaming up with Pekka
I hope no-one here is that stupid
Blu. I would like to play with fellow countrymate
Everyone knows billy is top player.
A good medic and a half decent demoman/soldier can carry a team of shitters.
Always RED.
Ill team up with bolschoi penis. Everyone knows russians are max tier coop bros
>Have to choose between my man UR-A-MESHI and COSTANZA THE MANZA
This is harder than I thought
BLU has more 3rd world subhumans than red, although they have [MLP] which either means a godly autist or very bad autist. Pottis, Aegis and lft rando are probably alright players. RED has ERP faggots who probably are either very good as they only pocket eachother, or very bad but act as meatshields. They're the only bad ones in RED, almost everyone else is probably at least decent. Also they have fucking Pekka. Going to pick BLU and go as a spy to camp Pekka just so I can talk mad shit at him.
always joined BLU since RED is the color of evil and enemies
>Billy Mays
>Yusuke Urameshi
Red, and pick Medic since the one they got is a retarded healslut for their heavy so they'll need a real medic more than anything else.
I like the color BLU more on my team shine killstreakers but I want to join red with a fellow anime scout.
Either way the team I'm on wins.
You can tell that Rip Roarin' Boogerpenis and pottis are secretly pros
>Not joining Yusuke's team
Auto win right there.
>Billy Mays
red baby.
>finnish sniper
>anime scout