Was Sonic ever good?

Was Sonic ever good?

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1, 2 and 3 are good. I didnt like Mania, too many mini-games.

Yes, but it's more of an arcade game than the Nintendo's games.

I don't even play sonic games, I just love Sonic porn.

sonic is alright but its not definitely not great

He absolutely was. It's just hard to remember with nearly two decades of mediocre to awful games, an extremely autistic fanbase, a development team that has no idea what they're doing and is constantly switched around, and the fact that Sonic himself is a total laughingstock meme nowadays.

>too many mini-games.
There was the emerald collection stages, which were by far the best the series has ever had, the completely optional Blue Sphere, and I suppose the Puyo Puyo boss? How's that 'too many'?

the 2d genesis games were alright.
Nothing as good as a NES metroid or NES megaman or NES Mario 3 or NES zelda.
But had a pretty original mechanic done well enough

was that mod ever released?

You could maybe count the Sky Chase section in Mirage Saloon as a mini game if you stretched it hard enough too, but that's really about it.

One thing I've learned over the years is that if someone doesn't like a critically acclaimed thing, it's usually for some retarded bullshit personal taste that you can't really argue against. Some people just have dumb opinions and you gotta let them have it, I guess. (Not that I think Mania is flawless, mind you. Just speaking generally.)

It's just autistic holding right and watching Sonic running past some shit with occational forks when you have no idea where any way leads you if it's you first playthrough.
If you are a true turbo retard, you play courses over and over again to beat those in a record time.
That's it. Platforming is a joke in this game and the only threat is suffocation underwater.

Yeah I'm sure all those games, toys, spaghetti three tv shows, 2 comics and that creepy stage show were just a big fluke because Sonic is blue.

The only Autism I will never understand is Thomas the Tank Engine.

Factual, 100% flawless power ranking:

Adv 2
Rush Adv
Adv 3

Push 1 below Rush and then yes

3&K >= Mania > 2 = CD(Taxman) >
CD (original) > 1

Rush Adv > Adv 2 > Rush > 1

I'mma need source.

>the first attempt at making a legitimate Amy mod was this
I'll never forget the asshurt

Kinda, only the original titles, the first three. Sonic's always been built around speed and moving fast, which really doesn't exactly transfer well into 3D given that the faster something moves, the harder it gets to handle, which gets blatantly obvious as the series went on. Sure, you move fast and whatnot, but that came to work as a hindrance more than a boon when the series jumped to 3D, since the series would either need to have very long draw distances to allow people to react faster to what's coming ahead, or make the levels themselves slow down significantly in order to make it work. Since since the Sonic games' selling point was speed, the latter option really didn't sit well with fans of the series. Even the original three games weren't flawless in that regard, the limited screen size made running fast a gamble because there was no way to anticipate if any enemies was gonna pop up within a couple of seconds of screen movement, practically forcing you to slow down in order to avoid them properly rather than bolting straight through them as the devs probably intended.


>Using Mania artworks specifically for a SXSW reminder.


Unless it's Mania 2 or a new Riders I don;t give a shit

>Whenever the "Sonic is never good" meme pops up, the argument is either:
>"Lol Sonic is just holding right and nothing else"
>"Sonic sux why can't I got fast all the time?"
really makes you think