What are some RPGs where instead of the usual 'epic' boss fight, the developers tried to be a bit more creative with the climax/finale?
What are some RPGs that don't end with a boss fight?
fable 2
Persona 3
Chrono cross
Crisis Core FFVII
Demon's Souls I guess
utawaruraremono: Mask of truth.
Halo Reach. Games where the protags controllably die at the end are cool.
I think the OP was asking for finales that don't have any combat. The examples listed here all consist of combat setpieces or boss fights against giant monster, so I don't know why they're being mentioned.
I can only think of cRPGs like Fallout, Deus Ex, Planescape: Torment and some of the Ultima games that have this kind of finale.
Fallout 3 is the only main-line Fallout game without an actual "big bad" at the end to fight. Comparing Autumn to the likes of the Master, Frank Horrigan, and Lanius/NCR is just sad.
Fuck, I didn't even play 4 to know what the last boss for that game even is, if they even have one.
You can finish Fallout without ever meeting the Master, by sneaking into his base and activating the self-destruct mechanism, which destroys the entire base (including the Master). Even when you meet him, you can still talk him into suicide rather than fighting him.
New Vegas lets you talk down the final 'boss' as well.
I realize but the violent and confrontational options are always available as well.
Nier automata
Mass Effect 3
The Last of Us
in other words, which games are shit?
Do Mother and Earthbound count, seeing as their final boss is basically "survive enough turns".
this, final bosses are too videogamey ;)
Lunar and Wadanohara
Base game Dying Light
So videogamey is good?
The goal of this game is to be a better person.
Drakengard 1 and 3 final ending "boss fights".