Does anyone still play this game? I just got it a couple days ago
Monster Hunter World
Yeah, I have hundreds of hours in and I'm not even close to getting bored
Still waiting for a sale
I dropped it after two weeks or so, when I realized that despite how much time I had put into it, it hadn't "hooked" me yet. I'm enjoying Persona 5 and Bloodborne a lot more.
Just some advice, try out all of the weapons at some point. Too many people stuck to one thing and get bored or think they don’t like the game, when they just need to find a weapon that suits their tastes
Waiting until it gets to PC
I really want a PS4 tho
yes of course
Why wouldn't there be?
No I sold my copy today after finishing all the story content and reaching HR 50
There's absolutely NO endgame content here
you will get a good 100 hours out of it though so there's that
>get to endgame, around hr106 now
>start to recognize people in matchmaking lobbies
There really aren't many people that high up I guess
I got an xbone just to play it and i'm not enjoying it a lot, most of the monsters are just dealing their own bussines and you have to attack them until they die for no reason, i'm honestly enjoying Forza Horizon 3 and even Crimson Dragon more.
>get bored
>want fun build
>max mushroomancer, full wide range, max great jagras tree switch axe with a few free elem decos
>attack up
>defense up
>health regen up
>my dick up
>monsters always exhausted within the first few minutes of the hunt
>if that don't work the sleep from my element boost will
>mfw I can carry any shitter team through tempered kush and teo with ease
I still do and I'm having trouble beating Legina with the dual blades
I am doing something wrong or MH is just a "hack, slash and chase poor monster for 20 mins until it finally dies" simulator? Is there anything else i am missing?
Well, the game has "hunter" pretty big in the title.
What did you expect?
What do you consider endgame content?
Tougher monsters? Tempered fills that role.
More weapons? Do you have them all?
More armor? Do you have them all?
Seriously, I just don't know what people expect for endgame content in a monhon game besides hunting and collecting.
No it's about the 40 or so monsters you can hunt. Once you've done that you beat the game.
Yeah but it gets pretty repetitive, it's just hack and slash and monsters take like 1,000 hits.
>20 mins
Yes, you're doing something terribly wrong.
I should've been done a while ago, but I mistakenly got invested in the platinum and now I'm crown farming.
I'm currently having a lot of trouble judging the sizes of Tobi Kadachi for the big crown. Doesn't help that he likes to walk on narrow, uneven paths.
What I would have liked are new armor sets, a new map and exclusive end game monsters (not tempered or black version).
Yeah i had a feeling i was doing so, even the bird who likes rocks took me around 20 mins, he kept running from me like 5 times before i finally killed it.
Then you want to get the Ultimate edition when it comes out.
I've been playing Monster Hunter Freedom Unite but G rank is like fighting a brick wall, I've been using Greatsword for most of the game as I heard it was a powerful option and had no real preference having tried each weapon for a while, and I had a ton of trouble with timing out in Portable Third when I used bow.
I'm not quite timing out but I am definitely not doing as well as I should be, a friend is also playing, using Longsword and Hammer, and he never takes much more then 20 mins at most for a G rank quest while I take at least 30 usually 40. I am using the Decider and wearing full Ceanataur S gemmed to have attack up L, making me have with the full set Sharpness +1 and attack up L. My gear does not seem terrible or anyhting compared to what I could have, and greatsword is noted as a powerful weapon so I figure the fault must lie with my play but I just don't know what I'm doing wrong. I try to get level 3s where I can but against a lot of enemies it doesn't feel doable, but unsheathe attacks are a very very slow road to whittling the enemy down. Like I just fought Emerald Congala and I finished with about 11 minutes left, I think I only landed a level 3 charge once the whole fight.
I am willing to switch weapons but I just want to get my times down to where I'm not sweating the time out the entire time, I feel extreme pressure in quests to stay on the monster at all times cause if I take it more carefully I'll time out, I know this is vague but any help anyone could offer would be really appreciated, I'm trying so hard to enjoy the game but every quest the whole game takes me 30 minutes+ if I even finish and making anything at this speed is nearly impossible
>Have 22 Giant crowns (only 3 are golden)
>No achievement unlocked when acquired 10
What am I doing wrong? Wasn't silver good enough on past games' achievements? inb4 they have to be golden now
spotted the cuck
I thought gold crowns were always the only ones that counted
Its essentially what the game is, if you don't enjoy boss fights and working with a team to accomplish them then its probably not for you. I personally feel there's not enough monsters. It feels barebones with out g rank, all the monsters and w/e else. Also I wish we had a real swamp area and a snow area.
As far as I know it's always been gold.
>we will never get flooded forest back
It hurts
When's /our boy/
Stopped after hitting HR 61. Post game is pretty boring and tempered monsters aren't enough o keep me going, I'll join back for the Jho update but who knows how long that'll keep me invested.
Went back to XX and been grinding the ever loving shit out of deviants.
Yeah that's pretty much my plan. Lay it to rest and create a new character when the ultimate edition comes out.
Nah, nobody at all. You're obviously gonna be alone online.
I reckon it has enough monsters but I agree the lack of a snow area is shit and the lack of a permanent rainstorm in the forest when Kushala is there is lame.
My main complaint is the lack of elemental variety, we've only got one ice monster and one water and two electric. Making Legiana ice element feels like an afterthought.
"oh shit we've got no ice monster, lets just slap it onto this guy"
Nobody asked for your shitty opinion.
what armor?