Filename thread

Filename thread


>Don't talk to me or my bun ever again.







I don't get it


fuck off



>Hey People WhatsApp Gameboy Gameboy Light Gameboy Color Game Boy Advanced Game Boy Advanced SP Game Boy Micro

I feel like I'm being Bond Burger'd here.






what game?

Aliens vs Predator 2



It's clearly gameboyS. Plural.





Is that a motherfucking Rhythm Doctor reference?


Your Boys

>Waughmp waughmp, I say, waughmp waughmp! Everything is better with this pescatary oculation!


>chinese skyrim







>posting images without joke filenames in a filename thread

That comic was never funny and should be forgotten anyway.

>followed by eating an egg instead

no but holy shit when did he announce a full game?
i remember when someone first made a thread for it ages ago and the dev even came because someone actually donated and it was the first one he got


heh, good one

You did too nigger

This is what it looks like when you post "sample_", "master1200" or "m", you filthy phoneposters.


yeah it's happening eventually. They've got a Discord and everything

you got rused check again









here, have another one


>That's the joke I bet, hence tumblr



What's wrong with this


the only delicious one is the middle cookie

it looks like it has lots of tomato and lots of ham

they tricked you to think the sandwich has that much stuff in it when reality it's only half full
you gotta buy the rest


fuck those cookies, i ate them half a year on coffee breaks
there weren't anything else to eat, i'm sick of them



Fucking hell, that's very nice











should've ust named it so long gay bowser and it's funnier


it's a sandwich that looks to have 3 or 4+ slices of meat folded up but it's actually two very thin cheap slices and one of them is cut up and positioned at the edge of the bread to look like more meat

Probably a lunch truck or stand, probably run by a chink, they pull this kind of trick all the time

What is this a reference to?



cucked by god

damn, this lucky bastard saw Gregor doing something amazing before death



Here's a more blatant example



First Xenoblade m8
