
Now that we have gameplay, will Sup Forums finally admit this will be the hearthstone killer we deserve?

Who the fuck cares about a fucking card game in 2017 you dick slurping cunt


a typo for sure

>Digital Card Games

that looks like shit

Looks like heartstone except with shittier characters


>of a card game


three boards at once? Seems like very confusing unnecessarily gimmick. Coupled that with not being p2w brainlets will just stay with hearthstone

god I really wish it would flop. Maybe it could be the reality check for these cocksuckers at valve that theyve lost all talent

Will 2 extra boards and a shopping phase be enough to make it stand out?
At least the couriers look kinda cute

I never played a card game aside from Yu Gi Oh (and that was only for like a few weeks), can someone explain what's going on in the video
I'm so confused

This looks fucking boring

The imps are CUTE

dislike and telling all my discord bros to dislike it too

kys furfag

>all that forced animation


kys autist

>artificial animation

Source 2 is very pretty. It looks really slick and the effects are well integrated. I really hope Valve don't relegate it to in house stuff only.

>dishonest animation

All these card fags are ruining games. Is there no genre more pathetic?

just play something else faggot

Will we get an ilexa card?

>Is there no genre more pathetic?
Waifu-focused gacha games. You don't know the meaning of money burning until you meet a whale in one of those games.

We're probably getting something similar

Oh god

>It's only the Dota roster, and not all Valve games

"Confusing and unnecessary" sums up most of Dota 2's mechanics so it's kinda fitting in a way

That means it has a coherent aesthetic. Dota art tends to be 10/10 anyway.

fuck valve

So what are the best guesses at the model for this game?

>all game cards are free, only thing that costs anything is cosmetic upgrades
Popular model for a few games currently
>cards are not free but rather abundant to keep them available cheaply on the marketplace, cosmetic upgrades are rarer.
This seems plausible, perhaps booster packs that let you know what you're getting in terms of cards bun unknown in terms of rarity.
>Something else?

I've just realized that if they open up the cosmetic upgrades to community input then a lot of 2d art is going to get made for it. Has a game ever served that community directly before?

The model is going to be exactly the same as MTG, I'm assuming. You can buy booster packs, or purchase individual cards from other people.


Which is good as it means you don't have to buy a gorillion packs hoping you get the right card like you do in Hearthstone

They already have characters that aren't on the Dota roster, tho.

They've said artifiact heroes could turn up in dota later on

I like that as I fucking SUCK at dota but I like the idea and look of it.

They're future dota heroes apparently.

I think it wont be too difficult to get a set of all available cards for constructed play, the expensive shit will probably be cosmetic shit.

Yeah, I don't really have a problem with it.
Excellent business sense as always from Valve, they take a cut of every card trade and it's not overtly predatory (in practice, where whales are concerned, it's always predatory).

It's confirmed that cards are never free, as that would devalue their market prices and fuck with everything. You get them either by cracking packs or purchasing them on the marketplace. That or buying into the game, which is "not free to play," at whatever cost they set as the barrier to entry.

I'd like to see it be "not F2P" in the sense that you can certainly launch the game without spending any money, but acquiring cards would require that you either buy some sort of starter kit, packs, or pick up what you want to begin with off the marketplace. This rather than having, say, a $15 price tag on the game that gives you whatever base cards or # of packs or whatever they would do.

Some parts look interesting. I like the gold system from killing heroes / creeps, maybe your cards get recycled? Kind of hard to tell because the video is so short.

I wonder how it will all play out, one of the best parts about hearthstone is how simple it is. This game looks a unnecessarily complex, but it could be interesting.

Wanna lasthit that for 40 gold.

> one of the best parts about hearthstone is how simple it is
Please no, I want more card games with magic's complexity

valve ruined it for you

we were quite happy to let people who play card games get on with it, but artifact made us realise that devs are making digital card games instead of fucking real games
so fuck your genre, go buy actual cards you stupid cunt

This looks worse than I thought it would be.

I imagine it will be to Hearthstone what Dota 2 is to LoL. Much more complicated, but much more satisfying and without obvious metas.

>without obvious metas
There will always be decks that are better than others and websites that compile data on meta share. It is an inevitable part of card games in a post internet world

Yeah, but at least it's not as likely to be "do this or lose".

>Dota 2 doesn't have obvious metas

1200 MMR detected

is this the TCG for intelligent people

Literally anything can work if you make it work. Well, not anything, but much more than in LoL.

Looks visually imaginative and stylish compared to Hearthstone, and the gameplay seems much more complex.
I'm cautiously optimistic to be honest

Artifact has real potential to kill MTG.

good. what a fucking retarded idea, mixing all their IPs together into one ugly incohesive hodgepodge

Not with the game mechanics itself, but rather how it plays over the internet. In hearthstone the turns go very quickly and things are simple. It was built from the ground up to be played online.

In magic there is so many phases that it makes playing the game itself (online) a task, just because you can react to cards. You have to give time for the player to react. It makes the turns go very slowly.


Okay this is a fair point

I don't think it has pausing like MtG.
People apperently just alternate playing cards until both of them yield for the current board.

This is Valve adapting MTG to be a spectator sport.

Most of their greatest successes are predicated on finding diamonds in the rough and giving them mass appeal.

It's a waste of Valve's dev time to make a card game.

But I'll give it a shot if it's F2P.

it will make a lot of money and people will enjoy it. it is not a waste because you want half life 3

>Is there no genre more pathetic?
literally everything on mobile phones

It's just a fucking card game, it's not a proper game anyway. May as well have some fun with it.

looks cool
>implying valve devs have done anything in the past 5 years

Its not F2P and it will work with steam marketplace, making it instantly P2W.

Looks surprisingly good.

Well that sucks, will wait to see how easy it is to get a collection without spending more money then. The hopeful part of me says they will have to make it easy or otherwise people won't pay for a card game more expensive than hearthstone, which is already ultra greedy.

I want to get my hands on it

no more pay to win than mtg.

I am excited for it. I am into competitive gaming but I hate how there is really no strategy games and its mostly just dexterity based games. I am a big fan of poker but its such a pain to play online in the US so I won't mind spending money on this game especially if there is cash tourneys.

its actually being designed to be less pay to win than magic. they don't want rarity to just automatically mean more powerful.

>they don't want rarity to just automatically mean more powerful.
cool so let me tell you what will happen
their 'rarity' will mean precisely dick all, and the price on the steam marketplace will be jacked up for the OP cards

I thought every game on mobile was a card game.

the price will be bound by the probability of the card vs the price of a booster. An OP common card isn't going to magically exceed intrinsic value.

Did they talk about the average game time? Because it looks slow.

Is there a shooter card game? Wait doesn't battlefront 2 got cards?

Magic isn’t really pay to win outside of standard, more like pay to play. Sure a few decks are autopilot mode but matchup knowledge is probably the most important thing and you won’t faceroll in modern just because you play storm or affinity


yeah I wasn't trying to be disparaging against Magic was just trying to say if you are ok with Magic you will be ok with how Artifact is monetized because its even more generous and low budget friendly.

pls dont ever design bvideo games

My only real criticism is that the panning is a bit nauseating to be honest. Especially when people get their moves dialed down and play fast i feel like its going to be annoying.

as a big fan of both card games and valve games, i think this looks too complicated, but not good complicated, just.. cluttered.

so like regular trading cards?

> moist animation

regular trading cards can have a fixed quantity (which is why some old school magic cards are so expensive). there is no indication that is the case with Artifact.

okay, fair enough

>WoW shit
>DotA2 shit

Let's be honest here. I'm only hyped for this because I can't wait to make some sweet steambux in the market.

can't wait for this to btfo hearthstone and the mtg scam

GOAT tcg as long as they don't fuck up the game like Gwent did

This looks fucking lame and those imps are more obnoxious than charming.

r34 of these imps please

>valve proving that they can still make games
>this is the game they chose to make

Truly the worst timeline

This looks like shit compared to hearthstone, tbqh.

>Yet another fantasy card game
Is there anyone in the online card game industry with a speck of creativity?

this tbqh
imagine all the digital cash you can make ripping off autists

This is what im mostly baffled by with people sucking valves dick. Of all things they make with their basically infinite resources is a fucking hearthstone clone. I wasn't expecting something absolutely groundbreaking, but not this.

Creativity doesn't get new yachts for shareholders and ceo's

I hope they have a VR mode so I can see all these animations in VR bros...and pick up cards and stuff