What does Sup Forums think of Super Seducer? Did it deserve getting banned?
What does Sup Forums think of Super Seducer? Did it deserve getting banned?
Banned from what? I saw it in my Steam que a couple days ago.
It's a shitty game, so yea it deserved to get banned.
And Sup Forums apparently
You can't discuss this game on Sup Forums because it upsets the janny, get ready for another thread deletion.
Sup Forums janny is most likely is tumblrina hambeast.
really making the janny earn his pay tonight boys
Mahmud did nothing wrong.
It's not a game, it really doesn't deserve the amount of letters I put in this post. That said it shouldn't get banned the market will decide it's shit on their own. Although I imagine Sony was just upset it was aping their game design ethos of "interactive" movies.
I have trouble believing this manlet cringelord gets women. It always seem to be the men that brag about getting laid that are getting no action.
>And Sup Forums apparently
What happened to this place?
who knows.
i visited one of the world building generals on /vg/ to ask if people still talked about kerbal space program and my single post got deleted faster than any porn thread on Sup Forums
apparently shit happened to the point where the devs actually paid mods to delete kerbal threads.
There's a difference between a game that's heavy on the cutscenes and a video quiz. Hell Even Quantic Dream games that are nothing but better Telltale games is more gameplay. It's a little better than VNs I tell you that.
You probably knew that and just an angry pcfag or nintenduck
He managed to get women to make this.
His examples are shit but his advice is sound.
He's pretty attractive. That's why this shit "works" for him, and he probably does bang a lot of fairly attractive chicks.
This isn't a video quiz though, because there's no punishment for a wrong answer.
the punishment is a low rating
>porn on Sup Forums
>>the punishment is a low rating
Right, that isn't a punishment. If a game says "naughty naughty" and then lets you proceed anyway, you haven't actually been punished.
If you get 3 wrong answers and it kicks you back to the title, then it's a game. At its fundamental core, a game is about winning and losing. If you can't lose, you can't win, and if you can't win, it isn't a fucking game.
Some VNs are games, because if you make the wrong choices, you get a bad ending and have to reload a save.
PSN isn't obligated to sell your shitty "games."
There isn't a punishment for the wrong answer but there is a punishment for not giving the best answer. You wont reach the intended goal for the level and you are denied cleavage.
They knew people would intentionally pick the wrong answer to see him act like a jackass so they didn't penalize you for it
And I'm not obligated to support a company that engages in blatant censorship. Why are you getting so mad?
>woah, the ess jay doubleyou hate this game, must be a fucking masterpiece!!!
>better start shilling it for free!!
Fuck off, faggots
>Deciding to not sell a shitty game is censorship
It's not censorship when a company doesn't host content you like. I wouldn't mind your dumb bullshit were it not for your continuing debasement of language and logic in trying to invoke free speech buzzwords in defense of garbage. Fuck you.
>Not wanting to sell a product in your store is censorship.
This does have bad endings though
/kspg/ got kicked to /trash/ because surprise surprise a game targeted at the Reddit/Minion audience had a general that was outright Sup Forums tier. No idea if it died there, but if it did, good riddance.
If you remove a game for being a buggy pile of shit, fair enough. But if you remove a game because of crybabies on Twitter, then you're clearly a delusional company that I wish to do no more business with in the future.
You know how many dating sims came out on Sony consoles? The game has no explicit sexual material, its removal from the store is purely a knee-jerk reaction to internet whining.
I tried watching it on jewtube and had a good laugh at the possible answers and him acting them out.
That's about it for the "game".
>The game has no explicit sexual material, its removal from the store is purely a knee-jerk reaction to internet whining.
You know what? You're right. It IS a kneejerk reaction to criticism. Know what else, though? That isn't censorship. Otherwise every game not showing up on every platform would be censorship.
The reason this game was not approved was because it's serious about its intents. Sony was oh ok a parody seducing game cool. then dunky did a video on it and the game got famous, people started mocking the game and the dev went full monkey throwing dmcas for people to delete their reviews mocking it. Then Sony went of it was serious? Sorry champs the pan is not a place for these kind of "games" try the xbox. There was a dude with a large channel who got a dmca and cease and desist on neofag the other day.
Honestly I don't like the censorship but I also hate these kind of gurus that promise things. Lots of nerds would fall for his bait and this isn't something good.
>a game where you get young girls drunk to probe them for revealing personal information in a bid to date them had multiple releases and sequels on Sony consoles
>a game where a man swears at actors in a light-hearted game filled with dating tips like "don't be an asshole" is removed within days for being "inappropriate"
How far we've come in a generation. I know, I know, Sony Japan vs Sony America, but holy shit.
It got removed because women are incredibly sensitive about PUAs since they understand that they're extremely easy to manipulate and don't like the shoe being on the other foot because they think they should be the only ones who get to do shit like wear makeup and show off your tits to bait people into sex.
If something goes through all necessary procedures to get released, and doesn't have any hidden hot coffee bullshit in it, there is literally no possible reason other than censorship for its removal.
Are you the same kind of person who read Huckleberry Finn with all the "racism" removed?
The entire first paragraph of your post is gibberish, so I'm going to straight ignore it. Spend a little less time frothing at the mouth, and a little more time learning to type, you braindead phone poster.
>internet whining
I find it hard to believe this game has gained enough views to receive enough complaints that would cause Sony to remove it.
>You know how many dating sims came out on Sony consoles?
Were any of them live action? Even those this game is %90 tamer than other games like this it still looks like a softcore porno. I don't think PlayStation didn't want to risk it being another Guy Game which had underage nudity in it.
U mad?
It's a funny movie-game to watch on twitch
No game deserves to get banned anywhere
>I find it hard to believe this game has gained enough views to receive enough complaints that would cause Sony to remove it.
That's literally why it was removed, though. You think Sony doesn't have checks in place for things like nudity? There's a reason the verification process takes so long there, they go over the game with a fine tooth comb to make sure you aren't trying to sneak in any nudie pics.
user any asshole can hire women for an acting gig, you don't need to be some pua god to do that
>fucking vapid whores with their tits and makeup, manipulating men into fucking them
>I'm gonna use psychological manipulation to do the same thing
isn't there something fundamentally self-defeating and misanthropic about this worldview
The key difference between the two is that one has girls that are 2D and the other does not.
It's that the whores are objecting when they're on the other end, that's all I'm saying.
I hope you don't watch movies that portray things like violence or rape, because clearly you can't tell the difference between acting and reality. You must be a fucking retard if you thought you had a good point here.
>whores amipulate men to get what they want
>men start doing the same shit after being used by woman
Gee, I wonder why it had to go this way.
>>I'm gonna use psychological manipulation to do the same thing
If you treat your boss nicely so he doesn't fire you or give the other guy a promotion, you're using psychological manipulation. If you act friendly to a guy so he'll give you his seat or let you go in front of him in the ticket line, you're using psychological manipulation.
The world runs on "psychological manipulation", you pathetic child.
The girls looked like they were enjoying themselve's instead of just doing it for a paycheck.
So you agree that PUAs are just as bad?
user it's called acting. Of course they're doing it for a paycheck
Yeah, PUA shit is just as bad as wearing makeup.
no because it actually requires effort
Sure, as evil as makeup. :^)
There's a difference between being friendly for mutual benefit and trying to trick people into doing what you want with no regard for their emotional wellbeing.
You realize they canceled it at the last moment due to pressure, they have to already approve the game before you even start developing for PS4
That is a form of censorship, not by the government, but by lobbies
It deserved getting banned. Shit curation has lead to the downfall of steam.
Have you actually even played the game? Or watched a video or whatever? His entire schtick is "be nice to girls, make them happy, and maybe you'll get lucky". Is that isn't "being friendly for mutual benefit", I don't know what is.
You seem to have this misconception that PUA is a guy jumping in a woman's face, calling her a cunt, jangling some keys, and then taking her home to rape because her self esteem is shattered.
>tfw I used some of the tips from the game to chat with a random roastie in the street
>mfw it JUST WERKS
Thank feminists for that.
They managed to instill the fear of god of PUA being the ultiamte evil that men can do to woman 10 years ago, when it became widespread foir the first time.
I still rememebr the talkshows back then how they went onAir only saying nonsense how PUA try to force woman to fuck them and rtape them if they don't comply.
>be nice to girls, make them happy, and maybe you'll get lucky
>jumping in a woman's face, calling her a cunt, jangling some keys, and then taking her home to rape
this is some virgin vs chad shit
Men wear makeup too.
I like that it's gone. It's obvious schlock.
QC should be strict as hell, 90pct of games on any system's store should just be removed. Quality of games has decreased drastically since evert retard was able to put out a "game".
especially steams fucking QC 94% of thier library is complete shit now. and like 4% of those dont even work
It's actually more along the lines of "impose yourself in a commanding position, attempt to disarm her with flattery, break down her perception of reality and her confidence in her own decision making abilities, then attempt to insert yourself in the hole created by her self doubt. He discourages honesty about your intentions and gives no thought to establishing even basic things like a genuine common interest.
I'd link you examples, but it seems the game's creator has been taking down videos all over YouTube of people critical of his game. Funny, that.
But this isn't Sony making a concerted effort to clean up trash games from their marketplace. It's pure censorship.
I don't know why anyone would be happy about this kind of thing.
>clearly you can't tell the difference between acting and reality
I do. but the media doesn't. If you haven't noticed but the media still puts Video Games as harmful entertainment that teaches the youth how to do bad things even if the game tells you that that doing those things as wrong.
Normal people are more offended of a depiction real life women being harassed than 2D ones. Especially in this game. These aren't fictional characters in a fictional world they are presented as examples of real life women. This is and "Educational" game that wants you to apply what is learned on the game in real life. That the type of game that sparks controversy that Sony doesn't want to deal with. There's a reason Night Trap was one of the games that caused the ESRB.
that's why I said it wasn't JUST for a paycheck . It seamed like they were happy to do it. If you're not into it you usually just phone it in.
It didn't deserve to get banned, but the main actor/PUA lol being a DMCA spamming faggot on Youtube makes it a bit harder to sympathize
At the end of the day, it's a game about men trying to get laid, so it being censored shouldn't be a surprise at this point. They should've included a gay route authored by Christine Love if they really wanted to survive
Did you get this directly from a resetera post or something?
Giving a girl a bullshit opening is hardly "dishonesty", any girl with even half a braincell knows that if you're getting approached by a guy at a club, he wants to fuck. Half of his lines are about establishing common interests, but you've only seen some out of context video deconstructing a single line in the game.
You're acting like the scenes in which he says "get a load of this dick!" work out well for him. Any time you harass a fictional woman in the game, you get admonished for it, it's a bit of cheeky fun.
from what ive seen its a funny game. So I think its good. Would get it for a fair price on gog. fuck steam, fucking trojan shitware
the game is great to watch, idk about playing it alone, but pretty fucking funny despite being a relatively low effort game (some of the acting LUL)
>You're acting like the scenes in which he says "get a load of this dick!" work out well for him.
No I'm not. You need to learn how to read better.
>Any time you harass a fictional woman in the game, you get admonished for it
The media won't acknowledge that. They would just focus on the harassment part.
>there is literally no possible reason other than censorship for its removal.
sony does not limit the games ability to be sold. not carrying goods you dont want in your store still is not cencorship. Insinuating that a store is not 100% allowed to remove your product from their shelves for any reason is idiotic. public outcry for the removal is one thing, calling everything censorship is a disease of people misusing words they do not understand.
That pic man. Always cracks me up. Pajeets are pretty based in the west
>shit game gets deleted while dev reeees on youtube
How quick they forget. Just because Steam drops quality control.
Ironic since they name dropped PlayStation in the game.
except for where it didn't get deleted because it's shit, because life of fucking black tiger is still up