Can someone please explain why [Luke kills the blackmailer to stop the blackmail (the leverage being that he's associated with MDM), when his alibi for the murder is that he is MDM?[/spoiler]
A risky move for no real benefit.
Can someone please explain why [Luke kills the blackmailer to stop the blackmail (the leverage being that he's...
gj u did it
It's the thought that counts
I can't.
He he would've ended up with the same sentence, only risking getting caught for murder.
If his plan was claiming to be MDM, he should've just done that from the start.
It was mostly his ego. If he took the fall as MDM he could be considered a legendary thief, but if he's exposed as someone just blackmailing the real MDM then all he's know for is being a dirty fraud of a detective.
What would have made him so sure that the real MDM wouldn't have come out and said that he had been blackmailed the whole time - especially given that he seemed to be very unstable?
Ron DeLite never knew who his blackmailer was, he always got directions in the mail.
I can't even explain how he's able to wear that mask with that giant fucking nose.
Most retarded attempt at spoiler taging I've ever seen, congrats
I mean that if Ron had been getting blackmailed, why would Luke be so sure Ron wouldn't come out and confess everything? Ron may not be able to point the finger at Luke, but he could still tell the truth and reveal everything.
I like your suggestion - it's the first time I've seen someone say it, usually people just don't know how to respond to the OP, I just want to see how flawless the explanation actually is.
Cheers lad
he just wanted to challenge himself
Luke blackmailing Ron was a somewhat symbiotic relationship because Luke was making mad bank off of the stolen treasures, and Ron was getting payments from Luke substantial enough to support his wife's shopping habits. Ron had a personal incentive not to reveal anything himself because Dessie despised criminals and he was afraid his relationship would be over if she knew he was a thief.
I hadn't played this case in a long time but wouldn't it be beneficial since he was planning to let the blackmailer take the secret to his grave?
Yes, but that relationship ends as soon as Luke 'confesses' to being MDM.
Ron is afraid of what Dessie would think of him if she found out he's a criminal - but he's also very keen to be found guilty throughout the case. It's Dessie that keeps claiming Ron is innocent; Ron wants to be found guilty.
>wouldn't it be beneficial since he was planning to let the blackmailer take the secret to his grave?
It depends what you think the reason he doesn't want the secret out is.
If it's because he doesn't want to be blackmailed out of money anymore, murdering the blackmailer is not any more advantageous than just confessing involvement with MDM, because the end result is the same - he's found guilty of being/conspiring with MDM, and the blackmailer will have no more leverage.
Killing the blackmailer isn't the issue, it's Luke's choice of alibi. I just find it baffling (though another poster made an interesting point).
Here's one: On the first day's investigation, after you break Luke Atmey's psyke-lock, he reveals that he was smacked on the head with the Shichishito and knocked unconscious. Isn't this a complete lie? Why didn't more psyke-locks appear?
Psyche-locks have nothing to do with lies.
but when he killed him he was forced to implicate himself as mdm not confess association (i think). which reminds me, how did he became a suspect in the murder again?
>but when he killed him he was forced to implicate himself as mdm not confess association (i think).
Well yeah - but what's the real difference? He'll still go to jail, and the leverage will be lifted. Like another poster said, maybe he wanted the glory of being a 'legendary thief', but even if that fits Luke's personalty, I just find it so hard to believe.
He could've been written to have another alibi - one that doesn't implicate him as a criminal, and certainly not the one he's actively trying to be not be associated with.
And like I was saying, his admission that he's MDM could be countered by Ron, who actually is MDM. Ron's behaviour is so bizarre in the case that we don't know what he'd do - but why would Luke ever think Ron would rather be seen as a murderer than a thief?
Alright but don't they represent when someone is hiding something? Luke Atmey didn't reveal anything that was actually true, which is usually what a psyche-lock breaking usually means.
The nose is bigger than the plot hole
This is a guy that already paid Ron tens of thousands of dollars to steal an artifact, and instead of selling it he purposefully hands it back to the police just so he can be treated like some godly detective. The point of being caught as MDM in the first place is because Luke's trying to take advantage of Double Jeopardy. If he's tried and found guilty of theft as MDM then they can't go back on that verdict even if he's suspected of murder. In addition, by implicating ron as the thief first before the murderer, he sets ron up to be found not guilty of being MDM which he can not legally be retried for, abusing the legal system to give himself an impenetrable alibi and robbing Ron of his alibi.
You get less years as a thief than a murderer, don't you?
Wiki spells it out for ya
>If Atmey was tried for the crime and declared guilty, he would be determined to be not guilty of the murder by his alibi, thus making it impossible for him to be charged for the murder under the law of double jeopardy. However, during DeLite's subsequent trial for the murder, Wright uncovered this plot and successfully pinned the murder on Atmey before he was formally found guilty for the MaskDeMasque crimes. Finally defeated, Atmey laughed hysterically before being taken away.
You're not understanding what I'm saying - Atmey ends up in the same position he was in by murdering the blackmailer and claiming to be MDM, rather than just confessing his association with MDM. The murder is pointless.
I understand he's taking advantage of Double Jeopardy - that's not what I have an issue with.
Kane was blackmailing Luke as well. So how was the murder pointless? In order not to get fully blown up, he had to get rid of him.
> how was the murder pointless? In order not to get fully blown up, he had to get rid of him
Kane (if that's the blackmailer) was blackmailing Atmey due ot hsi association with MDM - that's the leverage. If Atmey confessed his involvement with MDM then there would be no leverage (and no more blackmail as result).
Instead, Atmey kills Kane so that there's no more blackmail. His alibi is that he is... MDM.
He'd get the same result from just confessing what he's done, except he wouldn't be seen as MDM.
And that all hinges on Ron not pleading guilty to being MDM (how would Atmey know Ron doesn't have any proof from any of the other heists?)
Ctrl + S
Honestly the guy is so delusional about his self importance and abilities it probably never occured to him that the murder plan could go wrong. This way not only does he tie up the loose end of the CEO knowing he was a blackmailer, but he also hooks Ron into a murder charge which would not only absolve him of guilt but (and here's the important part) prove in a court of law that Ron supposedly couldn't have been MDM.
Do you think he was planning on confessing at the beginning? His original plan was to make DeLite take the fall for him.
Instead, Wright cornered him at the trial and Luke made a move out of desperation and declared himself to be MDM to not be declared as a murderer.
You're phrasing it as he went into the trial declaring that he is MDM. This is not what happened. He planned to have DeLite take the fall. Wright fingers him as MDM. That's when he "confesses" to it. He was CORNERED.
This wasn't his best case scenario, but it beats being tried as a murderer.
Like, wrapping this up there is a HUGE difference in Luke's narcissistic mind between being known as MDM and being known as someone who was blackmailing them. It's the difference between this amazing thief that's caught the public's eye and garners all this attention, and being an ordinary lowlife and a crooked detective. For someone as self obsessed and attention hungry as Luke it's easy to see which of these he'd prefer.
I'm happy enough to accept Luke sees being viewed as MDM rather than a blackmail victim is much better. But then how does he know that Ron has no proof that he's MDM, from any of the other heists?
And then there's someone saying this who claims Luke never intended on being seen as MDM in the first place. There just seems to be a lot of confusion.
I mean when you think about it who would believe Ron was MDM anyways if he came out about it after the fact? MDM's a well known public figure with a decent amount of memorabilia, and his knowledge of the thief's signature calling card could be chalked up to being a security guard during the first heist. There's nothing he could show that was conclusive because he always gave the stolen treasures to Luke.
If Luke truly intended to confess being MDM in the first place, he wouldn't have started his cross-examination talking about how MDM smacked him over the head.
He changed plans because he had no choice at that point.
He was planning to get caught as MDM but also part of his plan was getting ron a not guilty verdict for theft, so he couldn't come outright and confess to it he had to make it seem like ron was suspect #1 until the trial.
But we don't know what Ron has done, and Luke certainly doesn't know either. Ron could've done anything to have proof that he's MDM - we just don't know, because the writers didn't go down that route. He could've been stupid enough to take an unmasked selfie where the heist took place, or with the stolen item. Obviously not an example that would've been used, but I'm just trying to get the point across - Luke wouldn't know what Ron has to implicate himself.
Luke really should've just got a non-criminal alibi, bloody hell.
I mean you're right, it's a possibility that could have came up. If they wrote something like that in though it'd totally ruin the twist after the first day's trial is over, and by that point Ron's already found not guilty of theft so any obvious incriminating evidence would be pointless.
Oh, I'm not saying it should've been written in. I just think the whole idea of Luke trying to seen as MDM is poorly written - it's just bizarre to think about (given the OP), it obviously causes confusion, and it relies on an assumption by Luke that he really has no good reason to make, and the game just doesn't acknowledge the possibility.
For the case to make a lick of sense I don't see why Luke would even plan on getting arrested for being MDM. I mean, it's a very neat idea but it doesn't really hold up when you really think about it.
Yeah I agree with you it's not 100% sound logic but personally I don't think it's unbelievable concerning the cartoonish delusion of the culprit. I can totally understand your grievances though, and generally I hope you understand the potential motivations a bit better at least even if the plan was stupid in some ways.
>I hope you understand the potential motivations a bit better
Yeah I do - thanks for your thoughts.