where are all the terraria friends at? looking for someone to start new chars / expert mode world with just don't be autistic please
Where are all the terraria friends at...
>get that feel to replay terraria
>can't decide on a playstyle, base theme or world seed
>end up not even starting up the game
>world seed
terraria is meant to be played with random seed
alright one of you fucks play with me
add me on discord Hedi#9578
post steam i dont use discord much
>Just started playing this again
>Haven't played this since wall of flesh was introduced
>Don't remember anything
I don't even remember how to play online.
terraria is weird, playing it is enjoyable to the point where I realize that I am thoroughly unsatisfied.
>start playing again
>do fucking fantastic and having tons of fun
>beat wall of flesh
>suddenly hard mode
>finally able to deal with enemies
>suddenly the fucking bosses
>either get destroyed by them or can't beat them before they disappear because it's fucking impossible to get something powerful enough organically like you could before this point in the game
Never again
This is my most played game on steam
Haven't played in forever though, do they ever plan on updating again?
Is there any news on otherworld or news in general about new patch or someting
the solution is to get gud, theres a weapon you can get at the very start of hard mode to kill 2/3 of the hard mode bosses (possible 3/3)
1.4 soon
nah just want someone to play with
Every single fucking time. This is what kids say when someone dares challenge their poorly designed modern game garbage. Then they cry when they play old games with an actual, fair challenge BAWWW THIS OLD GAME IS SHIT UNFAIR BAWWWW.
The fuck you talking about?
are you new here? and to name of the many weapons you can get to kill the hard mode bosses, you can obtain Daedalus stormbow right after hardmode starts and use special ammo type that can also be obtained. Dodge by flying around and using the bow and you can easily kill skeletron prime / destroyer of worlds lol, not really hard
I think by the fact that I'm calling you kids out for your continued LOLGITGUD bullshit behavior that I'm not new here.
>Daedalus stormbow
>right after hardmode starts
>as an uncommon drop from an enemy you rarely if ever see
This is the problem with hardmode: you basically have to fucking refer to the wiki and actually learn exactly what to look for if you want any fucking chance to survive, vs. prehardmode where everything basically made perfect sense and progression was very organic.
you don't have to refer to the wiki if you use the guide in game to check what stuff crafts into, you get 15 souls of light to craft into a key and kill the hallowed chest, only have to kill it a couple of times if you're unlucky and can easily be done within the first night of hard mode. also, you lack a lot of logic since i don't think knowing you're supposed to toss a guide voodoo doll into lava to spawn the WoF is "organic" since the game never forces you down into hell, there has to be some sense of exploration for the game to be fun as well
to add onto that
>literally complaining about hard mode being hard
fucking lol
Except the NPCs specifically hint toward exploring everything and throwing the guide voodoo doll into lava. SPECIFICALLY.
Meanwhile the crafting guide really doesn't tell you shit and especially doesn't tell you what the fuck drops out of what, or even that it fucking exists given how rare they are.
There's a difference in "hard" and "utter unfair bullshit". This from kids who cry and moan about actual hard games that are fair.
Jesus fucking shit, modern "gamers".
why would the game tell you what rare drops come from what enemy? you're basically saying you want the game spoonfed to you; also, you can put in souls of light into the crafting thing (which is the first thing you're probably going to get in hard mode, or the ores / soul of night) and it'll list out every weapon you can make from it, along with that key.
Any one got that screen cap of that autistic guy who role played way to hard in Terraria
>knowing you're supposed to toss a guide voodoo doll into lava to spawn the WoF is "organic"
nigga please its liable to happen on its own if you use any ranged attacks in hell considering theres lava everywhere and it drops there
>since the game never forces you down into hell
the game encourages you to delve deeper all the fucking time with bigger mineral deposits
encourage =/= force, and you literally just said if you're using range which is a chance, you played yourself in that argument
but hey let's go off of your argument saying it encourages you to go deeper, if that's done in hard mode you should end up with full adamantite / titanium which is enough to kill a mechanical boss easily
>Beat all the bosses a while back
>Get end game equips
>Melee gets everything and all else is inferior
Why is this allowed?
Melee gets to attack through walls, at long range, doesn't require ammo or MP, can use flasks for buffs, gets the most defense from armor, and can heal through knives.
melee is out dps'd by everything at end game though, and ranged can hit thru walls and so can magic (ranged and magic can debuff too)
>if you're using range which is a chance
a really high chance considering magic, vanilla ranged, summoning and the best melee are all ranged