What Video Games have you been enjoying lately user?
What Video Games have you been enjoying lately user?
Divinity 2, thanks for asking. Now show me your penis i responded.
>video games
>enjoying video games
Get a load of this fag
Fire Emblem Heroes, sorry Astolfo. Come at me poorfriends.
Unironically Minecraft
Recently I finished Demon's Souls, and i've been trying to get some friends into it with some co-op on the private servers, but none of them are really interested in it
I'm getting a bit sick of re-running the first two archstones anyway, so right now im kinda between games
Might go back to Monster Hunter World, or pick Persona 3 back up and finally finish it
playing dungeon fighter right now, soon i'll finish the leveling event for bloodmage and drop him into the fucking trash
Currently enjoying Into The Breach.
Neverwinter nights.
Why didn't anyone tell me how good this game is?