Smash is overrated
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Have you tried having friends and playing it with them?
Yes, but we usually play melee
And now we wait for the faggots who think overrated = bad
Also I agree, and love the game anyways
I don't understand the hype for Smash. As a kid I remember looking at Smash that its cool for having all the Nintendo characters in it, but since then theres been 100 of crossover games coming from Nintendo. Is it the fighting game community thats hyping it up?
>but since then theres been 100 of crossover games coming from Nintendo
wut? most i can think of is maybe mario kart 8 and thats a bit of a stretch
This is your typical non-smash fag
Super Smash Bros 2018, but it's a Black Metal Album. youtube.com
Couldn't you say this about almost any franchise, even outside of games
imo i think people that dont play smash think its the same game over and over because most fighting games are like that, but in smash every character is extremely unique spare for clone characters which no smash fan is defending and they do things to make every game unique. sure smash games are similar from a casual standpoint but even then theyre not as similar as other fighting games
This doesn't even seem malicious.
>it's fun with friends
what I wouldn't give to not be dead inside
>you have to play a party game with friends to have fun
who would've guessed
>Not having at least one friend
Sniff... I only have one friend and he doesn't even play videogames (and never played, i think, judging from showing him mario 64 and him not knowing how to play nor how to control mario), except browser games and some mobile games similar to other browser games
>Play a board game by myself
>Jeez, this sucks. Why would any play this!?
>Find out later I NEED to play it with other people to enjoy it
Seriously, WTF. Fuck this "play it with friends" bullshit.
>having friends
>having friends that play vidya
>party game
But I thought it was a fighting game since the autists keep insisting it is..
>Not growing up playing vidya with friends and family.
>Not playing Kirby Superstar with your little brother as your helper, doing your best to try and get TAC for him
>Not playing Melee for like 3 hours a day, nearly everyday over the summer with your friends as a teenager.
>Not staying friends in your late 20's and playing Monster Hunter with headsets or actually getting together and playing old multiplayer games late into the night on weekends sometimes.
I've lived a good life, and I thank vidya and good friends for atleast 75% of it.
>implying i didn't grow up playing vidya with friends and family
splitscreen games were the best
but then they stopped caring about vidya/moved away etc
idk how to make new friends
he's right tho
a newborn is more exciting than the most unrealistic shit happening to Smash
why are smashbabbies so autistic?
It's literally both, it's a "deep" fighting game for autists and a fun party game for everyone else.
I liked smash and i think it's a pretty great game, but some people seem to live and breath for smash
>Start bitching every single direct since the switch came out for smash
>finally smash for switch get released
>*go apeshit and yell as if getting murdered* SMASH! SMAAASH! SMAAAAAAAAAAAASH!!!
like for some people getting a new bit of info about smash is just as strong as getting a shot of the strongest drug you can think of.
Just thinking about the smash 4 hype season with the whole ''is that for mewtwo!?/OMG ridley'' makes me go wtf
Actually, i believe it is underrated. And IMHO the only reasons why Sm4sh isn't more popular is because the WiiU sold like balls and Nintendo gave up on it. Otherwise it would've been a world wise sensation, and the main event at EVO
gee I wonder who's behind this post