>Completely destroy someone in an online game
>"Y-You only won because of your OP class/weapon!"
Completely destroy someone in an online game
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Well were you using an op class/weapon?
Hey man didn't contusion get nerfed
Sometimes it's true.
Considering the state of p2w games that is correct 90% of the times.
It's not my fault if you don't keep up with the FOTM builds.
It's not OP if everybody can use it
Why are you using OP or broken weapons? Compensating for lack of skill?
protip they're not wrong...
Who says they're OP?
The loser?
>Absolutely dominate a match
>They cant say i was using an OP weapon because i was using the Starter gun
Good times.
>spend hours looking the most powerful class/weapon online
>wipe the floor with everyone else 24/7
Heh , nothing personnel kid
Young child you have much to learn, I didn't win because my cards were better than your shit cards, I won because I had no regard for the nonexistent rules.
I see a lot of faggots talk shit on this board about how they are the best at vidya but I have never seen one of you in esports
When is this ever relevant if you don't use some pay-to-win shit?
People who use i-gimp-myself-for-fashion/fairness/reasons-so-everyone-else-should-too kind of reasoning are just making excuses.
You know they should hire you at blizzard.
>I have never seen one of you in esports
I say nigger waaaaaaay too much.
>beating someone in a fighting game
>they claim you're hacking
>remove you from the lobby
By that logic a p2w weapon can't be OP. Only limited promotional weapons can be OP.
Fucking blight of the universe
>You lost because you can't adapt. Deal with it lol
Can't argue with that logic.
Shit talking on anonymous image board and pretending you're the man when you don't have to put up or shut up is the staple of Sup Forums
Games are meant to be fun.
Only losers take it that seriously.
but centurion is fucking mediocre as fuck
>my way of enjoying things is the only objectively correct one
>everyone else enjoying things differently is doing it wrong
welf fuck, you should have enlightened me sooner, all of these wasted years of fake fun...
>inb4 don't fret, fun is a buzzword anyway
you shouldn't care, a sore loser will always find some excuse
It's okay if you truly believe that call of duty >= rugby there is no saving you.
Aren't you literally saying that about YOUR way of having fun? Jesus christ user.
It's overpowered if, by definition it overpowers its peers.
t. PermaBronze
Stay trash pleb
I'm not , just saying that different people can play games differently (as in casual comfy times vs esports) and one way to enjoy in not the more correct way then the other.
>only plays OP FOTM shit
What if it has a gimmick that is overpowered, but a good player can still reliably counter said gimmick.
>invi backstab class pvp
>3 team mates dead
>3 enemies left
>hide till they scatter then strike
>only 1 remaining
>tankfag won't quit bitching after being kekd
>even his teammates are telling him to chilloff assass gotta assass
>get killed by the final dude due to stun lock shit
>fucker still bitching
>i get nominated as MVP
>i was a fucking f2p
I'll take e"sports" serious when players stop getting banned for basic banter
>guy on your team who has contributed nothing and is on the bottom of the scoreboard starts shittalking the other team after you or someone else carries him
>You only won because you're garbage at this game
>he ruins the game of the other team
>mfw playing against people in advanced lobby
>stop doing advanced moves and only do basic shit.
>literally pull dumbest shit that even grandma can counter
>everyone gets perplexed and dies.
>best shit
>tfw join Gunz high rank server
>everybody doing ninja shit
>i just stand on the ground and shoot at them
>they drop like flies.
Only reddit and absolute shitters who don't know you can dodge his kick and punch hate him.
>remembered when I first played Gunz
>people were all doing ninja flippy shit
>only previous experience I had in FPS was playing counterstrike
>don't do ninja shit and concentrating on aiming seemed to get better results
Honestly though, the ninja stuff just seems to make it harder to aim for the average guy while not making it any harder for a stationary player to shoot you.
check this 2
The amount of shitter like that in lol is astounding
You'd figure that after years of playing they would acknowledge their flaws but no
> playing yasuo
> enemy galio and warwick are tauting
> engage them and almost kill warwick
> they both ult
> shen ult me and I get a double kill
> "?"
> warwick sperg out and say that it's so easy that they are playing badly on purpose
> later win the game because yasuo snowballing is a giant whirlwind of death
> they insult me and say that I won solely because yasuo is OP and easy to play
> as if warwick is a paragon of skill and balance
Well at least I still have fun playing with friends so the game isn't that bad but I'd really wish this kind of fag would go play something else
Well, it is kinda true in many cases. Do you really think every game is perfectly balanced? Even fucking chess isnt statistically. Competitive gaming is a fucking joke in general, especially e-sports.
Of course both of you are faggots, because you are both suppossed to realize this and play for fun, trying out ways to actively abuse the balancing issues of the game without genuinely thinking that you are having a fair competition, instead one gets mad because he thinks his win is pure skill, the other gets mad because he "suddenly" realizes that his "skill" is an oversight in many games. And do not give me that "abusing the games systems is part of the competition" bullshit, then you might aswell advertise your "game" as a patchnote studying simulator.
If your game even gives the room for a claim like "you were using OP classes,items,etc." , it is unbalanced by default.
Than it's a pubstomper/noobstomper. These thins aren't rocket science user.
>MMORPGers pretending that they have any resemblance of skill
Maybe if you were a really good player, you'd take e-sports seriously. It's the easiest way to become filthy rich if you're one of the best in a game. You don't even need to care about the concept of e-sports, you can just abuse the system to get dosh.
>playing lol in 2k fucking 18
Everyone I know who plays this shit game to this day is a pathetic waste of oxygen in real life.
All the riches in the world aren't worth playing a shit game with other shits.
e-sport require studying a shitty game systems like its equivalent to piloting a jet. I really can not get it into my head how someone can waste so much time and ressources on one single game. Might aswell really learn something worthwhile or start making your own game.
Everything about e-sports disgusts me, from the faggots enabling it to the people who actually indulge in it. Everyone involved would use their time more productivelt even if they joined ISIS
>Play a low tier as fuck character
>Fight an S+ character
>Kick their ass
>"omg fukken cheap -character- scum"
God I love For Honor for this.
You missed out. K-style was fun but you had to also know how to aim.
I used daggers and would slap K-stylers shit just because I wasn't trash at actually hitting people. Best moment was beating someone with a dagger and having them complain only to switch to K-style and fuck them up even worse.
>play meta garbage that's broken as fuck
>gets called out for it
>proceed to whine on Sup Forums because you are unsure where you failed in life