Her English dub is so obnoxious holy shit

Her English dub is so obnoxious holy shit

old one or new one?

Every single English dub of any anime game is obnoxious, prove me wrong.

It was adorably cringy. Original english VO is my Chie waifu.


Yeah, glad they replaced her. Fitzgerald's Chie fits her so much better than Rooney. "From me to you" gets me every time.

>tfw she was Nazz in Ed, Edd, & Eddy.

At least in the old one she sounds like a normal human being as opposed to anime Chie voice

Okay OP, but you need to eat more meat.

Persona 4’s dub is hilariously worse than P3 FES’s dub.

Because P3F has a good dub, as a disclaimer.

>good dub
what aigis and fuuka's voices are so fucking bad holy shit

>tfw haven't heard Tara Platt's voice in years
>she had a kid with Yuri nearly 3 years ago

At least we still have Liam O'Brien.

>not good

Don't you be hating on Karen Strassman. Her transition from emotionless robot girl to the tearful mess she was in the ending still gets me

That’s the only two problems. Aside from Ikutsuki who sounds ridiculously awkward, especially when he betrays you and tries to sound ominous and evil.

Olden > Golden

Who has a bad voice actor in P4?


Yukiko, Chie, Nanako.

This. Aigis and Fuuka’s robotic voices got annoying immediately

Forgot Teddie, god damn I want to fucking kill myself whenever he’s talking. I actually like the combat less because of that faggot.

There's nothing wrong with her VA.

>Yuri Lowethal gets to hear Mitsuru’s voice every time he has sex
That lucky son of a bitch

i always imagine that obese "i really really like cupcakes" hoe when i hear golden chie

Yeah and Travis Willingham gets to bang Laura Bailey in her Shin-chan voice. Life sucks man. I hope their kid comes out well.