Is this the pinnacle of action rpg?
Is this the pinnacle of action rpg?
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I was a dumb kid when I played this. I would cheese this game by doing some damage and use up my ki, save and reload (this replenished hp and ki). I was pretty underleveled against Vageta.
>First game is shit
>Second game isn't the best, but is a gigantic improvement
>Third game is an underrated classic
I can't think of another gaming trilogy like this.
no, but the sequels are good
Seiken Densetsu?
>pinnacle of anything
I was also a dumb kid but apparently smarter than you and just abused the fuck out of solar flare to stun an enemy, punch twice, solar flare again, punch again, repeat til enemy was dead and take no damage
Never played Buu's Fury but LoG2 was fun as fuck. I still liked 1 as a kid but I replayed 2 like 3 or 4 times.
Solar flare is broken and if you stand the right distance from and enemy so that they are in range but do not aggro you can charge ki attack indefinitely for a one hit kill.
but the core system used in the sequels is there
Because usually developers stop when the first game failed.
Buus fury is the same quailty with lots of quailty of life improvements. Too bad its based on the shitty Buu saga.
Yes they built a lot off the first game. I love all 3 even if the first is jank af.
Loved 2 and 3, but fuck the start of 1 with these guys.
Fuck the crabs
the first one isn't superman 64 or daikatana. It's not a bad game
>only like 3 ki moves
>combat isn't balanced, melee moves are like 10x stronger than ki
>most of the game spent punching wolves and shit
It had a neat intro tho, so all is forgiven
Which one starts you off as Future Trunks killing wolves and shit? And I remember there was one that had emulator DRM that was pretty easy to get around.
the second
Mass Effect
Mass Effect was always overhyped western trash
"space opera".......yeah
>let's have a warrior from the future who came to defeat a galactic tyrant go around punching dogs
Who thought this was a good idea? I play even the shittiest of Dragon Ball games, but these ones were a piece of shit. There are way better DB RPG.
Everyone jerks off over Buu's Fury but Legacy II was the better game to me. But yeah, Advanced Adventure blew them all out of the water.
Couldn't get into Origins, Attack of the Saiyans, or that Wii game, were those any good?
Seiken Densetsu
God of War
The PS2 Lord of the Rings games
Age of Empires
Donkey Kong Country
SaGa (Final Fantasy Legend)
>tfw the game's soundtrack ended up sounding better than the music from the show
the music from this game was goat.
Deus Ex
Two years ago Legacy of Goku 4 based on DBS was said to be in development. Since Super had horrible ratings on all of the globe and is now ending early I guess it will never see the light of day.
I tried Attack of the Saiyans a few months back. I found it to be a boring slog. Somehow it got great reviews.
It's fast paced and fun compared to the average jrpg. You must not be an rpg person.
I am an RPG person, but I found it really samey. Maybe if I'd played it at release I would have had fun with it.
Damn, I was the guy who posted Mass Effect and I thought I was baiting hard, I tip my hat to you.
The first one was shit
The second was awesome and has balanced difficulty
The third was cool too but way easier
Elder Scrolls
>LoG 1 is shit
>LoG 2 is fantastic
>Buu's Fury could be a classic with its improvements but most of it barely matters when you can just punch everything into the wall without effort or getting hit once, get EXP out the ass even without the EXP boosters and the game is insultingly short
>also removed the charged physical attacks
I barely bought anything, barely switched my equipment or used healing items until the last Buu fights. It was so boring. If they just use the same leveling system from LoG2 and kept the wall bounce it would have been a lot better.