>mfw smash players call casuals "friendlies"
>mfw smash players call mirror matches "dittos"
>mfw smash players call footsies "spacing"
>mfw smash players call recovery frames "endlag"
>mfw smash players call landing frames "landlag"
>mfw smash players call team matches "crew battles"
>mfw smash players call grab punish "shield grab"
>mfw smash players call meaties "late hits"
>mfw smash players call blockstrings "shield combos"
>mfw smash players call a series of stray, uncontested hits "combos"
>mfw smash players call strings "natural combos"
>mfw smash players call actual combos "cheap"
>mfw smash players call zoning "spam"
>mfw smash players call keepaway "stalling"
>mfw smash players call button checks "handwarmers"
>mfw smash players call reversals "out of shield options"
>mfw smash players call okizeme "tech chasing"
Mfw smash players call casuals "friendlies"
I’ll give you friendlies and dittos but I think spacing makes more sense in a brawler than footsies
I prefer all of the fighting game terms except footsies. That shit's gay.
People will understand either, who cares
>Mfw Smash is so rudimentary and babby there's no terminology for mixups and crossups cause they don't exist
>he doesn't know about messy guessies
they're called 'mixups' and 'cross-ups', dumb animeposter
Most Nairs function as crossups faggot
Different games have different lingo. Go figure.
Mix-ups are just mix-ups and crossups are overshoots if anything, though since there are no rigid directional blocking, it's not really the same.
why is Sup Forums excited for a new smash? you'll just get butthurt about some mechanic and take your malfunctioning cheat controllers back to melee
Everyone is excited for a new Smash game. Doesn't matter what style of gameplay it goes for.
If it turns out to be a new title entirely, expect daily Japan Time threads.
How though? Smash doesn't have high or low blocking and thus no sweeps or overheads
Footsies and spacing are two really different things in melee. Footsies in melee are about good dash dancing and reactions. Good spacing in melee is outright knowing exactly where some one is going to move to/land and putting out a hitbox accordingly. There are no teams in smash since it isn't a team game. Crews are usually made up of tight knit friends who know each other through going to weekly tournaments. Skill levels vary because actual competent melee players are few and far between. Meaty and late hits are also very different terminology in smash. Meaty would be landing the sweet spot of a move, usually a strong move like marths tipper foward smash . Late hit is usually describing when a player mixes up the timing of an attack mid combo to lead to other potential followups.
>Mfg typical fg players genuinely think dbfz is s fun and balanced game
>There are no teams in smash since it isn't a team game.
No, it doesn't have high and low in the same way. There is no binary high/low blocking system. It high/low blocking though, in the literal sense. You can angle your shield up and down and if your opponent manages to land a hit through or around your shield, it's called a shieldstab.
There's a lot of misconception between traditional fightan fans and Smash players because of this terminology. When someone says ''blocking low'' it has different meanings depending on the game and I've seen a lot of heated arguments erupt because of this.
I don't get this obsession of trying to apply Street Fighter logic and mechanics on Smash Bros. Almost like arguing about why Gears of War doesn't have rocketjumping or something, like in Quake. They're both shooters, but not the same type.
I don't know. Seems like a useless conversation to be had.
But then again, beating someone without top tier characters adds more insult to injury. Also for the love of god someone just stop sonicfox already.
>There are no teams in smash since it isn't a team game
Then what the fuck do you call this gameplay mode?
You can't just post a single frame of a hitbox and pretend it's some damning evidence against a game. You gotta put it into context of what tools the characters have.
Besides, since fucking when does a game need to be even remotely balanced to be fun? Every Marvel game has been all kinds of whack in terms of balance, yet people still adore them.
In smash the size of your shield is true to how much of your body it is blocking. As your shield gets smaller your feet hurtboxes begin to poke out. You can angle your shield around in any direction. This let's you get a little more mileage out of your shield to block your precious bits so you don't get comboed. High level players use shield angling to move themselves further away from an opponent during multihit moves on shield. Look up Shield DI.
>mfw non-smash players call friendlies "casuals"
>mfw non-smash players call dittos "mirror matches"
>mfw non-smash players call spacing "footsies"
>mfw non-smash players call endlag "recovery frames"
>mfw non-smash players call landlag "landing frames"
>mfw non-smash players call crew battles "team matches"
>mfw non-smash players call shield grab "grab punish"
>mfw non-smash players call late hits "meaties"
>mfw non-smash players call shield combos "blockstrings"
>mfw non-smash players call combos "a series of stray, uncontested hits"
>mfw non-smash players call strings "natural combos"
>mfw non-smash players call cheap hits "actual combos"
>mfw non-smash players call spam "zoning"
>mfw non-smash players call keepaway " not stalling"
>mfw non-smash players call handwarmers "button checks"
Huh, I didn't know the shield coverage over the model actually matter. That's interesting
You can though
He makes most of the cast obsolete
>Nintendo game
>Using the same character
>Call it ditto
Makes perfect sense to me.
>Footsies and spacing are two really different things in melee.
>Footsies in melee are about good dash dancing and reactions.
This is spacing and movement.
>Good spacing in melee is outright knowing exactly where some one is going to move
These are footsies. Especially when throwing out attacks in neutral.
Why is your shit backwards?
No, that single frame means literally nothing without knowing what damage it does, the amount of recovery necessary, startup frames, hitstun, etc.
It could be a fucking useless move that only works on scrubs.
>I don't get this obsession of trying to apply Street Fighter logic and mechanics on Smash Bros
Because fighting games have good, intuitive terminology that can be applied well to any melee combat game
A team would imply a group of people. That's just doubles, a duo. Still a team I guess and I wish the public would watch doubles more but all the smash pros are more focused on their own individual tournament placings than placing as a duo.
>call late hits "meaties"
That's not what a meaty is. A meaty is an attack with a large amount of active frames, usually thrown out as the opponent wakes up to guarantee a hit or something.
Meaties exist in Smash too. Dr Mario has an excellent meaty in the form of his nair, which for some reason becomes stronger the longer it's out.
Is this good enough for you
I guess that's true, but that doesn't mean all terminology can be applied, which is what bugs me.
>Super Smash Bros. Melee
>""""""fighting game""""""
>same sweaty neckbeards topping the tournaments every year for years and will be the same sweaty neckbeards topping them 10 years from now
>all of it's imitators (Playstation All-Stars, Cartoon Network: Punch Time Explosion) and attempts at "spiritual successors" (Rivals of Aether, Brawlhalla) are embarrassing garbage
>Fans so autistic refuse to move onto it's sequels, essentially only other tournament games in it's genre are ROMhacks
>SFII/MvC/Vampire Savior
>real fighting games
>tons of new blood coming in and changing the face of the genre every year
>inspirational releases, sparked many imitators and even indie spiritual successors filled with love and care from long time fans in the form of games like SkullGirls
>Their legacy so strong sequels are still being released to this day and people will still buy and play them competitively
M2K is pure.
No, you're just retarded. A team is any more than one person working together towards a goal.
2 people is a team. 20 people is a team.
Because footsies in melee is footsies on fucking steroids. It's purely about avoiding hits, throwing out quick hitboxes before retreating. A well spaced move is usually premeditated and backed by a read in the opponents habits. Sometimes mixed in with a "mindgame" (basically playing chicken as hard as you can and and abusing your opponents available options so that you can narrow down what they'll do next)
Into the bin with you.
>Smash isn't a fighting game
>Why aren't Smash players using fighting game terminology???
Make up your mind, fuckface
But it isn't a useless move
It's actually very good
>Anti airs working also as anti grounds
The absolute madmen
Meaties are any move that connects on a late active frame. Oki is just it's most common and obvious usage in a match.
>allow you to use a keyboard in a tournament if you were so inclined. The winner of EVO 2014 for SFIV used a PSX Pad
>Melee Virgins
>ban anything that aren't GC controllers
Why is the fgc so mean to smash players?
The ban is against macros and analog-digital conversions, not ''not GC controllers''. So far, no alternative has been presented that doesn't include at least one of the two.
Because they're a completely different scene than the FGC but they still insist on being at FGC events
Because it's not a joke that they all smell bad. A lot of them act as if taking a shower will kill them or something.
Why do I feel like some of the younger generations don't even know ditto is a real word and not just a pokemon
That's literally just Melee players. Melee players are even ghettoed away from the rest of Smash. 64, Brawl and 4 overlap and play together no problem, but Melee insists on being segregated.
Smash is not FGC so why wouldnt they have their own language
Yeah except there's competitive Pokemon, competitive Pokemon TCG and competitive Pokken, and they all say "Mirror Match" and not "Ditto"
> It's purely about avoiding hits, throwing out quick hitboxes before retreating
This is literally every fighting game. Smash isn't unique about this at all.
And that doesn't answer why your shit is backwards.
Many of those terms are used by other game communities tough. Those are not FGC-exclusive terms. Smash is the game with its own term for everything.
how the fuck is wispy woods not considerd an environmental hazard
nice fucking ruling smashbabbys
typical americans unable to admit when they're being proven wrong.
crossups are a thing in smash, because if you hit someone from behind, they cant just reversal out of shield, they have to turn around to hit you which gives you frame advantage
They actually have a specific name in the smash community and it's "sex kick".
"Neutral game" > "spacing" > "footsies"
"late hits" > "meaties"
"chain" > "natural combos" > "strings"
"wake up game" > "tech chasing" > "okizame" > """"""""""oki"""""""""
Majority of SF-originated jargon is borderline homosexual. Just look at them. Smash isn't a whole lot better, but at least when they say something, the point gets across.
kill yourself, you cocksucker
A lot of these actually mean different things
>>mfw smash players call strings "natural combos"
>>mfw smash players call actual combos "cheap"
>>mfw smash players call zoning "spam"
>>mfw smash players call keepaway "stalling"
And these are just straight up shitposts, I see your game here.
>mfw smash players call casuals "friendlies"
Great way of letting everyone know that you've never played it watched a game of sport in your life, OP.
Figthing games are the most autistic and neckbeard virgin genre of all, and among them smash is king of neckbeards, smell of doritos and virgins. The most autistic game of existence, no real woman would come closer than 20 meters to a smash player.
A game made for children played by the most disgusting subhumans to wander the earth
i know right?
i dont eat doritos
how did this go ignored good heckin kek
the fact that you think any melee player would eat doritos and risk getting dust on their controllers just shows you no absolutely nothing about the fgc or smash scene
t. echofox furry
aaaand the thread is dead. great.
Hol up! So you be saying smash wuz fightan game?
What I never understood is why Smash competitive babbies take out literally half the game to get some competitive format.
Meanwhile here's me thinking there's plenty of skill involved in map control, using hazards to your advantage, and the risk/reward of certain items. Competitive Smash has never been interesting to me because it takes half the fun out of the damn thing and for the life of me I don't know why people do it.
i raped you
Cardinal cross-ups and high/low don't exist because of shield size/durability/density/tilting, it's called shield stabbing because the goal is to get a hitbox to make contact with a hurtbox and not the shield hitbox (hitting both in the same frame will give priority to the shield hitbox and result in a block). Most of the time it's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment like the first couple seconds of this WebM, which you may have to watch at half speed or do frame-by-frame to notice.
>the Fox player tilts his shield all the way to the left to get optimal coverage of his most vulnerable hurtboxes
>the Peach player does an instant float (which gives Peach very responsive horizontal movement in the air even while doing attacks) and will predictably do an aerial aerial
>the Fox player panics and quickly tilts his shield to the right (which you can only see for 2 or 3 frames) thinking the Peach player is about to float right and shield stab his feet from behind
>instead, the Peach player quickly floats to the left and shield stabs the now-vulnerable hurtboxes in the front
The fun part about this is that as everyone knows, shields get smaller as they lose durability, which makes it even harder to get proper coverage against pressure the more you turtle up. You can "light shield" (in Melee only) with the analog trigger which makes the shield bigger than normal relative to durability, but it drastically increases the pushback on blocked hits (actually reduces the defender's friction stat, but same difference) and the bigger shield hitbox makes multi-hit moves land more consistently which can make it easier for the attacker to establish control of spacing.
Forgot muh WebM, fuck Hiro and these new post timers.
Because they are fucking autistic. It's the same people wining tournaments too.
Another often-missed aspect of competitive Smash is the DI mechanic. Smash actually has a fairly traditional oki game with ground techs (the distance of rolls might be physics-based, maybe in Melee only I think? i.e. a tech roll against knockback momentum will be shorter), but DI lets the defender tilt their knockback angle which essentially creates an oki situation on every attack with at least a moderate amount of knockback, even during true combos. Lower knockback at a lower % means a combo is more guaranteed because the angle is more acute and the attacker has an easier time reacting and getting coverage, but higher knockback at a higher % makes that more difficult and so a BnB combo like up throw into up air might be replaced with up throw into back air which will get more horizontal coverage across possible DI angles.
There's also smash DI which is a completely different mechanic, pressing a direction during the freeze frames of an attack will very slightly shift the character's coordinates in that direction. It's a per-attack basis so if someone's doing something like a multi-hit attack, you can smash DI every single hit to push yourself out of it. Smash DI is sometimes also enough to put yourself a great distance away to get out of an aerial combo and whatnot. Again, Fox's up throw into up air, higher knockback (further out of Fox's range) plus greater DI angle plus smash DI (freeze frames are calculated based on damage) on the first hit makes it possible to avoid the second hit which is the one that kills, so Foxes will switch to something like a back air to get guaranteed damage out of a single hit.
Because they're all adult children who are all about rules, so when somebody does something interesting and unexpected, more than half the time people will just decide it's against the rules instead of adapting and evolving the game, and since they're all children nobody bothers to disagree. The smash community is some of the most strict game communities ever.
This sounds more retarded then danger time
Would Smash get this much shit by the rest of the FGC if it didn't try so hard to integrate into its events and community, yet the players themselves segregate themselves from the games?
Fun fact: Jason Zimmerman has had sex before.
>mfw tf2 players call ramp slides "trimping"
>"trimping" has meant something else for decades
It's like calling rocket jumping "bunny hopping" or something.
Last lesson in autism for the day, anyone who's ever seen a grand finals of a Melee tournament in the past couple years knows this should've killed. The Jigglypuff player smash DIed out of the second hit's hitbox which is the one with the killing knockback.
Explain to me what is the problem with "endlag" and "landlag".
It wouldn't be getting this much shit if they didn't act like their game was God's gift to earth and thus deserved special accommodations, as well as hopped in the shower from time to time.
I've met a few decent Smash players, people who are actually aware of their games faults, can take some banter towards their scene, and are even willing to try and branch out to actual fighting games. Those are few and far between, however.
>autistic confusion face
Because lag has a negative connotation that implies it's a flaw that needs to be corrected. Recovery/landing frames on the other hand is explicitly for move property variety and balancing
This, calling a transition from air to land 'lag' sounds like an impatient child wondering why he can't punch all the time. The way they use the word lag so often really reveals how they approach this game, the whole game is trying to get your hit in, and anything that gets in the way of that is lag.
Not to mention that calling it lag is both incorrect and sounds more like baby talk. Honestly a lot of this smash lingo sounds like toddler's words.
Troll out of Troll, should not reply, but
It isn't footsies in a Smash type game. It just isn't.
Grab punish and shield grab are nowhere near the same thing.
A bunch of the combo ones are just the result of it being a different type of game, like the footsies one. And if by "actual combos" you mean wobbling, yeah, that's bullshit and shouldn't really be in the game.
Are you saying nobody calls Ryu's repeated fireballs "fireball spam"? It's simplistic and doesn't tell the whole story, but it happens.
It's tech chasing because rolling instead of just falling is called teching. Not the most difficult thing.
The rest are just on the level of chocolate globbernaughts, lorries, and forcy fun time.
Good day
>calling it lag is incorrect
Is it though? Who cares that it isn't a result of connection latency. Words evolve. You clearly know what they mean
You do correct it sometimes, with an L-cancel. Not sure of any other games that have something quite like that, so it makes sense that this series will approach the concept differently from others
t. falsflagging smashfag
Corrected as in it shouldn't exist. Of course fighting games have ways to cancel moves
who /messy guessie/ here?
Lag is already a word that means something else, and only smash players use lag to mean animation frames. Smash players are not the future and they are not evolution. They're a group of people playing one old game they won't move on from, using words that aren't popular.
I hope to god that half of these aren't actual terminology. On both sides. Because otherwise both communities are irredeemably autistic.
Just about half of them are fake, yeah.
>This is the average Smash player
Don't let the fact that it's from Brawl deceive you. This has been and always will be their mindset.
I'm relieved.