Gamer fuel


Just here to ruin the thread

What if I'm Chinese

stop drinking soda

then drink some of that dubious cooking oil.

Is there any drink stronger than Pepsi Black's Super Soda Rosé?





Undrinkable garbage.

>ywn be as cool as the egg king

That's a cool looking parrot

i love that shit

(pic related) is when summer comes

Damn, that sandwich looks delicious. Throw in a little hot sauce and that's a good lunch.

I like cucumber flavored Sprite




also this


Mutually exclusive concepts.


nah fuck that shit

I'd drink brewed, but I'm poor and too lazy. I just drink for the caffeine.

kind user, do you have the story your picture is referencing?

what does it taste like?


It's just 2 slices of white bread and an egg, you fucking mong