Game has more cut content than Mafia 2

>Game has more cut content than Mafia 2
>People consider it good

Uhm, no sweetie, that's not how it works. Bully is unfinished garbo.

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kill yourself it's still great

>game's merit is determined by whats not in it
lmao i bet you think RDR is a masterpiece too

RDR is a pretty bad game outside of its story (and it's not even that good)

Sequel when?

bully is mostly just a collection of minigames, but it has the GOAT atmosphere.

God tier ps2 game.
Don't play remasters. Unless they add good (mp3) Wii controls.

Enjoy your dead thread OP

What cut content?

Xbox 360 version is best though. Has more to do and Christmas missions.

Even with the patch, Bully on the 360 soft locks too much. I'd only play it for the achievements.

I graduated from that fucking torture chamber decades ago. I don't want a fucking videogame simulating that shit.

>People consider it good
Because outside of Sup Forums people play the games and judge them as is. You guys don't play games and instead look at every aspect of pre-release development, the developer's political views, and eceleb drama around the game when it comes to judging a game's worth.

White male Americans.

It isn't simulating that shit. It's basically a Bart Simpson simulator if anything.

I got the achievements done ages ago. It rarely crashed on my console.

The main character is a good guy though that protects other kids from bullies.

So, mostly cosmetic changes that wouldn't affect the game world or things that were cut due to basic development cycle shit.

New Vegas is a far bigger offender for cut content than Bully.

but thats wrong you can play however you want in the end

>So, mostly cosmetic changes that wouldn't affect the game world or things that were cut due to basic development cycle shit.

Look up Swegta on YouTube, he is way more comprehensive than those articles about the games cut content.

Why did you post this shit like it actually supports your argument? I just read over both links and they cut maybe an hour worth of content.

>and they cut maybe an hour worth of content.

And it's a 3-4 hour game speedrun. Another hour would be amazing, but the game feels limp

Just finished the platinum trophy on Canis Canem Edit the other day. Get the PS2 classic on PS4. It looks almost HD like the 360 version and performs well.

So we're talking about speedrunning it for some unrelated reason now that you've decided, in which case they cut a whopping ten minutes of content.

>No Scholarship Edition content

I mean granted it's not great because all of the new classes only unlock clothing, but still.

I've watched his videos. Games have parts of their development cycle when they trim the fat and when you're working with little time, change in development, or compatibility issues shit gets tossed.

From what I've seen none of it makes me feel like the game would have been much better with the content added.

I liked the atmosphere and gameplay but it got repetitive after going to mexico. could have used more treasure maps tbqh

still haven't finished UN

whats another game that really shows the doggy dog reality of school

Bully was one of my last PS2 rentals, and I replayed it for the 360 pretty recently. People consider it a classic, but it's considered a classic like how people think of Valve games. People see the Rockstar logo and go crazy. There's something about open world games that makes people throw logic out the window.

I actually think design and execution wise, Manhunt is a better game than Bully. It does everything it set it out to do and doesn't feel restricted in some way.

Kunio Kun games

Your dick also has cut content, that's why it will never be considered good

>game is unfinished because it doesn't feature things that it never featured
This is advanced shit, I'm out

>run around school pinching girl's butts
>beat anyone who says something hostile to you
>can't beat adults and teachers but you can wedgie them
>gary is the greatest asshole you've ever met
>awesome soundtrack
>wearing your mom's xmas sweater so you beat anyone who makes fun of you
>take over each posse
>messing around your personal beast Russell
>visiting hobos who teach you how to fight

fucking Jimmy I hope you get a sequel

>The one time Jews didn't do DLC

That was the criticism of Mafia 2.

older rockstar open world games were beautifully designed as opposed to this realism/accuracy design GTA4/5 went for. albeit having a realistic city isn't bad per se, I just really liked the gamey worlds they had in 3/VC/SA/Bully/older midnight clubs, 100% those games was amazing
>college sequel
please do

The difference is Mafia 2 is shit, while Bully is legitimately good if not one of the best R* games.

>The difference is Mafia 2 is shit

It's really not. You Bully idiots throw around comfy so much it's lost all meaning

Well I found Mafia 2 to be even more comfy than Bully. Suck a dick.

and Mafia 2 succeeded in accomplishing the impossible task of being emptier than GTA4 to the point where the only worthwhile thing to do is to collect playboy mags, and every mission is as vapid as the next like a GTA game.
Go suck a dick.

If I was honestly rating them, Bully would be a better game than Mafia 2. Mafia 2 is just still a really solid game.

Bully just isn't as good as I (or you and many Bully fans) thought it was, especially being a post San Andreas game.

I just find video game criticism of one game over another arbitrary

>Manhunt is a better game than Bully

I didn't think it was possible to be this wrong.

Why do you keep making this same thread?
fuck off faggot

Both of them are comfy. But Bully has also good gameplay, lot of side activities, nice plot, and one of the best soundtracks ever. While the only good thing about Mafia 2 is licensed music and 40s atmosphere.

PC version sucks cock

Two different genres, but Manhunt ranks high for me in stealth games. Yes, even with the big boys of Chaos Theory and Thief. Manhunt does everything well from its style and writing and characters, etc. Starkweather is just such a great villain (especially compared to Gary from Bully who makes no sense)

Bully ranks low for open world games compared to Saints Row 2 or GTA SA or Dead Rising.

If you think Bully is better than Manhunt, you're either an open world memer or don't like stealth games.

>Manhunt ranks high for me in stealth games. Yes, even with the big boys of Chaos Theory and Thief.
Manhunt is one of the most basic fucking games for the stealth genre.
Thinking that it belongs anywhere near Chaos Theory or Thief rips you of any fucking right to judge who thinks what is better.

>Posting a retarded faggot that likes Dungeon Siege than Diablo 2

You no longer have the right to judge opinions of others.

Bully was amazing. Probably the best thing Rockstar ever did. This and Warriors.

*more than

>Disliking Ross
He's not the one who just lost any credibility m8

I never understood why people call Mafia 2 bad in the first place. It's exactly like Mafia 1 just with better controls and graphics, the character are even better than in Mafia 1 since the main char of the first game is a bland good guy and you feel nothing about his inner twist why he starts to betray the family.
Vito is a better protagonist all around since he don't give a fuck and just want power and money without justifying anything of it. I also had way more fun listening to the dialogues and was more interested how the story ends.

Really, the only negative stuff I would say about Mafia 2 are his garbage DLCs that are nothing but a waste of time and money.

RDR did what Ubisoft has been trying for years what and everyone else has been trying to copy from Ubisoft.

> If a game has cut-content it's bad
Going by that logic almost every game made is shit


Dude literally said Diablo 2 takes no skill. I don't even like Diablo 2 compared to Diablo 1 and I know that's a stupid statement.

mafia 1 literally has clutch support for wheels. you don't know what you are talking about. I mean mafia 2 isn't bad, but it's a step down from the masterpiece that is 1 and the vito/joe bro-up isn't enough to redeem it

>worse on foot controls
>bland written story

I give you the car controls, but Mafia 2 had also realistic controls and the 40s and 50s car controlled exactly like they do in real life.

Thread hidden.

not at all mafia 1 went for realism instead of playing like saints row
>mafia 2 also had realistic controls
that came nowhere near the first game
>bland written story
as opposed to muh mafia revenge muh sob ending?

ok now it's my turn. the city in mafia 2 is bland compared to 1, while in 1 it's a masterpiece of design. the country side of mafia 2 also sucks. the exploration in mafia 2 is non existant. there is no cool shit in mafia 2 like the extra game modes in mafia 1, nor are the mission as good.

only good thing mafia 2 has compared to 1 is robbery and going back to the scene of the crime to have some witness recognize you, whoopee doo that really doesn't get boring after doing it 2 times

The game is explicitly not an open world meme game. I get your complaints, but it's more like The Getaway on PS2

>masterpiece of design
>literally empty blocks everywhere

Sure, that's just like Chicago looks, but come on man... despite that I discovered already every piece of the first game in under 30 minutes, sure the orientation is better that way since the city is quite small, but it's the most basic looking city I've seen in a video game, except Kirkwall in DA2.

>complain that this takes the skill away as opposed to something more like Diablo
>there's no skill in pressing a button over and over
>the skill in Diablo clones comes in understanding combat mechanics knowing who to target and when to retreat
Dude never said Diablo 2 takes no skill, dude never mentioned Diablo 2 specifically.

be real faggo the city was designed so you'd learn to navigate it instead of following le marker, and that's why it's superior to mafia 2 which blocks your path randomly

>like one genre of game over another genre of game
wow the unthinkable! also diablo and it's clones are shit

ARPGs are indeed terrible, but because devs try and strip and streamline Diablo 2 rather than adding onto or making D2 deeper or complex.

I thought Grim Dawn was gonna be the game changer for ARPGs, but it's just more garbage.

I give you right about that, but Lost Heaven isn't exactly exciting to look at, which isn't too bad like said, since it isn't meant to be a sandbox game like GTA, but Empire Bay, although pretty big and you need a marker or you be lost, is still a prettier city with more sightseeing. I had more fun driving around Empire Bay and discovering places (some really exciting ones I wondered why they were never used in story missions) than I had in the first game.

The title Bully never sat right with me. It doesn't make sense in the context of the game. Canis Canem Edit does make sense but requires a little research to be understood, probably why it was changed for Americans

you definetly sound like you graduated from school