Why was it called "Another" Metroid II remake?
How many were there before this one?
Why was it called "Another" Metroid II remake?
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None, there only exist 3 versions of it. The original, AM2R and the 3DS remake.
Is there a joke in here somewhere that I'm missing?
Nope. Just answering your question.
There were other M2 fan remakes being made when AM2R started development (I believe there were 2 other ones) but both were cancelled eventually and AM2R was the only one that continued. They didn't change the name since it stuck. Anyway Nintendo then made their own M2 remake with Samus Returns and thus fulfilled the AM2R prophecy anyway.
Well I'm glad the guy stuck with it I just finished the game today and it was a blast. Hope he keeps up the good work with the Ori sequel.
I like AM2R, but SR provides something that game did not provide through
An actual challenge
t. retard that never played AM2R on hard or any of the NG+ modes
tl;dr ure an poor bait
There were a bunch of attempts in the past by different people but none of them ever got past concept demo stage, this one happened to get finished
I honestly don't see how anyone could disagree with this.
Normal mode SR is as hard as NG+ on AM2R, ignoring the fact that the game is WAY harder mechanically as the parry mechanics becomes insane in later fights, literally being the difference between getting one-shot or winning a fight.
Metroid games have always been EASY too son, SR change that by forcing you to be on melee distance in some fights
SR is also the only game where fucking Ridley 3-shot you on the hardest difficulty no matter what, the most challenging shit in any Metroid game ever.
So please kindly fuck
>hard in any way, shape of form
>Fighting Ridley in Fusion mode
The horror, worse than Prime 1 Ridley on hard mode by a long shot.
Go play the original Metroid 2. Much better than this hack of a remake.
Just don't play remakes, period. They're garbage 100% of the time. Play the fucking original. It won't kill you, kids.
Fan remakes of Metroid 2 were a Metroid community meme since forever since people would keep starting projects and quitting them over and over. So it was a joke at the fact that yes, this was yet another fucking Metroid 2 remake as if there weren't enough.
There were two other prominent ones being made at the same time as this one. And many attempts before them.
>There were two other prominent ones being made at the same time as this one.
Remember Metroid SR388? I watched that trailer so many fucking times back then. like holy shit so many times.
I had a glimmer of hope for a long time, but at least AM2R delivered.
"m-muh Metroid 5"
alright more official garbage on par with SR and vanilla Super
even Hyper Metroid is better
This. What are you, a pussy?
>all the bosses are piss easy than SR bosses even in harder difficulty
>AM2Rfags have to rely on their optional superboss by limiting themselves to have even a remotely hard fight
i want to see one of you autists try to beat super ridley with power beam-only.
Its been done before too
>SR bombed commercially
>SR bombed critically
>even the fans don't like it
>Zeta Metroid in AM2R hard mode
>Zeta Metroid in SR hard mode
>Zeta Metroid in Fusion mode with its extended flame attacks
Is so easy to spot AM2R defenders that never played the game, is like they are here just to troll, you never even see them on real Metroid threads.
Source for literally everything in your post, please.
Bomb commercially, see Nintendo.co.ir/en/
Bomb critically, see
Bomb with Fans, see this thread
I hope you fuckers aren't memeing.
in the end, more metroid games are always welcome. I hope I can emulate soon enough.
>First video says the game is alright
>Second video says the game is excelent on its own way
Is like you did not watch the video at all
>the game is alright
No meme, even normal mode provide to be a challenge(die a good amount of times to Queen/Diggi bosses), but if you set it to hard/fusion mode, expect to die pretty often especially vs the omegas
>literally says that in the first 30sec of the video
1. I can't access that site.
2. Are you seriously posting Mark "Metroid 2 is a horror game" Brown as a reliable source? Also, what about this?
That's a fairly high score. The people in your videos don't even say that it's a bad game. How is that supposed to show that the game bombed critically?
>Bomb with Fans, see this thread
>Sup Forums
This board is fucking shitpost central. Do you honestly think that Nintendo cares about a bunch of basement dwellers?
Great aegument.
>metroid thread
>no tuuuube posting
tfw I made a complete PT-BR translation of AM2R and it’ll probably never be used by anyone. at least people liked my wallpaper
>Fans Hate it
>Fan reviews are actually higher than professional reviews
is like the opposite my nigga
inb4 metacritic doesn’t matter
>any of the NG+ modes
> Playing the same game over and over again instead of spending their time on another of the millions of good games out there
Yeah sure, *he's* the retard