How do we fix nu-gaming?
How do we fix nu-gaming?
It's an artificial scene. Blizzard can treat their employees like that.
>By a private organization
I think you mean they demanded a bribe.
>fined for calling people homos
what the fuck, because it's against their terms of service? holy shit this shoul dbe illegal
>How do we fix nu-gaming?
Stop buying Acti-Blizz games
Stop buying Ubisoft games
Stop buying EA games, especially
Avoid League of Legends
Avoid walking simulators also
>take a job
>sign a contract
>break the rules
>start whining about it
So are you all a bunch of special snowflakes or what? You're like immigrants voluntarily going to another country and breaking its laws, then being surprised when you're arrested. Fucking edgy 12 year olds.
taimou is a whiny cunt, fuck him. I played with him in tf2 years ago. He got banned from etf2 for naming his team or himself "breivik did nothing wrong", lol. I wonder if blizzard would permaban him if they knew that.
>be an OWL player
>say a bad word during a live match
>$1000, suspended
>go home and stream
>call some obnoxious tracer main a faggot as I dunk on him
>$4000, suspended
>turn off my computer and sit in my chair alone
>say 'fuck' out of stress
>neural monitor attached to my brain by Activizzard picks up the profanity
>$20,000 is siphoned from my personal bank account
>go to the bathroom the next day
>exposing genitalia is against the blizzard ToS, and the neural monitor can see through my eyes
>Activizzard SWAT team kicks down my door and executes me, leaving my head in the toilet
>$100,000 is taken from my bank account
We don't
This is the future
>Playing Overwatch
You deserve it you fucking cucks.
if its your fucking job to play video games, and to behave properly, then dont be surprised if you get fucked if you're too fucking weak to show your power level.
Yell niggers at your workplace and see what happens.
How can a company fine someone. Is it in the contract? "if u call someone faggot, pay thousand dorrars"?
>playing games is serious buisness now
>Taimou gets away with using fucking aimbots multiple times
>gets fucked for this
Blizzard, everyone.
we don't? its objectively fixed
>shit post
>get your shit slapped
best timeline
>anti-gay slurs
>worth millions of dollarydoos
yeah I'd say that's pretty serious
For professional players, yes, that's exactly what playing games is.
kys faggot nigger jew soyboys
stop playing garbage games.
good post
he called someone cis white male, which is against blizzard's ToS
>banning people over emotes
I guess everything has to go the way of agdq eventually
all online multiplayer games nowdays ban you for "hurting others feefees"
suggest me some that dont
>overwatch esports
I believe it's a future we'll live to see.
regardless of breaking the ToS, blizzard is going to ostracize gamers - thus shooting themselves in the foot as the most obnoxious get their way and it becomes so hugbox that the hugbox becomes a bugbox and everyone thinks everyone else is being ironic with their kindness - causing a downward spiral and death of overwatch and it'll happen real fast.
there is such a thing a being too protective and we about to see the death throes and it'll be glorious