How well and accurate does Persona use the Tarot Cards Arcanas?
How well and accurate does Persona use the Tarot Cards Arcanas?
Not at all.
What does it get wrong?
none of the lovers have anything to do with their arcana
What is the Lovers Arcana supposed to be like? I assumed it was just romance.
Not that user but from what I understand the Lovers depicts mutual attraction between two people (sometimes the Emperor and Empress). A better use would probably be to have it level up when you increase your romance with whoever you pick.
Sometimes it's pretty close, but the biggest issue I noticed is that some arcana are traditionally used to describe events or things, rather than people. It's not that they CAN'T be used to describe people, but sometimes characters seem to just have a random one attached to them. Like Tae having Death doesn't make much sense, because even though she has the goth chick thing going for her, Death is usually describing the end of something (sometimes good, sometimes bad) and her story has almost nothing to do with that.
I thought Lovers had to do with relationship between people, but not necessarily just romantic ones
There's an implied romance, but most things in the Tarot are kind of wishy washy and subject to interpretation. Think of it as a dilution of different archetypes into their basest forms, so THE major relationship in a story could be the Lovers, romantic or no.
It's alright, better than most games.
I love Fuuka!
Which Arcana was Fuuka?
High Priestess!
I think it's very fitting!
Fuuka was priestess
What arcana would you be, anons?
tfw most Sup Forumsergins would be Tower and Hanged
Tower is the bad one that means everything will come tumbling down but what is hanged man?
means you are in a shitty situation in which you are stuck and there is no exist in sight
Would have thought that was Sun with 3 being the terminally ill guy and 4 being the girl with the dying dad.
I sometimes imagine a Persona game based on wrestlers and would derelict what social link arcana they'd have.
Hanged Man would be Benoit
Justice would be Bret Hart
Strength is Stone Cold etc.
Yes I am possibly autistic.
*wonder not derelict
Nah, Sun is about undying optimism and being positive and shit
Oh I can see that from those social links.
What does each card mean? Besides the ones mentioned above.
Death is change.
i'm gonna write it up as I remember it without looking it up
new beginning, young lad out on adventure, start of a journey but also can mean you are just a retard
mastering an art, skill, confidence, or someone who can teach you those things
>h. priestess
spiritual help or something vague like that
literally "mommy
The entire premise of Tarot is literally the Fool's Journey, it's really not an easy concept to fuck up
I think i would be Moon
Maybe Fool if it's possible to interpret the card at face value
If you think The World is good, Universe is approaching learning the meaning of life tier shit, so im told
Moon isn't trickery its dreams and ethereal things. Since illusions fall in that vague nonesense sometimes lies get lumped into it but it doesn't have to be.
Strength is also more about resolve and mental fortitude than literally just being stronk
What's the difference between Sun and Star?
Star is hope, Sun is the realization of hope. Sun's the beat card you can have besides The World.
oh yeah, that's right, completely forgot about that Moon interpretation
I looked into it once for shits and giggles. Tarot is 95% interpretation. It's just what you want to read into it, using older interpretations as a jumping-off point, so you can pretty much make of it what you want it to be. Considering we don't even know for sure how we should interpret the Arcanas attached to social links, it just means whatever.
>Star is hope, Sun is the realization of hope.
I'm not quite following you.
Star is a guiding light and Sun is a determination, that would be more accurate.
So like a hope in yourself or hope for others kind of thing?
Hope in yourself and that everything will turn out well for you in future.
And Star inspires hope in others?
Guaranteed to keep thread alive or your money back.
High Priestess is about trusting your instincts which relates to one of the answers you can pick after stopping the train in the first full moon shadow mission
Why doesn't Persona use other tarot cards like the cups and swords cards?
it uses them for shuffle game after battles and items that power up your personas
Did you not play the games?
P2 handled it rather well, along with combining zodiac signs as that game's main gimmick for the character archetypes.
I just remember shuffles as red x and broken glass if you didn't get a summon.
>The Hermit
Not surprising
That's about what I thought.
Characters having both major and minor arcana was a nice mechanic.
I always read devil as more adversarial than anything specifically bad. Just the "against" force.
Alright nigga go do some test and see what your arcana is.
Btw where are my Sunbros at ?
Death isn't the end you dumbass the Death Tarot means change
I'm The Devil, get fucked losers.
>The Chariot
just like my waifu, nice
What is Devil supposed to be?
Semantics user, I didn't mean the end of everything, just the end of something, like a cycle, or situation, which is followed by a new beginning.
No need to be so aggressive, it's the fucking tarot.
There's the given description.
im pretty sure I'm strength, tho at times I can be pretty chariot
Doesn't hanged man also mean shit's about to go into inversion mode?
I did some reading into this once, I'm somehwere between hermit and high priestess apparently?
And what do the reverse or upside down cards mean?
oops forgot my image
Maybe Star is like the people watching and waiting for a hero, and the Sun is the hero? Like Star is about having hope, and Sun is about making everything work out? Fucked if I know, though.
I'm and got Hermit from the quiz.
A Star is someone who inspires hope. A Sun is someone who takes hope and does something incredible.
Justice. Not surprising but I can't say I'm going to lend any credence to it.
I got moon
lol fag
I got moon and aside from the being psychic part it’s pretty accurate
*picks I am not psychic* "You are psychic"
Magician reversed.
>hanged man would be Benoit
Stop the ride, I want to get off.
Huh? Is this some inside joke I'm not getting?
Also wasnt there an online test to see it?
>The Fool
Who wants to go on an adventure?
Hanged man
I think they are pretending to have a joke to confuse and exclude others. Quite immature if you ask me.
are you a kind of Fool who's about to start an epic adventure or are you just a retard that makes bad decisions
Are you ready to change the world ?
Then I'll fill your party with the emperor
Inverted cards mean a sort of opposite and more negative version of the card. For example inverted death means things are changing for the worse.
So is inverted tower good?
No inverted tower means you are as fucked as fucked could be (upright tower you have a chance to unfuck everything)
Well she did give up her life as a general practitioner when she was wrongly accused
Nobody on Sup Forums is capable of introspection so I don't know where you got Hanged Man from
>The Hermit
Fair enough
I got the Hermit. I was kind of expecting this.
Fitting since my ex saw me as more of a father figure than a bf.
Better explaining the ones you butchered:
Command and control, sometimes over other people but usually means taking command of one's own life or coming to terms with one's decisions/goals
Guidance, grace, and accommodation, kind of the feminine equivalent of Emperor
The keeping or imparting of knowledge and experience
Refers to strength of resolve and character, rather than direct power
>Hanged Man
Introspection and often relates to some form of suspension in one's life
Temptation, but also being in tune with one's desires and the ability to go with your gut
Potential catastrophe or great change, sometimes also representing pride before the fall or recovery
Aspiration sometimes accompanied by skill/talent, it is a symbol of guiding hope
Mystery, dreams and illusions/illusionment
The moment of things coming to a head, or reconciliation of everything up to a point
Enlightenment and the true synthesis of all things
The interesting thing about tarot arcana is that they aren't personalities so much as stages of life and aspects of the human condition
A lot of Hermit, Moon, Hanged Man, a few other outliers. Fair enough.
Now use this one that relies on your birthdate instead of arbitrary shit like a quiz. Remember, combining multiple viewpoints can help give more insight.
Got Hermit on that first test, High Priestess on the second, and now this. Interesting
Kinda boring desu
I thought that was asociated with the astrological sign
>Death ()
>Devil ()
>Moon/Hermit ()
>mass replies
>le cum hurr laff at u maymay
To that end there's also an interesting about of parallels between the order of the arcana and the concept of The Hero's Journey
>The High Priestess
nigga that's gay
>You spend a lot of time in your head, seeking answers.
i wish i was outgoing ;_;
Star and Strength
The other two tests gave me Star and Hanged man