>I play girls because I like staring at their asses
What about 2D top down games like Pokemon where they're so tiny that you can't see anything? Why play a girl then?
>I play girls because I like staring at their asses
What about 2D top down games like Pokemon where they're so tiny that you can't see anything? Why play a girl then?
i am tired of seeing this exact same thread
What do you gain from this
Have you ever played Pokemon Black or White?
>this thread again
why are we still making threads about this
Weebz BTFO yet again
>OP is getting so buttmad about people playing as girls he has to seethingly make a new thread ever six hours to vent
I took the girl character in pokemon diamond because the boy looked like a gay drag queen with his stupid french hat.
>2D top down
>you can customize your trainer that carries over in cutscenes and in battle animations
literally no excuses
>pick girl characters because I generally like how female models/armors look
>will gladly pick a male character if they happen to have something cool going for them
>"haha picked a girl character again, huh user? looking at the butt is pretty good isn't it?! xD"
i mostly play the boy in pokemon games, but if i played the game as a boy already, i'll sometimes play the girl. just because it's something different from the last playthrough, which is always good.
Like I said multiple times, choosing a girl makes every animation and hit feel much more powerful due to the size difference.
>pick girl character in SM
>have more fun playing dress-up in every new town than the actual game
I only play as the girl, dress as one IRL and take girl hormones because its nicer than looking at a guys ass all the time
>Being a transbian
Oh no no no no
Because I like controlling cute girls.
me too
>implying transbian isn't the highest state of being
>This is what Sup Forumsirgins dream about
you are a literal retard