Developer incompetence or underpowered hardware?

Developer incompetence or underpowered hardware?

at least it has games, unlike ps4

>a literal tablet
what the fuck do you think



Both look like shit

How anyone played wrastlin games beyond the N64 years is beyond me

Underpowered hardware

They've carved out an effective niche from the Wii onward, and there's no reason to fight with M$ and Sony in a costly tech arms race when they effectively have their own entirely separate albeit lower powered ecosystem

Probably both. Switch is gonna hold back quite a few games in the future.

>caring about graphics

> Expert developers work 100+ hours a week in an underappreciated field.
> Herp Derp devs are lazy!

Why does he have a tattoo of something phallic between his pecs like he's giving a titjob

It's literally the exact same thing, left is just missing shadows

The switch unironically looks better. They both look awful though.

the state of switchlets


A full lineup of worthless dismissive arguments.

Laziness and incompetence are different things, as evidenced by your reading ability


Both. Duh.


Now post a comparative of how the new Smash looks on Switch compared to PS4 and s- oh wait...

>not multiplying physics calculations by delta time
Literally beginner level shit. Definitely developer incompetence.

yeah, why does the xboner one still look like complete shit? switch has the excuse of being small raspberry nintendo pi

C: Left is the handheld port.

More like a game even the developers care little about.

god damn it that belt fucking sucks

why waste precious system resources on a dude giving a sword tit job


He doesn't even look good in the Xbox One screenshot but the Switch still manages to make him look like a playdoh monster.

>a fucking tablet
Of course the other version will look better.

They just tattooed his gloves on for the switch

And any form of shading whatsoever. Every thing is a block of one colour

Yeah, I also only use my PC to watch some shitty tv stuff instead of playing games

im pretty sure that was the joke.

You think anyone has ever told Brock how shitty his sword tattoo looks?


nobody has lived to tell the tale

>xbox one vs switch image
>b-b-but PS4!

jesus.. that's how you know you're too far gone into the console war world buddy.

Could you imagine being like Brock, born as some Broly motherfucker and just being naturally good at everything you do? It's kind of depressing to think about actually.

Dude was able to win NCAA championships despite being a mediocre wrestler technically, due to his freakish size and strength. He did good in the UFC despite being really one dimesional fighter, again due to his physical gifts. Vince came when he first saw him and even got him a personal jew to make sure he succeeded.

Hey now they were acceptable up until the last Smackdown v Raw games. After that they took the same path all sports games do and got rid off all the fun and started cramming sim shit down your throat so that matches are fucking boring slogs now just like modern WWE.

That's cool. I always saw him as this big gorilla dude, he's just so huge. More Brock Lesnar stories?

They slapped together a port in like 5 months

Next year's version will obviously be far better. It wont be because the switch magically got any more powerful

>Xbox One is more powerful than Switch

you really had to make a thread for this obvious statement, are you retarded?

go make a thread about how ps3 is more powerful than ps2

He tried to get into football when he quit WWE, but the NFL wanted to send him into the minor leagues so he quit and went to japan and wrestled over there for a bit and was pretty shit.

Apparently he had a shit time over those few years so he got the sword to represent that. Also he broke into his now wife's house when she wasn't there so he could confess his love for her when she got back.

Both look like shit, consoles are just circling the drain in general.

Both? There are freaking entrance bgm that don't play in the Switch version and they haven't even fixed that months later.

while the belt looks terrible in the switch version, the bone version makes it look like brock has been crying for a few ours just before getting out there

>Also he broke into his now wife's house when she wasn't there so he could confess his love for her when she got back.

Man, I've done shit like that before. Godspeed brock

Let me put this way.
Since 1996 or so, 3D games either run the animation and physics on a separate thread or use a method called delta timming so if the frame rate dips, the game speed keeps the same.

And this game don't.


Why should this smallass thing be as strong as a ps4 or xbone?

a little bit of both
NBA works just as well as the other versions unlike this

he's got the replica version innit

Because it's 2018.

And we got magical ways to make a 5 watt console have the same performance as a 150+ watt console, right?

Make ipads as strong too then. And make PC gpus thin as fuck too.

launch Xbox One only uses 130W or so under load while docked Switch is ~11W when it isn't charging

can you give me some examples of good exclusive games on Switch?

I'm guessing they deactivated ambient occlusion on the post process of the game and subsurface scattering on the shader of the character.
Both things are kinda expensive on the GPU end but it doesn't seem like they tried to optimise the model itself with a lower resolution texture or different polycount.
So I assume that they just unticked some checkboxes to turn off the juicy effects until the game at least ran on the system and rolled with it.

Developer incompetence.
Doom for Switch is not an 4k 144fps but still looks AND PLAYS good enough.

It does. The right doesn't even look like Brock.

Mario Odyssey

that's it

Reducing texture quality don't actually increase performance unless we're talking about shadow.
But geometry is definitively one being a bother for the switch.
I personally would attack the crowd on the background instead of the fighters, also implement delta timing because fucking QUAKE has delta timing and this game don't.
It operates pretty much like a sega genesis game.

>It operates pretty much like a sega genesis game.
FromSoft games still operate this way too. I think even Fallout 4 does.

Goddamn those lazy devs.
At very least run the stuff on a separate thread.

Yet there's nothing else like it or near its level

> Bu....bu....but PS4!

It's not even comparing the two, are you that butt hurt you have a under powered piece of crap you have to start shit everytime?


Fallout / Skyrim is one that's especially bad because on PC people often run it at really high framerates so the game is fast as shit. I guess you can lock your framerate to 60 with vert-sync on a 60Hz monitor but that shouldn't be necessary.

>there's no reason to fight with M$ and Sony in a costly tech arms race
Nintendo's underpowered hardware is the main reason for the lack of ports.

>lack of ports

I like that N64 graphics vibe

Watch CMLL

>Simp Cucksnar
Grow standars

ah it should be set to M for mini-mum graphics

>pc adds a jew

pro wrestling is for fags anyay

>WWE games
>not always developer incompetence
shit port is extra shit when they get yukes to make it in 6 months.