Isn't this formula old by now? Why would you get Far Cry 5?

Isn't this formula old by now? Why would you get Far Cry 5?

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Never. I don't want to deal with ubicuck steam and I don't want to play a shooter on console.

it looks fun for a mindless shooter, but the big thing is that level editor. looks fun as hell.

isnt smash formula getting old by now? why would you get that?
isnt rockstar formula getting old by now? why would you get rdr2?
isnt dynasty warriors formula getting old? why get that?
isnt uncharted formula getting old? why buy any ps4 moviegame?

Fuck you faggot, FC5 looks fun as fuck, I haven't played Primal, and its been 3,5 years since 4.

Because I live in montana.
It's the only good reason.

The story, mainly. 3 and 4 were memorable as fuck, like obisidian levels of writting.

Also looking foward for some 400 hours on Far Cry Arcade

Primal is good but you'll miss the guns.

The only somewhat good game was Far Cry 2

Cause i want to shoot animals in montana without buying a rifle and gettign a license.

Could be good its mostly american identity politics that fuck up any worthwhile discussions

Excited to finally kill white people for once, just for variety's sake.
Far Cry 3 had Tropical brown people on some island.
Far Cry 4 had Asian brown people in Tibet or some shit.
Far Cry Primal had dirty brown cave people.
Gimme them rednecks talking about banging their cousins while I'm sneaking around for a stealth kill.

anti drumpf games are the best

I don't want to shoot americans they get shot enough.

>3 and 4 were memorable as fuck, like obisidian levels of writting.
Is this a joke? You can't even recall the main antagonist from FC3. Nobody can.

I kept waiting for the obligatory scene in FC3 where you're shown a mirror and see Brody is a wiry, wide-eyed, drug fueled, blood covered maniac who hasn't slept in days but the game was too stupid to do something that obvious. He was just normal.

I pre-ordered my copy for the xbox one X. 4K with HDR is nice. I'm looking forward to it.

>far cry 5 season pass trailer
>kids in comment section creaming themselves
>"this convinced me to buy the game"
>"finally some good dlc"
>dlc announced before the game is even out
>no standalone like blood dragon because fuck you

far cry 2 was set in africoon land and most of the enemies were white.
Same with the second half of 3

>You can't even recall the main antagonist from FC3

>isnt dynasty warriors formula getting old? why get that?
Even people who like the series wouldn't disagree with that.

The Ubisoft open world formula is more repetitive than any of those other games.

You did play the best Far Cry right?

t. someone who actually played it

This. Far Cry 2 had the most depth but it was still bogged down being boring. I tried playing Far Cry 3 because I heard it was so great only to be disappointed by how boring everything was. Seriously, it takes the Ubisoft sandbox formula to an insane degree of tedious. Then I heard every Far Cry game afterward was the same. Yeah, not thanks. One of the warning signs that this will be shit is the fact the agro indicators when you're sighted are the same in the gameplay trailers as the ones used in Assassin's Creed Origins.

The funny part is that those formulas ARE old by now and there's no reason you should get any of that shit either.

Come up with some new fucking games, industry, or just fuck off and let people play old games which are better anyway.

That's the protagonist you goofball.

Jason Farcryguy.

I remember Volker, hes more memorable than Brody.

>You can't even recall the main antagonist from FC3
crackles like chicken

Give it a rest, loser.

Problem with the Far Cry formula is that they've bled it into other games like Assassin's Creed, Watchdogs and Ghost Recon Wildlands.

How the fuck would you forget this. Unless you're baiting.
I really like his character though. Very well-written. His definition of "insanity" is actually quite spot-on.
My best friend and I still ocassionally talk about how great of a villain he was even though his most favorite Far Cry was Far Cry 2.

thanks for proving my point

its a quote thats from einstein.

You forgot to frogpost, dumbshit.

Vaas was the secondary antagonist

Silent protagonists are more memorable than Brody.

Volker is so forgettable that I honestly thought he was a fat Southern gentlemen type until you copy&pasted his name from Google.

I feel like they haven't changed the game at all since Farcry 3
feels like the exact same every game since
Farcry 4 wasn't so bad because I did like the setting and mechanics still, but 5 seems like the exact same "highlands" sort of setting yet again, but not even a cool alien sort of place like NotTibet

Should HZD be considered a Far Cry spin-off? I mean, it's literally a re-skin.

I was thinking that. It looks a lot like Primal.

not gonna buy but will definitely pirate

I just hope the level editor isn't just doom snapmap where you can do a shit load of stuff, BESIDES make cool level set ups and you can only choose from premade rooms from the single player

It's fun. Running around in the world is comfy.
Running around, paragliding, skinning animals is till comfy.
I wouldn't pay for it, but Denuvo might make it hard to pirate this time around.
I guess I'll see if a crack rolls around a year or two after release.

>buying Ubisoft’s Westboro Baptist Church Simulator

Primal is literally underrated. It's just FC4 in ooga booga setting, by no means it's bad.

It’s better than 4 on account of being unique

Cuz I love fun gunplay and exploring?

I platinumed it. Gg ez

The mainstream audience are not aware of "formulas" in games. This is what they assume videogames are.

>isnt smash formula getting old by now? why would you get that?
>isnt dynasty warriors formula getting old? why get that?
>isnt uncharted formula getting old? why buy any ps4 moviegame?
Rockstar is still coo tho

I feel like Horizon has a lot more in common with RDR. That said, HZD, Shadow of Mordor/War, Far Cry 3-5, any Asscreed and any Watch_Dogs are all the same game with a different hat. You might as well consider them all Asscreed spinoffs.

dude shut up you are gonna attract the TF2 players with that talk

Redneck mountain madness can be fun

The most underrated entry in the series, after 2 all is campy comic shit

>no other games have an open world set in rural America with stuff to kill and fun vehicles to ride
The setting is objectively a first.

I just saw that I've had Far Cry 2 in my steam library for over half a decade, completely unplayed. How does it hold up? Worth it to play it nowadays?

I liked Jason Brody and how he went from Soyboy SolCal pansy to deadly killer. I just didn't like how the game started you out so powerful. If they'd made Jason incapable of using a gun properly at the start and more incompetent in general then his progression would've been a lot more fulfilling. Sadly, The new Far Cry games are too normie-core to try something like that. Far Cry 4 was just a lazy repeat of 3, that's why nobody remembers it. This one will probably be the same.

>DLC all looks better than the actual game
>You just know that Ubisoft are going to make them all two hour campaigns because fuck making these games interesting anymore

I loved farcry on the xbox and instinct predator. I wish they brought back predator mode that shit was so fun with custom maps. The map editor makes me want to get far cry 5.


>Appreciated Far Cry for its amazing graphics for the time
>Liked Far Cry 2 for its fire mechanics and interesting African setting, slogged through the awful fucking combat and checkpoints to pass it
>Loved Far Cry 3's Pacific Island pirate haven inspired setting, got bored towards the end but pushed through to pass it
>Loved Far Cry 4's Tibet/ China no mans land inspired setting but couldn't bother to pass it
>Was interested in the 'caveman' setting of Primal.... but got bored in 1 hour

>Don't give a shit about Far Cry 5 set in 'Merica'

What an odd fucking stupid choice, also the formula is stale as fuck now. They need to really add something spectacular. Like a updated engine that'll impress graphically, better explosions and larger battles you can join.

A setting in Ukraine, or South America or Mexico would have been a great choice... not the fucking 1st world.

How could you forget about the Duck Dynasty game you fricking casual

>Thinking people would forget Vaas, insanity guy.

Far cry level editors in the past have always had terrain manipulation, but only premade building placement with very minor or difficult original structure building

>Isn't this formula old by now? Why would you get Far Cry 5?

Call of Duty/John Madden syndrome. People get it because it's the next one. It's basically like a comfy old sweater you wear. Except this sweater costs $60+ dollars and you have to pay for it every year.

It wasn't worth playing at the time. Now open world FPS' are mainstream so it's aged poorly, since it's a series of boring corridors with invisible wall mountains on either side.

I’m gonna play the fuck out of FC5 no matter what you say.

Yeah this looks fun. Primal I skipped as I was digging out on too much Ubisoft. Also I don’t play Assassin or any other ubi games except the occasional far cry so I don’t burn out fast like many.

FC 5 legit looks good though and they are really putting lots of creativity into it.

>> He is a meta commentary on the series
Why do people keep doing the exact same thing expecting things to change.

Origins is really good.

CoD formula is old as fuck and people still buy in.

Just like I buy into cod (well, rent it from a redbox) for the fun 6 hour story, I do the same with far cry. I'll probably rent it, keep it over the weekend it comes out, and then have had my fill of it, just like 3, just like 4, just like primal.

fuck off OP

I don’t like the series it’s shit. Just be real historical games wtf is this computer shit. Ruined it for me completely.