Praised for its story

>praised for its story
>its story is complete garbage

Metal Gear Solid is praised for many things. And the story is great.

Gameplay is garbage as well.

It's a 4/10 game at best but of course the brainwashing done to new gamers in the mid-90s made this pile of shit and other garbage games like Mario 64 somehow "good" in the minds of damaged, brainwashed people.

It was great.

how the hell do you upvote in this place?

Your opinion is complete garbage

quick Sup Forums, name a single game with a better collection of boss battles

But user thats not nier tomato

Try survival. It was made for your kind.

Any DMC game. Holy fuck the standards for this place have tanked.

Go Back The game

>go back to get the sniper
>go back to get the stinger
>go back to get the gas mask
>go back to freeze the card
>go back to heat the card

nothing wrong with a bit of backtracking to increase the tension before achieving your goals and to make feel the environment you're traversing in a bit more real and meaningful. Modern level design has been ''go forward'' for at least a decade now and it's boring as fuck.

also I want gen6 in /vr/ already so I don't have to visit this piece of shit board filled with idiotic newfags anymore for some decent vidya discussion

>Any DMC
kill yourself donte

Any Mega Man game
Any Castlevania game
Almost every Mario game
Most Sonic games

Name me a game with a worse collection more like

I don't want to.

MGS is the Evangelion of video game fanbases but without the large divide of love it or hate it, its Sacred Cow status has yet to be challenged, MGS needs a kick in the ass.

Grey Fox's fight is pure trash.

>muh nostalgia
I played both MGS1 and SM64 for the first time ever in the early 2010s, and both are superb.

However it had:
>great atmosphere
>absolutely god tier soundtrack
>the best most memorable bosses of the series
>good drama

OP here, just wanted to fully clarify my post.

you dont get to go back and fucking review MGS1 at this point, you have no context of the time it was released.
at least I assume so from your garbage opinion.
its like people looking back at snes games and saying its shit because the graphics are all pixelated...
and the story is praised because they managed to cram a game and a fucking novel worth of codec into 2 discs.

ok zoe, dont you have a sequel to go fucking kode

>good drama
>story is garbage

oh fuck /lit/ would tear you apart you absolute pleb

People only praised it because it felt like a movie, not because the story was good. It's anime tier garbage.

The story was the best of the lot.

The best of what? Supid twists?

The amount of content shouldn't be praised if the content isn't good.

Nice assumptions though

You aren't OP, I am and MGS is trash. Soundtrack is mediocre and it was annoying every time they tried to play melodramatic shit all the time.

>go get the heat vision goggles to get through this
>here's how to get it
>oh you don't already have it?
>you can't get it until after you go through what I told you to use it for

imagine being this underage

MGS is Great and fuck you

Let that tell you something about video game stories then. We are a diffirent medium, our stories can be trash as long as the atmosphere, presentation and CHARACTERISATION are right. Look at Final Fantasy VII: the story is DOG SHIT but thats not what people care about, they care about the characters IN that terrible story.

Too bad none of those are good in MGS either then.

it was mindblowing when you were a kid playing it

That’s your unpopular opinion then and you are entitled to it.

Metal Gear stories have never been great, but their presentation is almost always on point, even some of the non-Kojima titles

>mommy is not paying enough attention to me so I'll look for love on Sup Forums
>hey guise look at this hot onions
Here's a (you).

Epic meme broseph

Everything about the game is garbage, not just the story.

The late 90's saw the release of many stealth games, like Tenchu, Thief, Commandos, Hitman, etc.

Every single one of these games is a much better stealth game than MGS, yet its MGS that is credited for pioneering the stealth genre.

Even Jagged Alliance 2, a turn-based RPG, has way more complex stealth mechanics.

>>Calls itself an espionage game
% of the game consists of cutscenes, unavoidable combat setpieces and shitty boss fights

How the fuck did this series ever gain a fanbase?

Someone just remake mgs 1 in surVives fox cox engine already

Who gives a shit about /lit/?
It's the biggest collection of plebs on this entire site.

>Any Mega Man game
The Rock-Paper-Scissors weapon weakness system makes them uninteresting.
>Any Castlevania game
Which ones? CV2 and 4 had crappy boss battles
>Almost every Mario game
You mean the series that copy and paste the same boss battle throughout 8 worlds?
>Most Sonic games
They all folliw the same pattern. Bounce into the same weak spot while avoid hazards.

Name a game with a better story.

Yes. It's that easy to be better than MGS boss battles.

>a secret agent from a black government department infiltrates a military base to stop a terrorist organization from using a confidential weapon's nuclear power to threaten countries into meeting their demands
>the very scientist who made it realizes he's been lied to the whole time and realizing he's been used, now tries to help you destroy it
>the whole subplot about Naomi secretly being a triple agent and betraying FOX
>the whole subplot about Colonel double-crossing his own soldiers and betraying their trust
How the fuck do you think this isn't a great story? Fuck you, you tasteless faggot.

>good bosses

they’re damage sponges at best

Name any boss battle that's as memorable as Psycho Mantis or The End.

You got me there. I can't think of any boss battles that are as memorable in their awfulness as Psycho Mantis or the End.

Not to mention that the whole concept of having boss battles in a genre of games all about not being seen, is mind-boggingly stupid and a good indicator of how much of a hack Kojima is.

I couldn't even remember who The End was.

Bowser by default is more memorable.

>and other garbage games like Mario 64

this place is pretty much re**it now, might as well have arrows for epin upboats


The only thing MGS has charisma

And it's not even that good there.

It was also praised for its gameplay, soundtrack, graphics and level design.

It's ok when Metroid does it.

What gameplay? You stop every few seconds for a cutscene.

True, a video game telling a "Nukes are bad mkay?" story blew my mind as a kid.

Gr8 b8 m8 maid me masturb8


hey OP reply to my post too

Here you go

t. soyboy


Story is b-movie tier fun and better written than most video game stories.

>"the story is 2deep4U"


LMAOOOOO nice one bro xD

>sacred cows need to be challanged
>those White male-
>oh jehova

How jewish are you?

What game did you play? There's stealth, shooting, boss fights, puzzle solving, rapelling, hand to hand combat, and feels.

Hideo & Kojima are hacks.

but its FUN garbage

>Use the shortcut
>pick it up when you pass it the first time
>literally don't need it