How do you respond without sounding mad?
How do you respond without sounding mad?
no u
ddos the server
say gg back or ignore.
Or if you play some fag game with fag devs tell them you report them so they beg you to not do so because they will lose their account
just ignore it you soyboy
how did u know lol
Ez pz
Ignore. They are going to interpret any response as mad anyway.
>"Heh, easy like your mom"
autistic screaming in vc
>still playing online games against cheating 12 year olds
Single player or GTFO.
why wouldn't I be mad at an insult?
I just call them no lifers and go fuck my gf :)
this is just my alt anyway haha :) im purposely losing hahaha u mad :)
>whats ez?
"GG, man."
But I wouldn't know, I don't really get my ass kicked in many games.
This is correct. Do not validate bullying with even the slightest recognition, its like heroin to them
holy shit, what a great time to be alive. two funny and ironic words = master nazi insult
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?
flirt with them and don't say "no homo"
Report them. If devs are gonna be cucks and not allow bantz I might as well use it to my advantage.
Kick their ass the next round.
Laugh about it with my friends who are in the server with me.
Get out of here normie
Say 'reported' after everything the say in chat and nothing else
even if the game has no report system
Do not (you) them.
>why so mad?
and then keep saying lol he mad after every response
is this your first time on the internet?
Wow user, you are so cool!
Ignore them and compliment their teammates
>"Mercy main lol"
>healslut plz"
Keep it simple, take your loss honestly, maybe you had a bad round.
Don't respond at all.
You're friends know u mad, but just laugh with you.
You say nothing and then report the faggot. GGEZ
being this mad
Thanks, you too
After years of online I feel nothing. I just report faggots.
>tfw you type /GG EZ during a close game before it ends
Yeah like your mom
Fug :DDD
You don't. It's the lowest tier of bait.
change the subject by saying.
Fuck GamerGate!!
gg ez
- I just keep quiet
- Track down where he lives
- Shut down my pc
- Go there and shoot his family then shoot him last
- Just before ending his life, I say
>"Yea I'm mad, but you're dead!"
*bang* *bang* bang* (I empty every remaining bullet I have and try not to kill him immediately)
This is why Trump is taking your video games away
This is just over Facebook. He messaged me GG EZ
For us
ayo let me suck your dick
This shuts everyone up. If it doesn't, then congrats on finding someone to have a good time with
gg, you're pretty good.
you don't respond, getting you flustered is what they want
If you have to make a thread about it, you're fucking mad
>sissies who dont understand back
Hahah i see you but i dont see you pathetic. Just give in to salt and lose it.