>Oblivion Gate open in the middle of Sup Forums
What do we do, Sup Forumsros?
Oblivion Gate open in the middle of Sup Forums
We fap.
Die from some glitch I bet.
keep shitposting
Avoid it because they are boring and repetitive
it already did, it's called the Sup Forumseddit/youtube invasion and we didn't do anything to stop it
case in point
go to reinstall Oblivion but reinstall Morrowind instead.
Get autistic cold feet and leave it till I'm max level because muh sigil stones.
Hope it takes me to anime.
Blame SJWs and/or Sup Forums
Cover it up because its causing glare
fear not anonymous. i will go and destroy each portal from the inside. time to go to r/thedonald, trump general and to watch some pewdiepie.
Based argonian poster
Based argonian
Hist guide you
Pour out and invade Tamriel
Let it's evil seep through the threads and the posts as there is truly no greater evil than the collective stupidity of Sup Forums.
>h-hey guys let me fuck up this thread by mentioning reddit and Sup Forums again haha XD aren't they the worst XD
Uninstall FPSblivion and play a real TES RPG like Morrowind.
We go in and ruin Oblivion with shitposting. Those niggas will wish they'd have opened the gate in the black marsh instead
Rape the demons
quality fucking post
>hordes of demons are invading our world !
>3 gobos coming out
>t. post fappening cancerous nufag
Fucking based
haha no but really tes 6 when
*fortifies speed, athletics and acrobatics to 255*
*steals your sigil stone in 30 seconds*
nothin' personnel, mehrunes...
Send in the argonians