>gen is nearly over
>still no games
what the fuck?!
Gen is nearly over
I love this meme, can't five you full 5 out of 5 meme points though because you forgot the cute frog image.
Otherwise pretty memerable (pun intended).
imagine the next gen.
There were games, but they were almost exclusively panty quest tier.
>inb4 m-muh bloodborne
nextgen = nogames + nogames
= 2nogames
doesn't count
gravity rush
yakuza 0
h ahhahhahh
>still forcing this meme when XBONE literally has no games
for a system that's been out for over 4 years, I've gotta say that's really pathetic. R&C isn't even an original game, but a remake/remix and an inferior one at that. Do people really only get the system for casual multiplats?
doesn't count
I agree but there are definitely exclusives that are worthwhile.
The PS4 sold 2x as many games as the Switch, Xbox and 3DS combined in 2017.
You just have shit tastes.
>d-d-d-d-d-d-d-doesn't c-c-c-c-c-c-count BECAUSE I SAID SO
halp my keyboard is stutttttttering
one of those is a ps3 port and the other a vita port
>not wanting to play RDR with better FPS and AA
>not wanting the good version of forza horizon 2
meanwhile ps4?????? lol
new meme?
then where are they?
I can't think of even 5 exclusives on the system that are worthwhile, the moment I do though I'll pick the system up as I got plenty cash for it.
But BB isn't a sequel
Take out gravity rush and add horizon
no it didn't
we all already played dark souls, buddy
>gravity rush 2
>a port
no nigga
Most 'exclusives' are being ported to PC, since devs are realising more and more that's where the money is.
This is not a bad thing. This is something that should be encouraged. We're finally, slowly, getting freed from the retarded idea of exclusives. Now everyone can play their favourite games on their favourite platform.
>few months ago made a list of PS4 exclusives I were interested in, but ultimately were not enough to buy the system
>half of them are not even exclusives any more
I just listed them didn't I? If you're that sequel shitposter, well you know.
doesn't count
take my upvote XD
i'm a sony fag, i've had the console since it came out, and you know what my favourite game of recent years has been ?
BotW when i got a switch two months ago, i've played it for 200 hours
i have uncharted, bloodborne, horizon, the last guardian, and most multi plats, and i've never really had that gripping never want to stop playing until BotW in years. Maybe when last of us 2 comes out but its not REALLY a GAME with endles gameplay, it will be on rails to a huge extent, maybe spiderman ? i on't know, this generation has been fucking garbage. I think the next thing that will make me feel the same way as BotW will be red dead (hopefully)
UHD remasters of HD remasters?
> Do people really only get the system for casual multiplats?
tfw people argue about ps4 games all the time and I put so much time into Gundam Breaker 3 and Digimon Cyber Sleuth alone it'd be worth the price I paid
truly the ps4 is great for turboweebs
I mean, I get that's it's down to personal opinion, but for me those aren't worthwhile games. I'm not a fan of souls games at all, and the uncharted and infamous series is average imo. R&C would be decent, but I did already play the original which I've heard is still better. GR and Y0 are the only games that look worthwhile to me, given my tastes.
>white hand
There's your problem. You don't like FIFA
Demon's Souls*
>PS4 is five years old and it's still a bloodborne machine
>ps4 getting roasted in this thread
>Uncharted 4
>Uncharted Lost Legacy
>The Last Guardian
>Gravity Rush 2
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>Ratchet and Clank
>Infamous Second Son
>Until Dawn
>Hidden Agenda
>Yakuza Kiwami
>Yakuza 6
>The Impatient
>Yakuza 0
>Summer Lesson
>Persona 5
>Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone
>Digimon World : Next Order
>SD GG Generation Genesis
>The Witch and the Hundred Knight Revival
>Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8
>Dead or Alive Xtreme 3
>Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
>Gundam Breaker 3
>SRW OG: The Moon Dwellers
>Super Robot Wars V
>Digiom Story Cyber Sleuth
>Nights of Azure
>Super Stardust Ultra
Coming Soon
>Gran Turismo Sport
>Days Gone
>God of War
>Monkey King Hero is Back
doesn't count
not really most of the soyny fags were 360 fags back then.
betcha you'd love a port haha xD
Persona 5, Horizon Zero Dawn, Infamous Second Son, Resogun, Bloodborne, God of War, Gravity Rush, Street Fighter 5, Death Stranding, Hotline Miami, Guilty Gear, Fighting EX Layer, Uncharted, The Last of Us, Little Big Planet, Kingdom Hearts remasters, The Last Guardian, Shadow of the Colossus HD, Knack, Killzone.
I can go on, but you get the point. Xbone doesn't even have HALF of the exclusives listed here.
How do you guys never get tired of console wars? I'm honestly sick of it, have been for years. At least in the past there was a bit more OC, now it's all just wojak edits.
part of my point user was really just confusion about why people argue about if a console is worth it or not
if its worth it to you, enjoy it
if it isnt worth it to you, dont buy it
let me fix that for you
Worthwhile Exclusives
>Uncharted 4
>Gravity Rush 2
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>Infamous Second Son
>Yakuza Kiwami
>Yakuza 6
>Yakuza 0
>Gundam Breaker 3
>Super Robot Wars V
>Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth
Coming Soon
>gen is just beginning
>more games than pc
too bad console chumps
soo like 20 games?
>It's another "I don't like those games so they don't count!" list
>bunch of weeb and boring shit
>10% of the ps4 player base dont even bother with those games
>sequels, ports, movies
doesn't count
This might be the first time i ever skip a gen.
shitty games aren't worth the purchase of a console
sequels and ports aren't games though
>shit and also DLC
>shitty remake that didn't hold a candle to the originals
I think you get the idea. Also most of those games you listed are multiplats.
Shut your dick sucking mouth
Which is why I regret getting my Switch so early
Games that are actually good enough to justify playing
>Coming Soon
user come on now
I don't like them so they're not games :^)
>proud to show what a grot bag he is
>bought something he didn’t want, gets BTFO and acts like its the consoles fault
% of the ps4 player base dont even bother with those games
so 90% of ps4 player base care and bother? that's a good thing
where are the games buddy
>Nintendo goy so butt hurt they have no games
( ˇωˇ ) That’s not true, but yeah we got only 2 From soft games on PS4. That’s fucking sad, brah
Guess things like the switch REALLY have no games then
Move the goalpost all you want, doesn't change the fact that by your retarded logic Dark Souls is a sequel to Demon's Souls
>we all already played dark souls, buddy
>if you played resident evil you played dino crisis
>if you played SFII you played vampire
Diva Future Tone
Red Dead Redemption 2
Batman: Arkham Knight
Horizon Zero Dawn
Yakuza 0
The Last Guardian
Code Vein
Ratchet and Clank
Gravity Rush 2
Gran Turismo Sport
Last of us part 2
God of War
Yakuza 6
Assassin's Creed: Origins
Fallout 4
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
Metro Redux
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 Remix
Persona 5
Just Cause 3
Mad Max
Dishonored 2
Shadow of the Colossus
>this happens
>people still buy PS4 anyway
>a full list of shit, weebshit and movies
>sequels, ports, movies
doesn't count
>i'm a sony fag
I am this and ps4 is just bringing tears to my eyes. Not a single game that can keep me glued to tv and at the same time that makes me feel like i am playing something fun. Most fun was when i wanted to try pic related and i ended up sucked in from beginning to the end i couldn't stop. Even with shit controls and audio, game made for players always will be good. Really makes you think.
Not only this generation ps4 has no good games or even decent games, but other systems are quite thin also. 2 good games per generation is a fucking disgrace
Playing Hokuto ga Gotoku atm. It’s freshiest exclusive you can get, but Ishin was so much better visually and story wise
>Diva Future Tone
It’s better than PS3 you fags. Faaaar better
Homosexuals are not welcome.
>no games
>still sold the most this gen
Other consoles, GIT GUD.
That’s fucking pathetic for something that’s been out for well over 4 years.
Like, the whole bottom half of that list are multiplats dude. I don't get what you're trying to get at.
>gen is nearly over
Didn't they say that PS4 would be the last console?
Well, Sony wants to get away from PS4 as fast as possible.
Remember: 4 = death in Japanese.
Actually I'm surprised they didn't go straight for PS5.
Unfortunately other consoles don’t have a huge sports and “mature gamer” following :^)
>console wars
I guess you faggots consider Sudoku also to be a video game right?
>sold the most
>can't even out-revenue or out-profit the xbone despite having 2x as many sales because Sony is a money sink with a shitty group of users that don't buy games
I know that you are shitposting and all that, but I straight up pity the people who never had the joy of playing Bloodborne. I finally had fun with vidya again and that alone was worth the 60 bucks I spent on my PS4.
basically all interactive movies instead of "games".
except bloodborne.
I would literally buy a console only for racing games, normal people buy consoles for 2 player couch gaming Fifa or Pro evolution or other sports games.
lonely neets that play interactive movies alone in their room are pathetic. get a PC for that.
yeah i totally agree, take a look at past generations and you have shit loads of great games even 4 or five amazing games a year. now we're waiting 4 or 5 years for 1 amazing game, really is not good.
Dumb faggots with magical thinking, just like amerifucks with their 13.
You all are pig disgusting losers.
name 100 pc exclusives and if I don't like them you will have to admit that PC have no games
The fuck is with this PS4 has no games meme?
It literally has more games than the Xbox One and Switch.
When you go around spouting this meme it's not even trolling, it's just quantitatively, factually wrong.
>Rhythm games are not games
>Pewdiepie meme
Nigger what
This. Worst part is people still eat it up.
Add Utawarerumono Mask of Deception and Mask of Truth
Also Persona 5. And Odin Sphere Leifthrasir.
But yeah it's a pretty piss-poor lineup if they're already winding things down. I don't think I'll buy a PS5.
Those lists are so wrong, it is pathetic.
N++ as ps4 only? Gears4 totally missing. I could go on. It makes it look worse for X1 and better for ps4, but the worst for an idiot posting it.
>Deep Down listed as one of PS4 excusives
This proves that PS4 has more games
This list is absolutely retarded because not only are there multiplats on the PS4 side that are also on Xbone, but it has games for the PS4, that got announced 4 years ago , that STILL aren't out and have no news. Deep down is VaporWare. Lily Bergamo got cancelled. Rime is actually a multiplat now and even launched as one, Earth Defense Force is also a multiplat (both of them), and Everybody's Gone to the Rapture is another rmultiplat (it's also garbage). Also there are games ont he "platform only" side that are also on PC. you should delete this image from your harddrive.
Hey bud. You just dont seem to like videogames. Thats on you though. Iam sure everything will be better soon. Dont take it out on the miracle machine though.
More than half of the games you listed are literally who garbage you just added to make the list longer, and more than half of what's left after we ignore those are weebshit and 6/10 games. It's like putting Imagine Party Babiez on a list of worthwhile Wii games just to make the list bigger.