(This guy worked on the original games)
>ANOTHER flamewar thread
Hapas not even once
what a fucking retard
>i visit Sup Forums for enlightened and shitposting free discussion
I still have no idea why Sony didn't purchase Spyro and Crash as their original IPs.
What genius businessman at the time made the call to let them go? Mascots sell. Nostalgia sells. Years later they're trying to push Kratos and Sack Boy as their mascots, AFTER they're just got rid of their most iconic ones.
I sure as hell hope whoever made that decision isn't actually still allowed to work at Sony.
I can smell the soy from here.
Shitposting used to be more creative than falseflagging and twitter screenshots. Once people started with the "I was only pretending to be retarded" trolling this board went to shit. The only reason I come here is because I can't leave.
Isn't the game coming to PC and Xbox too tho?
Didn't we have this exact conversation a year ago? Nobody believed it was exclusive. And it's been confirmed for Xbox for some time.
This feels like the most inorganic console war topic of all time.
Damage control.
What the fuck is wrong with these prices?
>i must pledge to serve muh liege Sony
Locking games on a platform is completely stupid and yet retards push for it.
Fucking excelent post-
guys i think we have a sni-
Imagine being as cucked as Sony.
If I had worked on the original games I'd be more pissed about the fact that a studio of no-talent devs, under the command of Activision, made a soulless, money grabbing "remaster" that lacked any of the groundbreaking tech, charm or style of the original games.
You know, rather than what platform said shitty remake was on.
Welcome to the world market.
>done by blacks
>infographic is white
What did they mean by this?
We don't even want it.
Activision knew how valuable they were to Sony and asked for a ridiculous sum of money for them.
Sonic games have been on Nintendo consoles since the Gamecube now, who gives a shit
>He works at Big Red Button
Those games suck anyway
Someone who worked on the original games should be fucking disgusted by the remakes, period.
So I call bullshit. Go play the original games.
This can't be happening
My childhood is ruined
They better remove 30 fps cap
be the change you want
Adding water to mud doesn't clean the mud
Maybe not, but it eventually forms a pond.
There's mud at the bottom of the most beautiful lakes. Fill the valley.
If you add a water softener to hard water, it makes the water soft.
You can drink water
Exclusivity is anti-consumer at it's core. The very word is derived from exclusion, it's not so much that you're rewarding people for choosing your platform but punishing others for choosing a different platform.
A game coming out on more than one platform is a good thing for everyone, unless you're a corporate chill.
I thought people like this only existed in memes
How lonely do you have to be to be loyal to a gaming company of all things
>creators of a console going out of their way and spending money to get a game made for their playerbase is anti-consumer
When the contract says they'll sue them into the ground if they release on a competitor's system, sure. Which they all do.
At the end of the day, it's Sony's fault. They should have known that selling a successful IP to Activision would result in something like this sooner or later.
If it was a random manchild it would be autistic as fuck but I can 100% understand what he means. It's like a Mario 64 remaster appearing on the PS4.
>Vietnamese Dong
I've known that's the currency there for years and it still cracks me up
They're the ones that funded it and there's no reason why they should share it with others.
Yes, it's pro-business and anti-consumer. Anti-consumer =/= evil, it just means it doesn't benefit the consumer. Exclusivity is definitely anti-consumer.
Exclusivity losers like that guy in OP's pic should all be drowned in hot feces.
That doesn't make it not anti-consumer user.
Wait, who funded what?
I'd be way more butthurt to see my game remade by literally whos, than just being on some other console
was even crash/spyro sony property at all to begin with? or just devs stuck to developing the games for playstation since they would be directly competing with mario and zelda on the ninty consoles
That's besides the point. the point is that its good for THEM and not good for YOU. Supporting it just makes you into a corporate shill that's not even getting paid, in defending exclusivity you're sucking corporate dick for free....because....?
I've never understood console wars or fanboys. Why do random consumers take up the battles of corporate interests?
the absolute state of sonybros
Aussie cost is so high it doesn't even register on the chart.
>crash was never on the GBA
children need to research more
Published by Activision
>developer is a console warrior
Cry me a river over 20 year old games.
Victory for the n64 generation.
His tears are salty.
But it does benefit the consumer, their consumers.
soynbros btfo
It goes both ways. Exclusivity is anti-consumer, but multiplats mean the devs have to spend the time making it work on multiple consoles and they're all far too lazy so it chews through too much time and manpower so that does affect the quality of the game.
Nobody tell him it's also on Xbox.
No one seriously cares, right? I'm as big of a playstation fanboy as they come and I completely skipped crash remaster.
The Crash team has a massive inferiority complex when it comes to Mario and Nintendo.
>give it back! it was supposed to be ours!
>they played us like a goddamned fiddle!
Kaz "if you work for nintendo, get the fuck out bro" Miller
>Crash ended up outselling the Mario titles
It did? What titles is ge referring to tho?
It was kinda jarring seeing crash on nintendo but who the fuck cares in the end?
just preordered it for my Switch
Crash and Mario on one epic console
Sonyphags must have gone insane by now
Universal Interactive Studios owned it, which is why Mark Cerny was involved in the development of Crash, but he was the only Universal member involved who wasn't a meddlesome moron and actually knew what he was doing and contributed in a helpful manner. Sony only really got involved after they realised that Crash had the potential to be really big.
Vivendi later bought Universal, who were in turn later bought by Activision.
Crash 1 + Crash 2 + Crash 3 sold more than Mario 64. It's a pathetic thing to brag about.
Crash 1, 2, & 3 combined outsold Mario 64. Mario 64 outsold all of those games individually, and that's only counting copies not bundled with the N64.
It's not much of a claim.
What kind of disgusting newfaggotry is this?
there is clearly no sni-
It's funny cus crash is garbage.
I really hope he doesn't make it into Smash because he unironically doesn't deserve to be in that series.
It was mostly Jason Rubin who held the complex. When they first saw Mario 64 at E3 Rubin was floored by the game, especially since the openness of the game was something they wanted to do but couldn't pull off to their liking at the time. Later with Jak & Daxter they returned to the idea.
>Kaz "if you work for nintendo, get the fuck out bro" Miller
KAZ HIRAI Is no longer CEO of the song corporation
He can do what he pleases.
Like laughing at salty sonykeks
Underage redit needs to leave
Kaz is CEO and president of Sony until the 1st of April.
Crash is June
By then KAZ will be laughing at salty sonykeks
Is Kaz getting a new position or is he leaving?
except no. It's more like how Banjo Kazooie ended up on xbox.
KAZ is on advisory board I think PlayStation and Sony are pretty much separated and yoshida is the new CEO
Leaving PlayStation jp spot open.
And mark house has already left.
The old guard are leaving leaving the nu-soyny to run Sony and to a lesser extent PlayStation.
Besides, and only cared about the camera side anyway.
Did he delete those posts? I cannot find them.
What a sad man. And the audience applauding too
Someone at PlayStation seems to just despise the concept of mascot characters.
Gravity Rush 3 Switch exclusive when?
damn. That's fucking cringe. Instead of trying to compete on such a personal level, take a lesson from it and learn how you can improve and how to use your hardware. jfc.
If he worked on the game I can see why he might hold some resentment.
As much as I'd love to get Kat the love and attention she deserves, Switch just doesn't have the power to do the series justice.
It's depressing that GR2 is one of the only games this gen that has god tier art direction in a more demanding game. I really wish Nintendo would catch up even though I know it won't happen. Their art direction is amazing but it's used to the end of making games work o less powerful hardware.
It's stupid because Sony then turned around and made those stupid cats Toro and Kuro their mascots.
I didnt know anyone called Kaz worked for sony, it was a metal gear joke.
so this is the power of weaponized autism.