This game worth getting on the Switch?
This game worth getting on the Switch?
A game is worth in any console if you really like it
I expected something like Isaac and was really disappointed
Runs great and it's a good game, but really probably needs a pro controller. I couldn't imagine trying to play it with the joy cons for any period of time without wanting to kill somebody.
Why would anyone care about EtG in a world where Nuclear Throne exists?
It runs like shit
FPS drops up the ass
What sort of game breaking shit did you duct tape together?
>ignore patching this game for all ports making it less bullshit in favor of shilling on Switch
Fuck Dodge roll.
No, but it is worth it on PC.
>it's a 2D game
>Worth on PC
Like, why?
And yes, I fell for the bait I know
K+M I assume would be better than any controllers. It's not HM2 that's about unplayable with controllers, but I could see it saving some deaths.
Will these soy fucks ever fix their game? It's STILL inferior to Isaac in almost every way. The worst is the repetitive music used for Bosses, on every floor and every boss. Past Depths 2 in Isaac all bosses had their own unique song.
Decent Game, But lacks replay value.
I mean its there and all but it becomes hollow fast.
Like, take binding of Isaac for example. I could always come back to it and enjoy it and overall ended up having 277 hours in before having no more urge to want to play it anymore.
As for Enter the Gungeon, I can't find it in me to play it anymore and I've only sunk in 27 hours.
Iunno man, take that for what you will.
>more mods and updates
how the fuck is that bait
I can't imagine that this would be easy to play on a console
It's not much different.
You miss more often but there's a sort of auto aim.
If anything things just take longer to kill and that's about it.
It has auto aim and the camera pans out and captures the whole room upon entering,so no cheap shots.
Its actually much easier than on PC.
Is the Update finaly out on Pc?
Binding of Isaac is short and quick, making for easy replay. Gungeon is so stupidly fucking long. Curse of the Giant on every floor, long ass hallways leading to tiny room, respawning fucking enemies sometimes that shit happens 4 times in total for one room. And on top of that you use the same shit starting weapon on enemies that get's more bullet spongey each floor. Imagine if in Isaac your starting Tears never upgraded or got damage up you had to find shit like Dr Fetus, Moms Knife or Brimstone to do actual damage.
This game would be fun if it was faster to get chests and determine if your run was a bust or not, kind of like in Isaac. More bosses and smaller floors would be nice too
You guys actually used auto-aim? It fucked with my aim so hard I had to turn it off.
1.1.4 came out recently but now we are waiting for the Switch special update to come on PC.
poor man's Nuclear Throne.
On Switch? No, it runs like shit with horrible frame drops. If you put the game in sleep mode while in a run, when you pan the camera it will drop to about 10-15 fps.
Game regularly crashes too. Fun game but get it on PS4 or Steam.