Rejoice Sup Forums You'll soon be able to play Xbox games on Emulator
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Why did this take so long?
Can we finally get over this now?
just let me have my anger.
But I hacked my OG xbox months ago and I have no need for an emulator, at least for a good while.
nobody intelligent to code an emulator gives a fuck about xbox trash
>Due to a lack of interest, a lack of console-exclusive games, or in some case very toxic behavior or potential legal threats towards developers, the Xbox emulation scene has remained dormant until recently. For the projects currently available, there is a high barrier to entry for the effort involved. In spite of its very PC-like hardware, the Xbox has enough proprietary elements to make emulation non-trivial. Many aspects of the Xbox's CPU, GPU, audio and BIOS are undocumented and not fully understood[1][2][3].
No. Never. And let me explain why:
Basically the original Xbox used a lot of proprietary Nvidia graphics card shit that nobody knows how to reverse-engineer.
I don't have a source on this statement, but I was told that we had PS2 emulation as early as we did because somebody literally stole design documents from Sony. I believe it. But it's apocryphal so it's spoilered
Because the Xbox is basically a glorified Win 2000 PC, Cxbx emulates the Xbox by making the code run on a regular Windows PC. So it's emulating it in a way, but it's not emulating the original hardware. It's using your hardware as a substitute.
An Alpha Tower like in would have provided driver software and other prototype code that would have helped emulator programmers reverse-engineer and understand the actual Xbox hardware.
Can't wait to play the superior Xbox version of Burnout Takedown again.
I'd rather have 360 emulation to be honest. I just want to play rockstar's table tennis again damn it.
Call me when it gets netplay as good as Dolphins.
On their github, they say they'll also be adding Chihiro support eventually.
You want that Fusion Frenzy action don't you?
Can't wait to play Breakdown again
>Sup Forums
what the fuck is Sup Forums you disgusting newfaggot?
>newfag can't quote correctly
>emulating games that already have PC ports
jet set radio has a port you dumb fucking know-nothing nigger newfaggot
future doesn't have one yet because of music licensing hell
Fucking finally.
Being a sega fag and having to choice 1 console during gen 6 was suffering.
gimmie this so I can play shenmoo 2
I smell soy.
I want to play Mech assault so bad.
now this is something I care about
>Sup Forums
I can finally punish myself with Dino Crisis 3? Fuck yeah, I wanna see shithole ground 0 personally.
Call me when Blinx works
is Ninja Gaiden Black the only single game that would require this?
degenerate furfag
Take it to the grave with you faggot
I am so glad that fucking kid got shamed to death
didn't he try and damage control later by saying it was fake or something?
here's the nigga getting roasted
How was morrowind on the xbox? i really want to play it but missed the opportunity to buy it for xbox 360
>entire screen implodes during the boost's blur effect
All the issues it had on PC is multiplied on Xbox. It has really long loading times and crashes every few hours.
Besides that though its still good. I played it first on Xbox and had a love/hate relationship with the game.
NGB is literally the only game I want to play though
The most interesting part for me is ho they managed the gamepad support. Would love to replay it in all comfyness as defined by the high heavens
And you wouldn't be wrong to think so, NGB is fuckin great. I like NG2 too but I like NGB alot better coz it runs better which makes for more fluid combat.
When will classics like DOA Xtreme or Outlaw games get emulated.
why does it seem like all xbox emulation has awful sound glitching? Even playing KOTOR on a 360 the sound glitches out fairly often
What cult classics are on the xbox? I want something charming I've never heard of.
It's still in its early phases.
patreon gives emulator devs an actual inventive to get shit done
oh cool I can emulate, halo which I already own the pc version of...
seriously, name an original xbox game, ill wait.
This is in an emulation thread, how the status of the ps3 one? does persona 5 still run like shit?
They handled the controls well for the game so it isn't an issue. You can even switch weapons and magic while in combat.
Finally get to play the definitive version of Metal Arms upscaled.
lol no it doesn't
it gives them an incentive to fuck around and look busy so they can keep cashing those monthly paychecks.
see: trials in tainted space, breeding season/cloud meadow, teamfourstar
>Only want to play JSRF right now
>Video is JSRF
>breeding season/cloud meadow
I thought that got "FUCK YOU IT'S CANCELLED" and they took the money and ran?
From the looks, the gameplay looks alright, albeit a few hiccups. The sound quality is absolutely atrociously trash though.
Still this is far better than any original xbox emulation has ever come.
breeding season was "FUCK YOU IT'S CANCELLED"
then shwig moved to cloud meadow
and now they're doing it all over again
Fuckin' furfags in charge of finishing projects
Jet Set Radio Future. How do you even post here and forget about that one every single time.
What's the point if there's no Xbox redump?
Hurray! We can play all those great XBox hits like
uh uh..
Isn't there a pc port?
only the Dreamcast version
no, you're thinking of the original Jet Set Radio.
jsrf is still xbox exclusive
oh boy can't fucking wait
Jet Grind Radio was ported.
Jet Set Radio Future is eternally in hell, because Microsoft dragged their feet for literal fucking ever.
Mind you Future is better in every conceivable way possible from gameplay to soundtrack to level design to replayability. Literally one of the few games I can honestly say is a solid 10/10 that remains ageless.
Jokes on you, i'm a bitter and unmarried fuck like everyone else on this miserable board.
This is the big thing for me. Jet Grind Radio was not unplayable, but at times it became un-enjoyable. I wish someone would port the JGR assets into JSRF somehow.
Trips AND a fine taste. This is a man of culture
>tfw thought I was over it by now
What's this about
>Reddit faggot found Xbox Dev kit
>Takes it apart
>Turns it into a shitty PC with an old i3 and some shitty 1050
some dumb kid had an alpha tower (a prototype xbox, NOT a dev kit, super fucking rare) and he gutted the internals to use it as a PC case. even wiped the original hard drive to use it (and that's what the most valuable part was)
I really want to play Forza, Sega GT 2002, PD Orta and Metal Wolf Chaos when they progress.
Didn't this turn out to be a ruse?
I literally bought an Xbox like 2 months ago, because there was no emulator for it and now this.
But alright, it'll probably run like shit on my PC anyway
Chrome hounds
>retards don't know about Kingdom Under Fire
So first party games will be barely playable
and any non first party games will be bug ridden shtitfests.
yawn emulators are trash.
OG hardware is the ONLY way to go.
Isn't that the game with elf pubes in the Japanese Manual?
Guys even if the guy wasn't an American retard, which he was, what could he have done? Sell it? Wouldn't Microsoft just sue the guy and get him in jail where he would get raped by 12 black nigger monkeys?
His first mistake was revealing that he had it on Reddit to begin with
I'm working on it.
I remember when some user posted a scan of the page in an xbox thread a few years back.
Hopefully the manual is archived somewhere online so I can check that I wasn't hallucinating.
You can buy the game on steam now.
If not, the game did release for PC.
nice effort, but that's the English manual.
The japanese manual is in colour, and in Japanese.
I wish this was on PS3. I would've bought it instantly.
when you had something that important you dont boast on the internet for cyberpoints
its the same scenario of that brainlet that found the starcraft sourcecode and gave it back to blizzard for karmapoints
Should the devkit have been left intact, even if there wasn't any useful information to be scavenged that fucking thing would've been a collector's piece. Instead it's converted into a crappy computer by today's standards.
Check fireden. Found KUF mentioned in 2016. You probably know keywords that were used to better find that thread.
They couldn't do shit to him. He could have sold it for some good money to someone who knows what they are doing.
>Ninja fucking Gaiden Black
>Metal Wolf Chaos
>Panzer Dragon Orta
Those are the only worthwhile exclusives.
You're welcome.
>No Breakdown
I said worthwhile.
>no Kingdom Under Fire
I'd find you and murder you, but I can tell by Otogi that you're an fine and well cultured man