What is it like to be a Playstation owner? How does the mindset work?
What is it like to be a Playstation owner? How does the mindset work?
It's great, honestly. I turn it on and hear that beep, it's like the first sip of a Coca-Cola Classic. Once every couple weeks, after I've finished charging my controller, I'll call my mom into my room to watch as I pop out the wire and keep playing. I then point at the screen, which is Bloodborne, of course, and I say it may not look like it, but this is online. That's why I needed the PS+ card for my birthday. She says that's nice, and I say, "Yeah, it is." And a whole new world still awaits me once I can get a PSVR, which you wouldn't know about.
You have to be a fucking retarded normalfag
Most of them are kids that can't afford a big boy computer. The delusional Sony cultists only really exist on Sup Forums and Neogaf.
I turn it on, I play games, I have fun.
That's about it.
I play exclusives on the PS4 and exclusives on the Switch. This way I don’t run out of games on either console.
Framerate and resolution don't bother you? What about console aiming, no emulation, paying for online, etc...?
Nope. Fun.
No, not at all.
Who says I don't have a pc too?
Why are you so fucking racist towards other Playstation owners, you PC shitstain?
you turn it on and play
not much more to it
The irony
frame rate drops suck but I cant afford a sweet PC but I like bloodborne
Drink a lot of soy and find out.
Yes. I am a big boy who only plays on PC because I am a big boy.
That's a Nintendo Switch owner, you moron.
The memes are the only redeeming quality of users on this site and you can't even follow the memes properly.
problem so(n)yboy?
Fuck you. PS is the best console.
Ive had almost all consoles. None of that bothers. You feel like Sony carnes the most about the gamers.
I was thinking the same. People used to lurk before they would fuck up.
I use my PS4 for a stand for my monitor to bring the top of it up to eye level, so even when I'm not playing it, it still has an actual use.
My mindset was this
>want a console
>look at the exclusives
>Xbox has none, switch had nothing at the time
That was it.
why would anyone follow that retarded guideline, it's phoneposting time old man
What mindset?
I bought a PS4 to play games on, same reason I have a PC and PS3.
I get to play video games like Tekken 7 and stuff in bed. I enjoy it a lot.
>I bought a PS4 to play games on
Same, that's why I'm severely disappointed, it got no games.
You can't spell sony without s o y user.
if i had my way id have a rig that would make Lains room look tidy but windows is always shit and is the only OS capable of up to date gaming without fuckery (WINE)
so I got a ps4 while I figure out the above, and can even LAN party with my friends because its not a fuck huge tower.
basically, pc designs need to improve so you dont have to custom build. stop being elitist faggots.
you buy the system, then you shitpost about nogames on Sup Forums
>buy new PS4 Slim on 4.05
>mod it and put in a 2TB drive
>download all the good exclusive games
>still have half the drive left over
>still haven't played anything
I own one because I enjoy playing video games.
>diva X
>not future tone
You're doing it wrong.
he did it wrong we he got a ps4.
PC is irrelevant garbage.
Don't reply to me.
*Reply to you*
It sits under my TV doing nothing and I can't remember the last time I turned it on.
Actually, my PC's surge strip died like a year ago, so I stole the one the PS4 had been plugged into, so the PS4 hasn't even been plugged in in a year.
Hurr durr, yeah let me just brag about this shitty system I bought that just sits there and paid for it and it just sits there but I still paid for it. Ha what a piece of shit that I bought and paid for and it’s not even plugged in.
you are black
im used to both controllers and mkb for playing shooters. obviously the latter gives the competitive edge but if i'm playing for fun i can go with either.
i've also been playing games on pc my whole life and stuff like framerate and resolution isn't guaranteed. it all comes down to how good your hardware is.
paying for ps plus get's me games every month most of which i enjoy playing.
Watch me not being a crying poorfaggot
what is worse soy and sony is only 1 letter difference
guess no one dumped it yet, I'll keep an eye out, thanks user
I waited until like 2-3 years until it was cheaper and had confirmed it had a decent library. PC is always best.
Ps4 is only console with Gundam, Souls, Gravity Rush, mainline Mon-Hun this gen until the super late PC release. I bought it for 50% price from a buddy when he traded in, turns out he forgot it had a 1 TB ssd in it and let me have it.
Are other platforms really in such a bad place that people have to ask how it feels to own a system that frequently gets games these days? I mean I haven't touched my switch in quite some time for example, but I thought people were happy with wii u ports.
>PS4 for all 8th gen Sony exclusives and multiplats (e.g. Gravity Rush 1/2, Persona 5)
>Wii/GameCube for 6th/7th gen Nintendo exclusives
>PS3 for 7th gen multiplats and Sony exclusives
>PS2 for 6th gen Sony exclusives and multiplats, plus backwards compatibility for physical PS1 games
>Toaster laptop for 1st-5th gen emulation
>softmodded PSP to emulate any 1st-5th gen games for plane trips
The only games I can't play are Xbox exclusives like gaylo and forza, or PC exclusive games that can't run on a toaster , which are very few ever since people stopped developing for pirateniggers. I'm happy with my setup.
If PS4 were truely shit, they would be completely indiffirent. See many xbone threads? No, because no one gives a fuck. Literally. PS4 threads like this are about rationalising their anger. Seems silly.
I love my PS4
I have owned nearly every console since the first gen and the PS4 is one, if not the, worse console I have ever played.
It is so cheaply made, it sounds like a jet engine half of the time, it can't even do 60fps 1080 in most games, The OS is slow, clumsy and still suffers from shit the XMB had like forced adds and uninstallable bloatware, the controllers are flimsy as fuck, last for about 9 hours charge and have all this shitty hardware like touchpad, speaker, light, that you can't even turn off.
I have gone through 4 controllers in 4 years.
I could go on but basically, it is shit.
It has the largest playerbase, and the best exclusives of this gen, but if it didn't I would just own a Wii U and be happy with that and a PC