even direct mini was better
Where is the REAL direct since the last one was a joke?
nigga whut? the direct was great
are you new to directs or something?
you Animal Crossing furfaggots are going replace Metroid, Smash, and Dragon Quest localization bitching for each announcement at this point
Direct was the Direct. See you at E3!
>was great
fuck off smash faggot
idc about animal shit
>this meme is still usable
10/10 for splatoon and smash fans
The direct will only be great once we confirm how new the new smash is.
The rest of that was multiplats, reassuring us exclusives we had already heard about we're still coming, and paying 20 dollars for the content Splatoon 2 should have launched with in the first place. The warioware collection was the best thing in the direct until the end.
not even talking about smash, the new splatoon stuff, octopath release, and warioware were all great stuff.
It's gonna be a port of the last game with DLC included for people like me who hated the wii and wii U and haven't bought nintendo console since gamecube but find the switch decent.
I'd hope for a new one but i think hardcore nintenbros will be dissapointed as it's probably a port
that's why I asked if OP was new to directs, as it's rare for directs to unveil new games - the whole point of them is to announce release dates and give some info about upcoming games or third party unveiling. They don't announce major titles during directs typically (especially not now with E3 around the corner)
>for splatoon fans
>Wanting to pay more for ugly octoling models
what a cuck
they should have just let the same model with other hair and eyes
I kind of agree
Splatoon stuff was cool
Smash reveal was awesome
Octopath stuff was neat
The rest, eh
More ports (not that I mind) and more remakes/compilations on 3DS when they could have been made for Switch instead. Felt like a repeat of the Direct Mini for the first 20 minutes.
>It's rare for directs to unveil new games
You are the new one my friend. Plenty of WiiU titles and 3ds games were revealed in directs.
Back to >>>/feg/
I doubt it's a port, given the logo/botw link/not titled "smash for switch" (instead title is undecided, suggesting it'll be a new brand name like melee/brawl were). Having said that, a complete version of smash 4 would actually be amazing, it pissed me off that they split certain modes/stages between the 3DS/Wii U versions, and I ignored all the DLC characters/stages (and there's a lot) as it was absurdly expensive when added up.
i cant believe so many are hyped for this shit
is this a new bait meme or what?
not really, major announcements are done at E3, I can't think of the last time one of their A-list titles was revealed during a direct (besides smash from the latest direct, obviously). Even the B-list titles don't get shown off first in a direct that often
Off the top of my head Xenoblade x was
it's okay to have shit taste, just don't parade it around user
actually let me bite your bait, what don't you like about it? if your answer is le pixelshit/le bloom then your opinion is literally invalid
Did they announce ANY new games besides Smash?
>ugly octoling models
stop talking about smash!!!
there are 30 other threads for it
I enjoyed the demo. It's not a system-seller type game imo, but it seemed decent
Let the hype wash over you
Getting too excited for smash is a time honored Sup Forums tradition
was it? I thought that was first unveiled at E3 in like 2013 (I remember it got delayed by a lot)
>ITT: salty FEfags
no thanks
i am not a brainless monkey
you act like they annonced a new console or it wasnt obvious that they bring this shit on their new console
its a bad excuse for a fighting game
A Wojakposter might as well admit he's still 15 years old in the brain at this point, but what WOULD you see in a direct pre-E3?
nice selfie
a new IP
no way would a new IP ever be revealed in a direct
Nah it was first shown off as "X" with some gameplay footage at the end of a direct
If Nintendo wants to push a big new IP they do it at E3
See: Splatoon
>you have to be a animal, fe, pokemon, xeno or metorid fag if you didnt like nintendos line p
wow nintendo fanbase is really that cancer?
thank god for Smash.
i dont count this shit as a direct
this crocodile game for 3ds looked unironically the best of all shown shit. and i hate the 3ds and never used it except for pokemon
Why would they give out a new IP in March?
And why are you pretending like Nintendo doesn't give out those a lot on mobile only for pretentious autists to not actually buy them?
Shit, Dillion might as well be new for 99% of Sup Forums.
Dumb mobileposter
fair enough, so I guess around 5 years ago was the last time a major title was unveiled during a direct
>pixle art
>everyone acts like its the new AAA title from SE
also demo was shit
literally every hentai rpg maker game is better
>Get proven wrong
>Damage control
It was the first one that's come to mind, but it happened regularly over the course of the 3ds and WiiU lifespan.
not even true degenerate
but i post often from my phone yes
try to make me stop
>>everyone acts like its the new AAA title from SE
>the rest of your post
ah damn I fell for the bait, good job
>nintendos line p
Sure you're not.
>i post often from my phone yes
fuck smash and fuck you cancer
i hope its a port
>FEfags on suicide watch
>Mobileshitter has bad tastes in JRPGs
like up you faggot
my keyboard didnt register my input
ah well what ever kys
I was one of those people hoping for FE news and even I thought the direct was good.
kys retard
play your 2d shit
but do it somewhere far away from my board
why is there a lump on her lips?
you can also be a faggot
which one are you?
i dunno, there's obviously zero effort into it, it's just some usual sqeenix crashgrab shit parading as pixel indieshit.
its her loli fang
indicating she is evil
i am literally non altough i loved 1080° avalance on gc. i just want good games
oh and i want a fucking rosalina game
fuck you nintendo give me rosalina!
the state of fe autists right now
The Japanese Direct was the real one. Scarlet Grace confirmed for all platforms and inevitable English localization.
but it looks like shit?
Jesus christ you should know by know with directs you have to have low expectations, it's not a fucking E3 conference.
RIP the Fire Emblet's intelligence
mobileposter can even properly link back a reply, kek
>implying e3 will save 2018 for cucktendo
speak to my armpits
I liked it, mostly because I'm not a retard who sold his 3DS
It definitely doesn't look good, but having played it I can say it's easily one of my favorite SaGa games. The battle system is series perfection and is disgustingly fun to play for hours on end.
speak to mines
Nintendo has unironically revealed less at E3 than in directs. Last two years ago it was literally nothing but BotW.