'' Welcome to the development team user! Your job is to design an exciting online mode to take advantage of Nintendo's new online service. Report back when your done. ''
'' Welcome to the development team user! Your job is to design an exciting online mode to take advantage of Nintendo's...
Well, what if instead of multiplayer, we make multiNPC gamemodes where players are just spectators that place bets?
>Online mode
Can I do something else, Sakurai-sama?
that's not Sakurai, the real Sakurai is black
You can be responsible for creating a new move set for the inklings user. Report back.
Didn't sm4sh have something like this where you bet coins on online For Fun matches or something?
He reminds me of an aging gigolo from one of those Japanese host clubs
user, unless you want to feed your family, you will do what I asked you to.
reread your post user
yeah you can spectate and watch matches. Im not sure it was restricted to for fun, but it was neat desu. Just a shame it was so barebone.
Please don't make me feed my family, Sakura-senpai
Just do something somebody else has done much better and copy it badly. They'll eat it up anyway
Well to start with each special and most standard attacks should be a different weapon. Standing standard should just be a punch
Instead of For Fun and For Glory we have 1v1, 2v2 and Free for all modes as options. After that choice the player then has a choice of.
All Stages, with Items
Fair stages, with Items
All Stages, no items
Fair stages, no items.
A literal soyboy.
Very good user, you get a raise. Now back to your station.
>Sakurai makes his employees force feed their families if they don't do what they're told.
>Options for ranked and casual such as stage selection and stocks/number of stocks
>Battlefield and final destination versions of stages
>Options to turn hazards off
>can actually play teams online with a friend
>can invite randoms to casual matches
>actual campaign with content and online co op
>can unlock things such as color pallets, smash effects, swap-able taunts .ect from online play
Basically just have features a game in 2018 would have.
Alright anons, I need someone to take the hardest job there is. I need someone to call every third party company from the last game and renew the license, including Cloud.
Very good user, you get promoted.
Aye sir. I shall get the full Moveset to you as soon as possible.
oh and online training mode
>Neutral A/jab paintbrush swing or splat like megaman pellets
>Side-tilt is 3 shot splats (you can aim in 3 angles like fox and captains kicks)
>Dash attack is the bucket, similar to villagers dash
> Up-tilt is brush stroke upwards
>Down-tilt is a swipe with the brush beneath opponents feet
>Side-smash is a roller smash or bucket a la game and watch down b
>Up Smash is probably one of the short range strong weapons that splat with wide angle
>Down smash is the special splash down move
>neutral B is either the brush (given that neutral A/jab is splash) or chargeable snooper
>side B is a roller dash
>Down B is the roombah shit or the bomb drop like mii gunner
>Up B is either the jetpack or the launching. Perhaps you can only use jetpack when in midair and the launcher when you have a footing.
>dodgerolls are either the dualies roll move or just squidding around.
>final smash is the rocket seeker thing
Not it.
Good idea user. Enjoy your paycheck.
Bags not doing this job
>Take the online mode for Sm4sh
>For Glory now has a ranked mode, and people can actually pick stages (stage hazards can now be toggled off)
>For Fun now has a 1v1 mode
>Tournament Mode now actually lets you make traditional tourneys, Team Mode is also added
>Online game similar to Smash Run where you can actually see others on-screen
>Miiverse successor ala Splatoon 2
That's all I can think of that I would really want.
Now make Marx a playable character please
Bring back tourney mode, remove the 100 player limit, and add much more customization to the tourney settings.
Sonic Team said they won't renew unless another Sonic character is added.
Add the purple loogi first.
how about crossplay with steam and ps4 so I don't have to buy some baby console to play one sort of decent game
Fuck you sakurai i am the future heir of this zaibatsu and i will make you eat dirt someday.
Ok user, good ideas.
Sorry user, I'm adding bandana dee instead
I did that so fucking much during the launch week.
Ok then, I just called sonic team, and they want Tails playable. Create a move set.
>Sakurai adding anything Kirby post-air ride
>sakurai is 47
What the heck.
Ah, excuse me mr- I mean Sakurai-san, I decided to program Ridley and his moveset into the game on my free time. It was tough at first, but I managed to perfectly balance his moveset around the other characters, and even managed to deal with the size issue by making it so that he scales perfectly to each stage. W-would you please consider leaving him in?
>Takes inspiration from Sonic Battle
>Neutral Special, blaster cannon from Sonic battle, can be charged like Samus, but not nearly as long nor as powerful
>Side Special, tail swipe, hits the opponent twice, makes him move forward a fair amount so it's good horizontal recovery
>Down special, this one actually references tails sky patrol, where he sets a bomb down similar to Bowser Jr., though, it doesn't hit the opponent before blowing up, and can be detonated remotely
>Up Special is flight obviously
>Final Smash is Tornado and it's basically just ZSS's final smash
>Other attacks include a basic ball roll for nair, and dash attack
>Smash attacks are the Robo gloves from battle
>Taunts are the win pose from advance, him pulling out the Miles Electric for a brief moment, and him flying around in a circle
Not Tail's sky patrol, Tail's Adventure
I like it user. Already got him programed.
Scaling Ridley to the size of the stage is an interesting solution.
filthy gaijin your enormous penis has blinded you to the joys of denying ridley, may your ancestors be shamed for allowing a character with the size equal to your westerner penis in glorious nippon smash!
> Online takes the form of a glorified version of City Trial.
> You're placed into three giant maps with x other people
> You have 5 minutes to go around and do anything you want
> You can interact with other people and mess them up
> You can power up your attacks or just chill
> Random events occur in random areas of the maps at specific times
> After 5 minutes you're thrown into a typical match
Something like City Trial would sell like hotcakes, Sakurai-San
This would actually be pretty cool. A full Salty Bet in Smash would be hilarious.
Ahh I see making him the same size as Kirby and getting rid of his wings.
Well I suppose if the Metroid fans want him that badly he can be in now. Good Job user